N. F. BUGHAL. The Revolutionary Committees as Extraordinary Organs of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
The article examines the problem of establishing the Revolutionary Committees as extraordinary organs of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the years of the civil war and foreign military intervention in Russia. Drawing on extensive factual material, the author generalizes the experience gained by the Communist Party in setting up a network of the Revolutionary Committees and organizing their activity, traces the causes which necessitated the establishment of these organs of power of the working people and shows the organic unity of the Revolutionary Committees and the Soviets as organs of a single system of power. The author cites numerous examples reflecting the role of the Revolutionary Committees in solving the tasks confronting the country during the war period and in peacetime.
ISMAIL-ZADEH DELARA IBRAHIM-KYZI. Russian Settlements in Transcaucasia in the 1830's-1880's
The article traces the history of the appearance of the first Russian settlements in Transcaucasian territory. Particular attention is devoted by the author to such aspects as the quantity and dynamics of the Russian settlements which made their appearance in the given area between the 1830's and 1880's, their location on the territory of Transcaucasia, the social composition of the resettlers. The article contains materials enabling one to trace the tsarist government's policy towards the resettlers, the overwhelming majority of whom were peasants. The comparative historical method employed by the author of this research work permits to determine the place and significance of Transcaucasia in the general resettler movement to the territory of the Caucasus.
A. L. NAROCHNITSKY. The Balkan Crisis of 1875 - 1878 and the Great Powers
The article sums up the main results of research carried out by Soviet, historians into the policy of the Great Powers with regard to the Balkan crisis of 1875 - 1878. Particular attention is devoted to V. I. Lenin's appraisal of the Balkan peoples' national liberation movement and of Turkey's feudal-absolutist oppression in the Balkans. The author subjects to closely argumented criticism the tendency manifested by many bourgeois scientists to present in a distorted light the steps taken by the Great Powers in the sphere of foreign policy during that period. The article stresses the outstanding contribution made by scientists from a number of Balkan countries to the objective elucidation of these questions. The author singles out some of the problems which have been inadequately studied and require further scientific elaboration.
S. S. SALYCHEV. Certain Tendencies in the Evolution of Social- Democracy
The article examines the contradictory processes in the ideology and politics of contemporary Social-Democracy. The departure of the Social-Democratic parties from the cold war dogmas and a certain strengthening of the Left tendencies in the internal policy
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