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The article deals with some projects of liturgical reform in England created in 1828-1833. It analyzes goals, proposals and arguments of the "reformers". The authors of the projects aimed to join dissenters to the state Church and to diminish popular antic …
Review on: Religious and social life of Russian regions. T. I. / Scientific editorship of S. Filatov, Moscow: Letny sad Publ., 2014, 620 p . Religious and social life of the Russian regions, vol. II. / Nauch. edited by S. Filatov, St. Petersburg: Summer Ga …
This article examines the role of church councils in reaching a common date for Easter in the first millennium (the Quartodeciman debates, the First Ecumenical Council and after), as well as attempts towards a pan-Orthodox solution of the calendar issue in …
The Orthodox Church is a complex geopolitical reality, and it does not constitute a homogenous block. On the contrary, the rise of irredentism during the 19th century has created the basis for constant territorial fragmentation throughout the 20th century. …
The present article addresses the history of the preparations of the Pan-Orthodox Council since 1923, when the Pan-Orthodox Conference was held in Istanbul, until January 2016, when the Synaxis of the Primates was held in Chambesy, Switzerland. This articl …
История ветеринарии
генерал-майор ветеринарной службы запаса В.П.ВЕТРОВ,
Начальник ветеринарно-санитарной службы ВС РФ (1989 -1998 гг.)
Заслуженный ветеринарный врач Российской Федерации,
профессор Академии военных на …
Записи Пушкина о своих денежных расчетах трогательны. Он вел счет своей творческой продукции, фиксируя написанное им количество строк в произведении. В журналах тогда ему платили по 4 или 5 рублей за каждую строку, а в изданных книгах - в нес …
N. A. TSVETKOVA, Candidate of Historical Sciences Saint Petersburg State University
Afghanistan Keywords:, information warfare, public diplomacy, USA, Pakistan
The upcoming withdrawal of coalition forces from Afghanistan in 2014 may significantly increase …
In the collection of articles "Federalism in Africa: Problems and Perspectives" ("Federalism in Africa: Problems and Perspectives"), published by the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 2015 / ed. ed. Igho Natufe, H. M. Turinska …
In the world of Russian philology, artificially divided into "nashi" and "wanderers" - those who, for various reasons, found themselves outside their homeland and served for many years in isolation from the national science, there are special figures who s …
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