Libmonster ID: JP-1384



I. General works

a) Articles

b) Reviews. Reviews

II. Sources

III. Ancient East

1. Sources

2. General works

a) Articles

b) Reviews

3. The Two Rivers

a) Articles

b) Reviews

4. Egypt. Nubia

a) Articles

b) Reviews

5. Asia Minor

a) Articles

6. Syria. Phoenicia. Palestine. Saudi Arabia

a) Articles

b) Reviews

7. Iran

a) Sources

b) Articles

c) Reviews

8. India

a) Articles

b) Reviews

9. Central and Central Asia

a) Articles

b) Reviews

10. Ancient Societies of America

a) Articles

IV. Ancient Greece and Hellenism

a) Sources

b) Articles

c) Reviews. Reviews

V. Ancient Rome

a) Sources

b) Articles

c) Reviews. Reviews

VI. Early Christianity

a) Sources

b) Articles

c) Reviews

VII. Black Sea region, Caucasus and tribal world

1. Ancient states of the Northern Black Sea region

a) Articles

b) Reviews

2. The Cimmerians

a) Articles

b) Reviews

3. Sarmatians

a) Articles

4. The Caucasus

a) Articles

b) Reviews

VIII. Museum collections of the world

a) Articles

b) Reviews

IX. From the history of science

a) Articles

b) Reviews

X. Chronicle

1. Scientific conferences in Russia

2. Foreign scientific congresses and conferences

XI. Personalia

XII. Letters to the editor

XIII. Pointers


a) Articles

1. Balabina V. I. K perechiteniyu zmeinykh izobrazheniy spiralevidnogo ornamenta drevnikh zohrabeltsev Evropy [On reading snake images of spiral ornaments of ancient European farmers], 1998, No. 2, pp. 135-152.

2. Bongard-Levin G. M. Yubileyny "Vestnik drevnoi istorii" - 1998. N 1. pp. 3-5.

* Articles related to several sections are listed in each of them. See systematic indexes of VDI content for: 1937-1950-appendix to VDI. 1951. N 4 (separate booklet); 1951-1955 - VDI. 1995. N 4. pp. 219-243; 1956-1960 - VDI. 1961. N 1. pp. 207-228; 1961-1965 - VDI. 1966. N 1. Pp. 176-197; 1966-1970-VDI. 1971. N 1. pp. 207-227; 1971-1975 - VDI. 1976. N 1. pp. 253-270; 1976-1980 - VDI. 1981. N 1. pp. 251-267; 1981-1985 - VDI. 1986. N 1. pp. 219-233; 1986-1990 1991-1995 - VDI. 1991. N 4. pp. 192-212; 1991-1995-VDI. 1996. N 1.

The author of this index is N. S. Ivanova.

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3. Diakonov I. M., Yakobson V. A. Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo v drevnosti [Civil Society in Ancient Times], 1998, no. 1, pp. 22-30.

4. Zaporozhchenko A.V., Cheremisin D. V. Arimaspy i vulture: izobrazhitel'naya traditsiya i indoevropeiskie paralleli [Arimaspy and vultures: visual tradition and Indo - European parallels].

5. Kuzmina E. E. Ecology of the Eurasian steppes and the problem of nomadism origin-1996. N 2. pp. 73-85.

6. Kuzmina E. E. Ecology of Eurasian steppes and the problem of nomadism origin. II. The emergence of nomadic cattle breeding-1997. N 2. pp. 81-94.

7. Lazarov L. O celtskom gosudarstvo s tsentrum v Tilya [On the Celtic state with the center in Thiel], 1996, no. 1, pp. 114-123.

8. Mallory J. SmithP. Indo-European ancestral lands-1997. N 1. pp. 61-82.

9. Pavlovskaya A. I. The first decades of publishing the "Bulletin of Ancient History" - 1998. N 1. pp. 6-21.

10. Plas D. Van der Spiegel. Ban on images in monotheistic religions-1996. N 2. pp. 123-143.

11. Raevsky D. S. Formation of a new direction in the study of ancient cultures-1996. N 4. P. 251.

12. Renfrew K. The diversity of world languages, the spread of agriculture and the Indo-European problem-1998. N 3. pp. 112-122.

13. Rossetti L. To talk with the help of a computer-1996. N 2. pp. 235-238.

14. Sallares R. Languages, genetics and archeology-1998. N 3 P. 122-133.

15. Utchenko S. L. Fact and Myth in history-1998. N 4. pp. 4-14.

16. Sher Ya. A.Proiskhozhdenie iskusstva: odna iz vozmozhnykh hypothez (K postanovke voprosa) [The origin of art: one of the possible hypotheses (To raise the question)].

17. Shnirelman V. A. Archeology and linguistics: problems of correlation in the context of ethnogenetic research-1996. N 4. pp. 89-95.


18. Andreev Yu. V. E. L. Laevskaya. The world of megaliths and the world of ceramics. Two artistic traditions in the art of pre-antique Europe. St. John's Bible and Theological Institute St. Andrew the Apostle, Moscow, 1997-1998, No. 3, pp. 217-222.

19. Maiorova N. G. Iz novoi literatury po istorii drevnego mira (Bibliografiya) [From the New literature on the history of the ancient World (Bibliography)], 1996, No. 1, pp. 195-198.

20. Maiorova N. G. Iz novoi literatury po istorii drevnego mira (Bibliografiya) [From the new literature on the history of the ancient World (Bibliography)], 1996, No. 2, pp. 231-234.

21. Maiorova N. G. Iz novoi literatury po istorii drevnego mira (Bibliografiya) [From the new literature on the history of the ancient World (Bibliography)], 1996, No. 4, pp. 246-249.

22. Rhodes P. J. "Cambridge ancient history" - 2000. N 4. pp. 113-119.

23. Tikhvinsky S. L. History of Humanity. Scientific and Cultural Development. V. II. From the Third Millenium to the Seventh Century B.C. / Ed. by А.Н. Dani and J.P. Mohen. L., 1996-2000. N 1 С. 211-213.

24. Shvartzband S. Notes of a literary critic (On the book of I. P. Weinberg "The Birth of History") - 1996. N 2. pp. 228-230.


25. Antonin the Liberal. Metamorphoses. Introductory article, translated from Ancient Greek and comments by V. N. Yarkho-1997. N 3. pp. 220-235; N4. pp. 218-231.

26. The Ghats of Zarathustra. Introduction, translation from Avestan and comments by I. M. Steblin-Kamensky-2000. N 2. pp. 290-300.

27. The unknown Euripides. Tragedies of intrigue and chance. Translated from Ancient Greek and comments by V. N. Yarkho-1996. N 1. pp. 246-252; N 2. pp. 207-230.

28. Nile the monk the story of the murder of monks on Mount Sinai and the captivity of Theodulus, his son. Introductory article, translation and comments by D. E. Afinogenov-1998. N 2. pp. 210-220; N 3. pp. 241-252.

29. Plutarch of Chaeronea. Is the saying "Live inconspicuously"good? Translated from Ancient Greek and comments by E. G. Yunts-1998. N 4. pp. 227-231.

30. Pseudo-Daniel. Dream book. Interpretation of dreams with the holy God of the holy prophet Daniel alphabetically. Introductory article, translation and notes by T. I. Samoylenko edited by D. E. Afinogenov-1999. N 1. pp. 239-250.

31. Philo of Alexandria. That the worst tends to attack the best. Translated from Ancient Greek and notes by I. A. Makarov-1999. N 2. pp. 256-267; N 3. pp. 237-252.

32. Aemilius Blossius Dracontius. The Tragedy of Orestes. Introductory article, translated from Latin and comments by V. N. Yarkho-2000. N 3. pp. 208-235; N 4. pp. 218-230.

33. Panegyrici Latini. Latin panegyrics. Translated from Latin, introductory article and comments by I. Y. Shabag-1996. N 3. pp. 210-221; N 4. pp. 255-263; 1997. N 1. pp. 244-252; N 2. pp. 255-267.

34. Pistis Sophia (pars IV) The fourth book of the Pistis Sophia. Introductory article, translated from Coptic, notes and afterword by M. K. Trofimova-1999. N 4. pp. 236-247; 2000. N 1. pp. 240-250.



35. The Ghats of Zarathustra. Introduction, translation from Avestan and comments by I. M. Steblin-Kamensky-2000. N 2. pp. 290-300.

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36. Baskakova T. A. Models of religious development of ancient Middle Eastern societies (Assman's concept of "theological discourse" in Egypt and the question of its applicability to the religious history of other Middle Eastern societies of the second-beginning of the first millennium BC) - 1999. N 2. pp. 3-31.

37. Berezkin Yu. E. America and the Middle East: forms of sociological organization in the Pre-state era-1997. N 2. pp. 3-24.

38. Diakonov I. M. Sumerians and Afrasians through the eyes of a historian-1996. N 4. pp. 81-88.

39. Diakonov I. M., Yakobson V. A. Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo v drevnosti [Civil Society in Ancient Times], 1998, no. 1, pp. 22-30.

40. Collon D. Lapis lazuli from the East: seal-stamp from the British Museum-1997. N 2. pp. 123-129.

41. Kuzmina E. E. The first wave of migration of Indo-Iranians to the South-2000. N 4. pp. 3-20.

42. Kuzmina E. E. Prehistory of the Great Silk Road: contacts of the population of the Eurasian steppes and Xinjiang in the Bronze Age-1999. N 1. pp. 163-177.

43. Militarev A. Yu., Kogan L. E. On agrobiological concepts in ancient Near East Asia (The terms "pollinate" and " graft (plants)" in the language of ancient Semites of the IV-beginning of the III millennium) - 2000. N 2. pp. 229-236.

44. Sventsitskaya I. S. Osobennosti grazhdanskoi obshchestva na hellenisticheskom Mneistve Vostoke [Features of the Civil Community in the Hellenistic Near East], 1999, No. 3, pp. 23-28.

45. Yankovskaya N. B. Commentary on the development of " Oasis Tadmor "(Hermitage) - 2000. N 2. pp. 284-289.


46. Pyankov I. V. R. N. Frue. The Heritage of Central Asia. From Antiquity to the Turkish Expansion. Princeton, 1996-1999. N 1. pp. 217-220.

47. Traister M. Y. Musche Brigitte. Vorderasiatischer Schmuck von den Anfangen bis zur Zeit der Achaemeniden (ca. 10000-330 v. Chr). Leiden etc., 1992-1996. N 3. pp. 193-196.



48. Avilova L. I. Metal of Mesopotamia in the early and Middle Bronze Age-1996. N 4. pp. 68-81.

49. Amirov Sh. N. Topography of archaeological sites of the Khabur steppes of Northern Mesopotamia V-II millennium BC-2000. N 2. pp. 30-46.

50. Antonova E. V., Litvinsky B. A. K voprosu ob istoki drevnoi kul'tury Perednego Vostoka (Nezaviski Nevali-Chori) [On the origins of the ancient culture of the Fore-East (Excavations of Nevali-Chori)], 1998, no. 1, pp. 36-48.

51. Afanasyeva V. K. The Legend of Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Underworld in the light of cosmogonic representations of the Sumerian people-2000. N 2. pp. 53-63.

52.Borovskaya N. F. Lyres from the" royal tombs " of Ur as monuments of the Sumerian culture of the Early Dynastic period-1997. N 4. pp. 3-13.

53. Dandamaev M. A. The Arabians in Mesopotamia of the New Babylonian and Achaemenid times-2000. N2. pp. 135-139.

54. Dandamaeva M. M. When did the Chaldeans become soothsayers? - 1998. N 1. P. 56-60.

55. Dandamaeva M. M. It is better to see it once... (Near-Eastern monuments of fine art as a supposed source of some subjects of Greek literature) - 2000. N 2. pp. 140-150.

56. Dyakonov I. M. Sumerians and Afrasians through the eyes of a historian-1996. N 4. pp. 81-88.

57. Yemelyanov V. V. On the original meaning of the Sumerian language (Methodology for studying categories of world perception) - 2000. N 2. pp. 150-174.

58. Kaneva I. T. Indirect speech in the Sumerian language-2000. N 2. pp. 203-207.

59. Kozyreva N. V. Inscriptions on Old Babylonian private seals (1. "slave of god..." / arad DN) -1997. N 2. pp. 116-123.

60. Kozyreva N. V. Inscriptions on the Old Babylonian seals (2. " the servant of the king...") - 1998. N 4. pp. 66-76.

61. Kozyreva N. V. Archiv iz raion CLW goroda Ura-2000. N 2. pp. 208-213.

62. Kononenko E. I. Stylistic features of Akkadian glyptics-1996. N 3. pp. 89-98.

63. Kononenko E. I. Plot-composition schemes in the glyptic of the Two Rivers of the third millennium BC-2000. N3. pp. 126-136.

64. Collon D. Lapis lazuli from the East: seal-stamp from the British Museum-1997. N 2. pp. 123-129.

65. Kurtik G. E. Identification of Inanna with the planet Venus as a criterion for determining the time of allocation of constellations in ancient Mesopotamia-2000. N 1. pp. 89-98.

66. McDowell D. U. The Aza Dynasty in the historical context-1996. N 3. pp. 113-122.

67. Nemirovsky A. A. Western possessions of Kassite Babylonia in the XV-XIV centuries BC and the Aramaic (Ahlamite) migration-1999. N 1. pp. 146-163.


68. Dandamaev M. A. E. Gehlken. Uruk. Spatbabylonische Wirtschaftstexte aus dem Eanna-Archiv. Teil II: Texte verschiedenen Inhalts. Mainz am Rhein, 1996-1999. N 1. С. 215-217.

69. Dandamaev M. A. J. McGinnis. Letter Orders from Sippar and the Administration of the Ebabbara in the Late-Babylonian Period. Poznan, 1995-1997. N 1. pp. 226-228.

70. Dandamaev M. A. R. H. Sask. Cuneiform

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Documents from the Chaldean and Persian Periods. London-Toronto, 1994-1997. N 4. pp. 173-175.

71. Дандамаева М.М. Waallenfels R. Uruk Hellenistic Seal Impressions in the Yale Babylonian Collection. I. Cuneiform Tablets. Mainz am Rhein, 1994-2000. N 3. С. 174- 175.



72. Baskakova T. A. Models of religious development of ancient Middle Eastern societies (Assman's concept of "theological discourse" in Egypt and the question of its applicability to the religious history of other Middle Eastern societies of the second-early first millennium BC) - 1999. N 2. pp. 3-31.

73. Belova G. A. Eastern limits of Egypt. New archaeological data-1999. N 4. pp. 159-169.

74. Bolshakov A. O. Drevneegipetskaya tsarskaya sculptura i "khorovo imeni" (Ancient Egyptian Royal Sculpture and "Chorovo imeni"), 2000, No. 2, pp. 73-87.

75. Bolshakov A. O. New evidence of the use of category d. t in describing kinship in Egypt of the Old Kingdom-1996. N 2. pp. 120-122.

76. Vankova A. B. On the issue of the number of monks in Egypt in the second half of the IV century-1998. N 4. pp. 164-174.

77. Vinogradova A. K. Return to the old source (Find in the archive of the Griffith Institute, Oxford) - 2000. N 2. pp. 107-116.

78. Dyuzheva O. P. Decoration of the tomb of the military commander Imeneminet in Saqqara (On the problem of reconstruction) - 2000. N 4. pp. 120-144.

79. Ivanchik A. I. Antique tradition about the pharaoh Sesostris and his war with the Scythians-1999. N 4. p. 4-36.

80. Kakovkin A. Ya. Antique heritage in the art of Coptic Egypt-1997. N 1. pp. 124-133.

81. Kakovkin L. Ya. Two unknown documents signed by G. Maspero-1998. N 1. pp. 117-124.

82. Kakovkin A. Ya. Coptic monuments depicting the "abduction of Europe" - 1999. N 2. pp. 50-60.

83. Kakovkin A. Ya. A little-known monument of Coptic metalplastics from the Hermitage collection-2000. N 2. pp. 199-202.

84. Kormysheva E. E., Tomashevich O. V., Chegodaev M. A. Russian archaeological expedition to Giza. Seasons 1996-1998 (Preliminary results) - 2000. N 1. pp. 160-182.

85. Krol A. A. The offering of gifts by foreigners as one of the rituals of the Ancient Egyptian holiday sed-1999. N 3. pp. 92-103.

86. Litvinenko Yu. N. On "colonial" agriculture in Ptolemaic Egypt, 1996, No. 4, pp. 17-28.

87. Litvinenko Yu. I. Satrap Ptolemy and Sostratus of Cnidus: the capture of Memphis-1999. N 2. pp. 32-49.

88. Litvinenko Yu. I. Sostratus of Cnidus, Ptolemy and the capture of Memphis: the problem of dating-1998. N 1. pp. 152-159.

89. Prusakov D. B. About one "fiction" of the Palermo stone-1996. N 3. pp. 73-76.

90. Prusakov D. B. "Old dunes" in Middle Egypt-1997. N 2. pp. 95-99.

91. Sherkova T. A. "The Eye of Hora": the symbolism of the eye in pre-dynastic Egypt-1996. N 4. pp. 96-115.


92. Golovina V. A. Three decades of activity of the Austrian Archaeological Expedition to Tell el-Dabas (Eastern Nile Delta): new book by Manfred Bitak-1999. N 3. pp. 191-208.

93. Литвиненко Ю.Н. Bonneau D. Le regime administratif de l' eau du Nil dans l' Egypte grecque, romaine et byzantine. Leiden, 1993-1997. N 3. pp. 186-190.

94. Fikhman I. F. Meleze-Modrzejewski J. The Jews of Egypt. From Rameses II to Emperor Hadrian. Transl. by Robert Comman with a Foreword by Shaye J.D. Cohen. Philadelphia and Jerusalem, 1995-1997. N 3. С. 191-193.



95. Bayun L. S. Divination in the ancient Near East: Hittite oracles. I-1998. N 1. pp. 30-36.

96. Bayun L. S. Divination in the ancient Near East. II. Hittite Oracles-2000. N 2. pp. 63-72.

97. Gabelko O. L. Heraclea of Pontus and Bithynia in the Early Hellenistic period: political and geographical aspect-1999. N 2. pp. 114-126.

98. Easton D. F. Studies of Troy: past, present, future-1996. N 4. pp. 208-218.

99.J. Mellink Troy II in the context of the Early Bronze Age in Anatolia-1998. N 4. pp. 175-180.

100. Nikulina N. M. Ritualnye moloty-topory iz Troyanskogo klada "L" (K voprosu o datirovke dannogo arkheologicheskogo kompleksa) [Ritual hammers and axes from the Trojan treasure " L " (On the issue of dating of this archaeological complex)].

101. Tsymbursky In The Village Of Ankhiz-zmey. On the regeneration of the Early Thracian motif in Virgil's Aeneid, 1996, No. 4, pp. 29-42.



102. Vdovichenko A.V. Jewish and Hellenic in the "Jewish Antiquities" of Josephus: DIKAI -, that is; - 1999. N 1. pp. 188-204.

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103. Dandamaev M. A. The Arabians in Mesopotamia of the New Babylonian and Achaemenid times-2000. N 2. pp. 135-139.

104. Medvedskaya I. N. On the Scythian invasion of Palestine-2000. N 2. pp. 221-229.

105. Nosenko E. E. The origin of the Sabbath (Shabbat) in the light of ethnographic data-1999. N 4. pp. 120-127.

106. Orel V., Frolov S. Exegetica 3-5-1999. N 2. pp. 187-196.

107. Oto D. and J. Excavations in Tell Brak (Syria) in 1976-1991-1996. N 3. pp. 148-165.

108. Sal-J.-F. Once again about "pots" and "peoples": The Persian Gulf at the end of the first millennium BC-1996. N 4. pp. 115-124.

109. Sarianidi V. I. Syro-Hittite origin of the Bactrian-Margian glyptic-1999. N 1. pp. 53-73.

110. Starodub-Sharr K. A. Razvitie dvortsovogo kompleksa v Ugarit [Development of the palace complex in Ugarit], 1999, No. 2, pp. 149-166.

North-Syrian torevts in Archaic Greek settlements (Concerning foundry forms from Al-Mina and Miletus), 1999, No. 3, pp. 104-121.


112. Bukharin M. D. Athens. Aden, Arikamedu. Essays on the Interrelations between India, Arabia and the Eastern Mediterranean / Ed. by M.-F. Boussac and J.-Е. Salles. New Delhi, 1995; Tradition and Archaeology. Early Maritime Contacts in the Indian Ocean / Ed. by H.P. Ray and J.-F. Salles. New Delhi, 1996-1998. N 3. pp. 222-228.

113. Sventsitskaya I. S. Weinberg J. The Citizen-Temple Community. Sheffield, 1993-1996. N 2. pp. 225-227.

114. Sedov A. B. Breton J.-F. Les fortifications d'arabic meridionale du 7 e au 1 er siecle avant notre ere. Mainz, 1994-1996. N 4. pp. 230-234.

115. Frantsuzov S. A. New volume of " Inventory of South Arabian inscriptions "(Francois Vgop. Ma'in // Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques (Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Institute italiano per l' Africa et I' Oriente) / Public avec les soins de Christian Robin. T. 3. Fasc. A: Les documents. Fasc. B: Les planches. Paris-Rome, 1998-2000. N 3. pp. 180-188.

7. IRAN.


116. The Ghats of Zarathustra. Introduction, translation from Avestan and comments by I. M. Steblin-Kamensky-2000. N 2. pp. 290-300.


117. Bivar A.D. Kh. Platon i mithraizm-1998. N 2. pp. 3-18.

118. Dandamaev M. A. Imperial ideology and private life in the Achaemenid Empire-1998. N 1. pp. 48-56.

119. Litvinskiy B. A. Genezis arkhitekturno-planirovochnykh skhem vostochnoi iranskogo hellenizma [The genesis of architectural and planning schemes of Eastern Iranian Hellenism], 1996, no. 4, pp. 3-16.

120. Pyankov I. V. Zoroaster in the history of Central Asia: the problem of place and Time-1996. N 3. pp. 3-23.

121. Yatsenko S. A. The story of Iranian-speaking nomads in the antiquities of Steppe Eurasia of the V century BC - V century AD-2000. N 4. pp. 86-103.


122. Dandamaev M. A. E. A. Grantovsky. Iran and Iranians before the Achaemenids, Moscow, 1998-1999, N 4, pp. 197-199.

123. Ivanchik A. I. Istoriya derzhavy Achaemenidov: istochniki i novye interpretatsii [History of the Achaemenid Empire: Sources and new interpretations]. De Cyrus a Alexandre. Paris, 1996; idem. Recherches recents sur l' Empire achemenide. Topoi. Orient-Occident, Suppl. 1. Lyon, 1997) - 2000. N 2. pp. 174-198.

124. Nikonorov V. P. W. J. Vogelsang. The Rise and Organisation of the Achaemenid Empire. The Eastern Iranian Evidence. Studies in the History of the Ancient Near East. V. III. Leiden-New York-Koln: E. J. Brill, 1992-2000. N 1. pp. 217-222.



125. Bukharin M. D. Description of the Indian state in "Indica" Megasphena-1997. N 3. pp. 138-149.

126. Bukharin M. D. "Sacred and inviolable" - 1998. N 1. pp. 72-77.

127. Vigasin A. A. On the interpretation of the edicts of Ashoka: parisad-1998. N 1. pp. 61-71.

128. Vigasin A. A. Map of India in the" Natural History " of Pliny the Elder-1999. N 1. pp. 20-41.

129. Vigasin A. A. On the interpretation of Ashoka inscriptions. Agabhutisusa-1999. N 2. pp. 61-70.

130. Vigasin A. A. Dialog with death-2000. N 2. pp. 100-106.

131. Lelyukhin D. N. Structure of the Mauryan Empire according to the edicts of Ashoka-1998. N 2. pp. 115-129.

132. Norman K. R. How the edicts of Ashoka were distributed - 1999. N 2. pp. 71-77.

133. Samozvantsev A.M. On the authenticity of the text "Apastamba-Dharmasutra" - 1996. N 1. pp. 102-113.

134. Shokhin V. K. How did Indian philosophy begin? - 1996. N 2. P. 3-19.


135. Bukharin M. D. Athens, Aden, Arikamedu. Essays on the Interrelations between India, Arabia and the

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Eastern Mediterranean / Ed. by M.-F. Boussac and J.-Е. Salles. New Delhi, 1995; Tradition and Archaeology. Early Maritime Contacts in the Indian Ocean / Ed. by H.P. Ray and J.-F. Salles. New Delhi, 1996-1998. N 3. pp. 222-228.

136. Bukharin M. D. Mediterranean-Indian contacts in modern historiography (Crossing. Early Mediterranean Contacts with India / Ed. F. de Romanis, A. Tchernia. New Delhi, 1997) - 1999. N 3. pp. 208-215.

137. Vigasin A. A. K. Karttunen. India in Early Greek Literature // Studia Orientalia / Ed. by the Finnish Oriental Society. Helsinki. V. 65. 1989; idem. India and the Hellenistic World // Ibid. V. 83. 1997-2000. N 1. С. 214-217.

138. Litvinsky B. A. New horizons of Buddhist archeology (D. Faccenna, Nabi Khan, N. Nadiem Insan. Panr I (Swat, Pakistan) / With Contributions by R. di Floria, C. Facenna, S. Lorinzoni, E.Z. Lorenzoni. T. I. Text. Rome, 1993 (IsMEO. Reports and Memoirs. V. XXVI / 1); T. 2. Plates. Rome, 1993 (IsMEO. Reports and Memoirs. V) - 1996. N 1. Pp. 180-182.

139. Sal J. F. Rome and India. The Ancient Sea Trade / Ed. V. Begley and R.D. De Puma. Wisconsin, 1991-1997. N 1. pp. 228-232.



140. Abdullaev K. A. Nomads in the art of Hellenistic Bactria-1998. N 1. pp. 83-92.

141. K. Abdullaev On the attribution of throne images in Kushan coroplasty (Based on the materials of the Paenkurgan fortress in Northern Bactria) - 2000. N 2. pp. 18-30.

142. Antonova E. V. "Snake" and "eagle" in the glyptic of the Oks civilization-2000. N 2. pp. 46-52.

143. Aruz Joan. Images of the Hypersensitive World: Bactrian-Margian seals in their connection with the Middle East and the Indus Valley -1998. N 2. pp. 81-95.

144. Vainberg B. I. Deer in the glyptic of ancient Khorezm-2000. N 3. pp. 136-141.

145. Vishnevskaya O. A., Rapoport Yu. A. The ancient settlement of Kyuzeli-gyr. To the question of the early stage of the history of Khorezm-1997. N 2. pp. 150-173.

146. Goryacheva V. D., Peregudova S. Ya. Buddhist monuments of Kyrgyzstan-1996. N 2. pp. 167-189.

147. Grene F. A new hypothesis on the dating of Khalchayan reliefs-2000. N 2. pp. 130-135.

148. Duehring Kacnepc E. Margian-Bactrian archaeological complex and Harappan writing-1997. N 3. pp. 51-65.

149. Karev Yu. V. Statuette of Avaloka-teshvara Bodhisattva from Samarkand-1998. N 1. pp. 108-117.

150. Klochkov I. S. Glyptics of Margiana (Principles of description and classification) - 1997. N 1. pp. 103-119.

151. Klochkov I. S. About a curious fake (Marginalia of the Margian marginal. / )- 1998. N 1. pp. 78-83.

152. Koshelenko G. A., Gaibov V. A., Bader A. N. Parthian plots in the" History of Alexander the Great " by Curtius Rufus-1998. N 1. pp. 301-313.

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226. Rhodes P. J. Who was in power in a democratic Athens? - 1998. N 3. p. 16-26.

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229. Semina K. A. O fenomene rannegrecheskogo khrama [On the phenomenon of the Early Greek Temple], 1996, no. 4, pp. 124-132.

230. Skrzhinskaya M. V. Athenian master Xenophon-1999. N 3. pp. 121-130.

231. Surikov I. E. About the new publication of ostrak-1996. N 2. pp. 143-146.

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235. Ionian artisans - Scythians-1998. N 4. pp. 130-141.

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237. Ferrari J.-L. East and West "Ecumenes" from Alexander the Great to August: history and historiography-1998. N 2. pp. 32-50.

238. Frolov E. D. Scythians in Athens-1998. N 1. pp. 135-152.

239. Khodza E. N. On two terracotta figurines from the collection of the State Hermitage Museum-2000. N 2. pp. 268-283.

240. Tsymburskchyj V. L. Ankhiz-zmej [Ankhiz-zmej]. On the regeneration of the Early Thracian motif in Virgil's Aeneid, 1996, No. 4, pp. 29-42.

241. Yarkho V. N. New papyrus fragment of ancient Attic comedy-1997. N 1. P. 120-124.

242. Yarkho V. N. The tragedy of Euripides "Erechtheus" -1999. N 4. pp. 37-58.


243. Bukharin M. D. Athens, Aden, Arikamedu. Essays on the Interrelations between India, Arabia and the Eastern Mediterranean / Ed. by M.-F. Boussac and J.-Е. Salles. New Delhi. 1995; Tradition and Archaeology. Early Maritime Contacts in the Indian Ocean / Ed. by Н.P. Ray and J.-F. Salles. New Delhi, 1996-1998. N 3. pp. 222-228.

244. Grinbaum N. S. Mycenological studies (1989-1993) - 1996. N 4. pp. 225-230.

245. Grishin A. Y. "Natural" and "proper". Physical and logical substantiation of some aspects of Early Academic ethics-2000. N 4. pp. 21-40.

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Collection. I. Cuneiform Tablets. Mainz am Rhein, 1994-2000. N 3. С. 174-175.

247. Karpyuk S. G. Josiah Ober. The Athenian Revolution. Essays on Ancient Greek Democracy and Political Theory. Princeton, 1996-2000. N 4. pp. 197-199.

248. Kachalkin A. A. Andokid. Speeches, or the history of blasphemers / Translated from Ancient Greek, introductory article, comments and notes by E. D. Frolov. SPb., 1995-1999. N 2. pp. 232-234.

249. Кошеленко Г.А. Соhen G.M. The Hellenistic Settlements in Europe, the Islands and Asia Minor. University of California Press. Berkeley - Los Angeles-Oxford, 1995. XIII. 481 p. 12 maps. - 1997. N 4. pp. 183-187.

250. Кошеленко Г.А. Centre and Periphery in the Hellenistic World / Ed. by P. Bilde. T. Engeberg-Pedersen, L. Hannestad, J. Zahle and K. Randsborg. Aarhus, 1993-1998. N 2. pp. 187-195.

251. Koshelenko G. A. Nielsen I. Hellenistic Palaces. Tradition and Renewal. Aarchus, Aarchus University Press. 1994-1998. N 4. pp. 195-203.

252. Литвиненко Ю.Н. Bonneau D. Le regime administratif de l' eau du Nil dans l' Egypte grecque, romaine et byzantine. Leiden, 1993-1997. N 3. pp. 186-190.

253. Makarov I. A. Victor Ragkeg. Untersuchungen zum Eelantischen Krieg und verwandten Problemen der fruhgriechischen Geschichte. Stuttgart, 1997-1998. N 4. pp. 181-186.

254. Marinovich L. P. Ducat J. Les penestes de Thessalie // Annales Litteraires de Besancon, 512, Centre de Recherches d' Histoire Ancienne. V. 128. Paris, 1994-1996. N 1. С. 183-187.

255. Marinovich L. P. Mosse Sl. Demosthene ou les ambiguites de la politique. Paris, 1994-1996. N 2. pp. 218-221.

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257. Marinovich L. P. Xenophon. Oeconomicus. A Social and Historical Commentary. With a New English Transl. by Sarah B. Pomeroy. Oxf., 1994-1998. N 4. С. 187-195.

258. Molchanov A. A. Vanschoonwinkel J. L'egee et la Mediterranee Orientale a la fin du 11e millenaire. Temoignages archeologiques et sources ecrites. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1991-1997. N 2. pp. 217-221.

259. Nefedkin A. K. Warleu L. J. Hippeis: The Cavalry of Ancient Greece (History and Warfare). Boulder-San Francisco-Oxford, 1994-2000. N 3. pp. 175-179.

260. Суриков И.Е. Вadian Е. From Plataea to Potidaea: Studies in the History and Historiography of the Pentecontaetia. Baltimore-London, 1993-1996. N 3. pp. 197-201.

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262. Суриков И.Е. The Archaeology of Athens and Attica under the Democracy. Proceedings of an International Conference celebrating 2500 years since the birth of democracy in Greece, held at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, December 4-6, 1992 / Ed. W.D.E. Coulson, О. Palagia, T.L. Shear, Н.A. Shapiro, F.J. Frost. Oxford, 1994-1997. N 1. pp. 232-237.

263. Суриков И.Е. The Athenian Agora: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. XXVIII. 1995-1999. N 1. pp. 220-225.

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325. Afinogenov D. E. Pseudo-Meliton: problems of faith and power in one Early Syrian text -1998. N 1. pp. 313-319.

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327. Vankova A. B. On the issue of the number of monks in Egypt in the second half of the IV century-1998. N 4. pp. 164-174.

328. Vankova A. B. Some remarks on the status of monks and monasteries under secular and church legislation of the IV century-2000. N 1. pp. 153-159.

329. Zhamkochyan A. S. U istokov samaritanskikh issledovaniy v Rossii [At the origins of Samaritan Studies in Russia], 1997, No. 2, pp. 145-149.

330. Matusova E. D. The teaching of Plato in the work of Hippolytus of Rome "Refutation of all heresies". I. 19. 4-14-1999. N 3. pp. 130-145.

331. Murav'ev A.V. Correspondence of Julian the Apostate and Basil the Great (BHG 260) in connection with the latter's hagiographic tradition - 1997. N 2. pp. 138-145.

332. Stepantsev S. A. "The Song of Ascent" by Augustine-1999. N 4. pp. 149-158.


333. Murav'ev A.V., J. A. McMuskin. Saint Cyril of Alexandria. The Christological Controversy, It's History, Theology and Texts. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. V. 23. Leiden-New York, 1994 - 1996. N 2. С. 221-224.

334. Sventsitskaya I. S. Neinep N. Friihchristliches Trier. Von den Anfangen bis zur Volkerwanderung. Trier, 1996-1998. N 4. pp. 214-217.




335. Abramzon M. G., Maslennikov A. A. Golden coins of Theodosius II from the Eastern Crimea-1999. N 4. pp. 79-83.

336. Abramzon M. G., Frolova N. A., Gorlov Yu. V. Tamansky hoard of silver coins of the VI-IV centuries BC-1999. N 3. pp. 39-51.

337.Abramzon M. G., Frolova N. A., Gorlov Yu. V. Hoard of golden Bosporan staters of the II century AD from Krasnobatareynoye gorodishche; Hoard of golden Bosporan staters of the II-III centuries AD from the village of Kazanskaya-2000. N 4. pp. 60-72.

338. Alekseev A. Yu. "Scythian kings" and royal mounds of the V-IV centuries BC-1996. N 3. pp. 99-113.

339. Andreev Yu. V. Greki i varvary v Severnom Prichernomorye (Osnovnye metodologicheskie i teoreticheskie aspekty problemy mezhetnicheskikh kontaktov) [The Greeks and Barbarians in the Northern Black Sea region (Basic methodological and theoretical aspects of the problem of interethnic contacts)].

340. Arsenyeva T. M., Betger B., Vinogradov Yu. G. New research in Tanais-1996. N 3. pp. 54-72.

341. Afinogenov D. E. New data on the climate of the Euxine Pont in the historical epoch-1999. N 1. pp. 137-145.

342. Bruyako I. V. On the events of the third century BC in the North-Western Black Sea region (Four concepts of the crisis) - 1999. N 3. pp. 76-91.

343. Vinogradov Yu. A. Natural factor in the development of the Bosporus in the Scythian era (VI-IV centuries BC) (Some aspects of studying) - 1996. N 3. pp. 77-88.

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344. Vinogradov Yu. G. New documentary dossier of the Imperial era from Chersonesos (On the vicissitudes of the Chersonesites and their lapidary archive) - 1996. N 1. pp. 48-60.

345. Vinogradov Yu. G. Late Antique Bosporus and Early Byzantium (In the light of dated Bosporan inscriptions of the 5th century) - 1998. N 1. pp. 233-247.

346. Dyukov Yu. L., Smekalova T. N. On the earliest use of brass and "pure" copper in the Hellenistic coinage of the Black Sea and Asia Minor states-2000. N 1. pp. 71-88.

347. Ermolova I. E. On the epiclesis of the Taurian deity in Ammianus Marcellinus-1998. N 2. pp. 129-134.

348. Zavoikin A. A. Sindskaya gavan (Sindik) - Gorgippia-1998. N 3. pp. 134-145.

349. Zaitsev Yu. P. Southern Palace of Naples Scythian-1997. N 3. pp. 36-50.

350. Zaitsev Yu. P. Skilur and his kingdom (New discoveries and new problems ) - 1999. N 2. pp. 127-148.

351. Zubarev V. G. Roman roads in the interfluve of Istra (Danube) and Tiras (Dniester) according to the data of Claudius Ptolemy-1999. N 3. pp. 67-76.

352. Zubar V. M. On attribution of collective estates of the Early Hellenistic period-1998. N4. pp. 102-116.

353. Zubar V. M., Antonova I. A. New data on the Roman garrison of Chersonesos in the first half of the third century-2000. N 1. pp. 66-70.

354. Zubar V. M., Savelya O. Ya., Sarnovsky T. New epigraphic monuments from the Roman temple in the vicinity of Tauric Chersonesus-1999. N 2. pp. 197-217.

355. Zubar V. M., Sarnovsky T. New Latin construction inscription from Aytodora and some issues of the Roman military organization in Taurica in the second half of the second century AD-1997. N 4. pp. 50-59.

356. Zubar V. M., Son N. A. Tombstone of the soldier of the First Sugambre cohort from Chersonesos-2000. N 3. pp. 39-47.

357. Ilyashenko S. M. On one category of dipinti on light clay amphorae from Tanais-1996. N 4. pp. 54-67.

358. Karpyuk S. G. Polybius and Titus Livy: ... and its Roman correspondences-1996. N 3. pp. 44-53.

359. Kryzhitsky S. D. On the problem of building temples with an odd number of columns along the main facade in the Northern Black Sea region-2000. N 1. pp. 144-152.

360. Kryzhitsky S. D. Temple of Apollo the Doctor on the Western Temenos of Olbia (Reconstruction experience) - 1998. N 1. pp. 170-190.

361. Ksenofontova I. V. Silver rhyton with Pegasus protoma from the VI Ulyapsky kurgan (Appendix: Zaitseva N. G. On the technological process of manufacturing and repairing rhyton; Vinogradov Yu. G. Philological commentary) - 1997. N2. pp. 60-80.

362. Kuzishchin V. I., Ivanchik A. I. "Basilidov Manor" in the vicinity of Chersonesus Tauride (Results of the Chersonesus Historical and Archaeological expedition of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University in 1976-1987) - 1998. N 1. pp. 205-233.

363. Kuznetsov V. D. Some problems of trade in the Northern Black Sea region in the archaic period-2000. N 1. pp. 16-40 .

364. Lavrov V. V. Resettlement of Goths in the Black Sea region-1999. N 3. pp. 170-183.

365 . Lantsov S. B. Brief information about the Bosporan fortress Kutlak-Afineone (?) Pseudo-Arriana-1999. N 1. pp. 121-136.

366. Makarov I. A. K interpretatsii novogo dokumenta iz Chersonesos Tavrichesky [On the interpretation of a new document from Tauric Chersonesus], 2000, no. 1, pp. 112-118.

367. Makging B. Na rubezhe [On the border]. Cultural history of the Pontic Kingdom-1998. N 3. pp. 97-112.

368. Maslennikov A. A. Rural temenos (?) in the Eastern Crimea (Preliminary information) - 1997. N 4. pp. 150-172.

369. Maslennikov A. A. Ancient geographical landmarks of the Eastern Crimea and modern archaeological realities-1998. N 4. pp. 117-129.

370. Nikolaenko G. M. Tauric Chersonesus and its Hora-1999. N 1. pp. 97-120.

371. Novichenkova I. G. Roman military equipment from the sanctuary near the Gurzuf Saddle Pass -1998. N 2. pp. 51-67.

372. Ostroverkhov A. S. Zverinyi stil ' i antichnye goroda Severnogo Prichernomorya [Animal style and ancient cities of the Northern Black Sea region], 1996, no. 2, pp. 85-102.

373. Puzdrovsky A. E. Essay on the ethnosocial history of Crimean Scythia in the II century BC-III century BC-1999. N 4. pp. 97-119.

374. Rogov E. Ya. Ecology of the Western Crimea in ancient times-1996. N 1. pp. 70-84.

375. Rusyaeva A. S. On the question of the foundation of Olbia by the Ionians-1998. N 1. pp. 160-170.

376. Rusyaeva A. S. Penetration of Hellenes on the territory of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe in archaic time (To the problem statement) - 1999. N 4. pp. 84-97.

377. Rusyaeva A. S. Kulty i svyatylishcha v sfere politiki demokraticheskikh polisov Severnogo Prichernomorya v ranneellinisticheskoe vremya [Cults and sanctuaries in the sphere of politics of democratic Polis of the Northern Black Sea Region in the Early Hellenistic period].

378. Savelya O. Ya., Sarnovsky T. Two Latin inscriptions from Balaklava and Chersonesos-1999. N 1. pp. 42-45.

379. Saprykin S. Yu. "Emporium of Tauricon" and "Scythian harbor" Kalos Limen in ceramic brands of Tauric Chersonesus-1996. N 1. pp. 124-135.

380. Saprykin S. Y. God of war Ares on the print

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Signet rings from the Eastern Crimea-1997. N 1. pp. 46-60.

381. Saprykin S. Yu. Natural disasters and phenomena in the ideology of Mithridates of Evpator-1997. N 3. pp. 85-92.

382. Saprykin S. Yu. Pliny the Younger and the Northern Black Sea Region-1998. N 1. pp. 191-205.

383. Saprykin S. Yu. Chersonesus proxenia sinopeytsu-1998. N 4. pp. 41-65.

384. Saprykin S. Yu., Dyachkov S. V. New Roman altar from Chersonesos-1999. N 4. pp. 71-78.

385. Saprykin S. Yu., Panayotova K. Tombstone of Heracliot from Apollonia Pontius-2000. N 3. pp. 28-38.

386. Sventsitskaya I. S. Once again about the new Chersonesus decree-1996. N 3. pp. 137-141.

387. Solomonik E. I. Greek inscriptions of Chersonese (Finds of recent years) - 1996. N 4. pp. 43-53.

388. Sorokina N. P. A fragment of a glass cup with an inscription of the first century AD from Gorgippia. - 1998. N 4. P. 37-41.

389. Surikov I. E. Istoriko-geograficheskie problemy Pontiskoy expeditsii Perikla - 1999. N 2. pp. 98-114.

390. Treister M. Y. On the discovery of bronze and silver statuettes in the sanctuary near the Gurzuf Saddle Pass-1998. N 2. pp. 68-80.

391. Treister M. Yu. On jewelry from the Nogaichik kurgan-2000. N 1. pp. 182-202.

392. Fedoseev N. F. Crossing the Cimmerian Bosporus-1997. N 4. pp. 100-110.

393. Von Gall X. Scene of a duel of horsemen on a silver vase made of Kosika (Origins and perception of an Iranian motif in Southern Russia) - 1997. N 2. pp. 174-198.

394. Frolova N. A. A unique treasure of Bosporan coins of the III century BC-238 AD of ancient Gorgippia (Anapa, 1987) - 1996. N 2. pp. 44-72.

395. Frolova N. A. The problem of continuity in the late Antique Bosporus according to numismatic data-1998. N 1. pp. 247-262.

396. Shevchenko A.V. Cult terracotas of the early Chersonese (V-first half of the IV century BC) - 1998. N 3. pp. 53-68.

397. Yaylenko V. P. On the discussion of the Chersonesus decree in honor of Calpurnian Apollonides (I) -2000. N 1. P. 118-135.


398. Molev E. L. Saprykin S. Yu.Pontiiskoe tsarstvo [The Pontic Kingdom]. The State of the Greeks and Barbarians in the Black Sea region, Moscow, 1996-1998, No. 4, pp. 207-214.

399. Подосинов А.В. The Greek Colonisation of the Black Sea Area: Historical Interpretation of Archaeology / Ed. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze. Stuttgart, 1998-2000. N 4. pp. 191-197.

400. Rusyaeva A. S. Saprykin S. Yu.Pontiiskoe tsardom [The Pontic Kingdom]. The State of the Greeks and Barbarians in the Black Sea region, Moscow, 1996-1998, No. 4, pp. 204-207.

401-402. Fedoseev N. F. Katz V. I. Ceramic brands of Tauric Chersonesus. Appendix: tables of ceramic stamps of Tauric Chersonesus. Saratov, 1994-1997. N 1. pp. 221-226.



403. Gavrilyuk N. A. Local borrowed components of the Cimmerian culture (Based on ceramic materials) - 1999. N 1. pp. 85-97.

404. Grantovsky E. A., Pogrebova M. N., Rayevsky D. S. Cimmerians in Western Asia (On the subject of the monograph: A. I. Ivantik. Les Cimmeriens au Proche-Orient. Editions Universitaires Fribourg Suisse. Gottingen, 1993. Russian edition: A. I. Ivanchik. Cimmerians, Ancient Eastern civilizations and steppe nomads in the VIII-VII centuries BC Moscow, 1996) - 1997. N 4. pp. 69-85.

405. Dudarev S. L. On the place of "Cimmerian" complexes from Western Asia in the system of chronological and cultural relations of the Black Sea region, Caucasus and Eastern regions of Eurasia-1998. N 4. pp. 77-93.

406. Ivanchik A. I. Modern state of the Cimmerian problem. Results of the discussion-1999. N 2. pp. 77-97.

407. Makhortykh S. V. Cimmerians and the Ancient East-1998. N 2. pp. 95-104.

408. V. Parker What does Herodotus keep silent about? Notes on the transmission of information about the Cimmerians from Greek authors in addition to Herodotus-1998. N 4. pp. 93-102.

409. Parzinger G. Steppe nomads in the East of Central Europe. Nakhodki i pamyatniki v svete sravnitel'noi arkheologii [Finds and Monuments in the light of Comparative Archeology], 1998, No. 2, pp. 104-115.

410. Pogrebova M. N., Rayevsky D. S., Yatsenko I. K. The Cimmerian problem (About the book: A. Y. Alekseev, N. K. Kachalova, S. R. Tokhtasyev. Cimmerians: ethnocultural affiliation. Publications of the Ermakov Information and Research Institute. Malaya seriya, issue I. SPb., 1993. 121 p.) - 1998. N 3.pp. 69-87.


411. Zavadsky S. A. Ivantik. Les Cimmeriens au Proche-Orient (ОВО 127). Fribourg, 1993-1997. N2. pp. 221-223.

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412. Andrukh S. I. " ... Scythians mixed with Thracians "(Apol. Rhod. IV. 320) - 2000. N 3. С.63-73.

413. Galanina L. K. K voprosu o kubanskom ochag ranneskifskoy kul'tury [On the issue of the Kuban hearth of the Early Scythian culture], 1997, No. 3, pp. 125-138.

414. Kantorovich A. R. K voprosu o peredneaziatskom vliyanii na zverinyy stil ' stepnoy Scifii [On the question of the Near Asian influence on the animal style of steppe Scythia].

415. Medvedskaya I. N. On the Scythian invasion of Palestine-2000. N 2. pp. 221-229.

416. Treister M. Yu. Ioniyskiye artisans - Scythians-1998. N 4. pp. 130-141.

417. Frolov E. D. Scythians in Athens-1998. N 1. pp. 135-152.



418. Abramzon M. G. Imperator i armiya v rimskoi monetnoi tipologii [The Emperor and the Army in Roman Coin Typology], 1996, No. 3, pp. 122-137.

419. Vinogradov Yu. A., Marchenko K. K., Rogov E. Ya. Sarmatians and the death of the "Great Scythia" - 1997. N 3. pp. 93-103.

420. Vinogradov Yu. G. The Chersonese Decree on the "bearing of Dionysus" IOSPE I. 343 and the Sarmatian invasion of Scythia-1997. N 3. pp. 104-124.

421. Skripkin A. S. K voprosu etnicheskoi istorii sarmatii pervykh vekakh nas eri [On the question of the ethnic history of the Sarmatians of the first centuries of our Era].



422. Andreeva M. V. K voprosu o znakovoi roli uslovki iz rannebronzovykh pamyatnikov Kavkaza (kontsa IV-III millennii B.C.) [On the question of the iconic role of tableware from Early Bronze Age monuments of the Caucasus (late IV-III millennia BC)], 1996, no. 1, pp. 85-102.

423. Gabuev T. A. The origin of the Alans according to written sources-2000. N 3. pp. 50-62.

424. Gadzhivv M. S. New finds and topography of Middle Persian inscriptions in Derbent-2000. N2. pp. 116-129.

425. Lordkipanidze O. D. Deities of the city of Fasis (Apollo or Apollinarian Triad?) - 1997. N 1. p. 15-34.

426. Perevalov S. M. On the tribal affiliation of the Sarmatian allies of Iberia in the war of 35 AD: three arguments in favor of the Alans-2000. N 1. pp. 203-210.

427. Perevalov S. M. Vazat, 414: the break of the Alano-Gotha Union-2000. N 3. pp. 16-27.

428. Pogrebova M. N. Seals of the Mitannian style from Transcaucasia as a historical source-2000. N 4. pp. 145-150.

429. Khojash S. I. Alien glyptics in the Urartian centers of Armenia-2000. N 4. P.

430. Tsereteli K. G. Aramaic amulet from Mtskheta-1999. N 3. pp. 3-22.

431. Tsetskhladze G. R. Greek penetration in the Eastern Black Sea region: some results of the study. 1. VI-beginning of the V century BC-1997. N 2. pp. 100-116.

432. Tsetskhladze G. R. Greek penetration in the Eastern Black Sea region: some results of the study. 2. The middle of the V-II centuries BC-1998. N 3. pp. 87-97.


433. Murav'ev S. N. New work on the ancient geography of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia (The Geography of Ananias of Sirak (ASXARAC'OUC'). The Long and the Short Recensions / Introduction, Translation and Commentary by R.H. Hewsen. Wiesbaden, 1992-1997. N 2. pp. 224-234.



434. Zhuravlev D. V. Collections from Chersonesos in the collection of the State Historical Museum-1997. N 3. pp. 194-207.

435. Zhuravlev D. V., Hrshanovsky L. Collection of antique lamps of the State Historical Museum-2000. N 1. pp. 159-166.

436. Easton D. F. Studies of Troy: past, present, future-1996. N 4. Pp. 208-218.

437. Ksenofontova I. V. Panathenaic amphorae from the collection of the State Museum of Oriental Art-2000. N4. pp. 181-185.

438. Perlov B. I. Cuneiform collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts-2000. N 2. pp. 236-247.

439. Skrzhinskaya M. V. Image of a poet on a lekifa from the Odessa Archaeological Museum -1997. N2. pp. 130-138.

440. Solntseva G. A. On the history of the Ancient World collection from the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum-2000. N 3. pp. 167-173.

441. Traister M. Y. Troyan treasures in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Preliminary results of research) - 1996. N 4. pp. 196-208.

442. Khodza E. N. On two terracotta figurines from the collection of the State Hermitage Museum-2000. N 2. pp. 268-283.


443. Сорочан С.Б. Сhrzanоvski L., Zhuravlev D. Lamps from Chersonesos in the State Historical Museum - Moscow. Roma, 1998 (Studia archaeologica, 94) - 1999. N 3. С.215-220.

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444. Bongard-Levin G. M. Autobiographical materials of M. I. Rostovtsev-1996. N 1. pp. 170-179.

445. Bongard-Levin G. M. M. I. Rostovtsev and E. H. Minnz (New archival materials) - 1997 N 1. P. 184-220.

446. Bongard-Levin G. M., Litvinenko Yu. N. M. I. Rostovtsev and U. L. Westermann: dialog istorikov - 1996. N 3. pp. 166-184.

447. Bongard-Levin G. M., Tunkina I. V. M. I. Rostovtsev and A. A. Vasiliev (New archival materials) - 1996. N 4. pp. 168-188.

448. Bongard-Levin G. M., Bonne K., Litvinenko Yu. N., Marcone A. "Mongol greets the Syrian": correspondence of M. I. Rostovtsev and F. Kymon-2000. N 3. pp. 142-158.

449. Vinogradov Yu. G. The return of M. I. Rostovtsev to Russia (To the publication of the book "The Scythian Novel" / Under the general editorship of G. M. Bongard-Levin. Moscow, 1997) - 1999. N 2. pp. 229-232.

450. Devachter M. J.-F. Champollion and M.-F. Brosse - two famous French academicians of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences. Finds in Russian archives-1996. N2. pp. 211-217.

451. Kinietta M. M. I. Rostovtsev v Italii: kul'turnye vzaimosvyazi i izdatel'skie dela [Rostovtsev in Italy: Cultural Relations and Publishing], 1997, No. 3, pp. 158-172.

452. Litvinenko Yu. N. The Ptolemaic Egypt of Rostovtsev (To the publication of the Russian original of M. I. Rostovtsev's chapter for the Cambridge Ancient History) - 1999. N 4. pp. 180-188.

453. Litvinsky B. A. Reading " The Scythian Novel "(The Scythian novel / Under the general editorship of G. M. Bongard-Levin. Moscow, 1997) - 1999. N 1. pp. 213-215.

454. Millar F. M. I. Rostovtsev and his role in the management of excavations in Dura-Europos-1996. N Z. S. 184-187.

455. Rostovtsev M. I. Drevnyj mir i sovremennost '(Drevnyj mir i sovremennost '(Drevnyj mir i sovremennost') (Public lecture delivered at the Polish University on January 25, 1944). Introductory article and publication by Yu. N. Litvinenko - 1997.N2. pp. 199-216.

456. Rostovtsev M. I. Ptolemaic Egypt-1999. N4. Pp. 189-196.

457. Rostovtsev M. I. Syria and the East (Russian version of the chapter for the Cambridge Ancient History). Publication of V. A. Gaibov, G. A. Koshelenko-2000. N 4. pp. 159-180.

458. Pavlovskaya A. I. O roli M. I. Rostovtsev v razvitii papyrologicheskikh issledovaniy v Rossii [On the role of M. I. Rostovtsev in the development of papyrological research in Russia].

459. Pugachenkova G. A., Germanov V. A. Turkestan circle of lovers of archeology and pre-Muslim antiquities of Central Asia (To the 100th anniversary of the Turkestan circle of lovers of archeology) - 1996. N 4. pp. 189-195.

460. Funk B. M. I. Rostovtsev and the Berlin Academy of Sciences-1996. N 2. pp. 196-210.


461. Lyapustina E. V. Rostovtzeff M. Per la storia del colonato romano. Edizione italiana a cura di Arnaldo Marcone. Brescia, 1994; Rostovtzeff М. Scripta varia. Ellenismo e Impero romano. A cura di Arnaldo Marcone. Bari, 1995; Rostovtzeff М. Per la storia economica e sociale del mondo ellenistico-romano. Saggi scelti. A cura di Tommaso Gnoli e John Thornton. Introduzione di Mario Mazza. Catania, 1995 -1997. N4. С. 188-195.



462. IX Sergeyev Readings (Moscow, January 30-February 1, 1995) - 1996. N 1. pp. 199-203.

463. X Sergeyev Readings (Moscow State University, Moscow, January 30-31, 1997) - 1998. N 2. pp. 203-207.

464. XI Sergeyev Readings at the Department of the History of the Ancient World of the Faculty of History of the Lomonosov Moscow State University-2000. N 3. 191-196.

465. Alpatkina T. G. Scientific seminar " Ancient gems and stones of the East "(Moscow, April 15-16, 1999) - 2000. N 1. P. 234-237.

466. Belova G. A., Sherkova T. A. Scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor V. I. Avdiev (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, October 19, 1999) - 1999. N4. pp. 229-230.

467. Bolelov S. B. Mkrtychev T. K. Exhibition "Myths and rituals of the ancient Aral Sea region "and conference" Beliefs and cults of pre-Muslim Central Asia " in the State Museum of the East (Moscow, December 24-25, 1997) - 1998. N 4. pp. 222-226.

468. Vinogradov Yu. G., Litvinenko Yu. N. International Conference " Ancient, Ancient and Early Christian collections of Russian museums: unpublished, little-known and newly acquired monuments "(Moscow, September 16-18, 1998) - 1999. N 3. pp. 233-236.

469. Gvozdeva T. B. Conference " Olympic Games in the history of world culture. To the 100th anniversary of the resumption of the modern Olympic Games "(Moscow, May 30, 1996) - 1997. N 2. pp. 248-250.

470. Gvozdeva T. B., Ladynin I. A. "Round table" " Olympic celebrations (Games) as a fax number-

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tor of Greek ethno-cultural unity "(Moscow, May 28, 1998) - 1999. N 1. pp. 232-235.

471. Golovina V. A., Karpyuk S. G. Conference " Ancient world: problems of ecology "(Moscow, September 18-19, 1995) - 1996. N 1. pp. 205-206.

472. Golubtsova E. S. VII Conference of the Russian Association of Antiquarians (Moscow, May 31-June 2, 1995) - 1996. N 1. pp. 204-205.

473. Meeting of the Section of Ancient History of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dedicated to the memory of E. M. Shtaerman-1997. N 3. pp. 212-215.

474. Kakovkin A. Ya. Coptological conference in the State Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg, September 29-30, 1999) - 2000. N 3. P. 202.

475. Kaurov E. N. The largest interdisciplinary meeting of historians and astronomers-2000. N 3. pp. 200-202.

476. Kolosova O. G., Smyshlyaev AL. International Symposium " Ancient Empires and Imperial Ideologies "(Moscow, September 9-10, 1996) - 1997. N 2. pp. 245-247.

477. Kofanov L. L. First International Conference " Roman Law and its reception "(Moscow. October 28-30, 1997) - 1998. N 4. pp. 219-222.

477a. Marinovich L. P. Conference of the Russian Association of Antiquarians 2000 (Moscow, June 29-30, 2000) - 2000. N 4. pp. 206-212.

478. Makhlayuk A.V. Questions of ancient History and Archeology at a scientific conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of History of Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University-1998. N 3. pp. 235-236.

479. Makhlayuk A.V. Scientific conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Department of Ancient World and Middle Ages of Lobachevsky UNN (October 29-30, 1999) - 2000. N 4. pp. 204-206.

480. Mkrtychev T. K., Sedov A.V. Exhibition "From the treasury of the Parthian kings "and conference" Ancient Civilizations of Eurasia. History and Culture" (Moscow, October 14-16, 1998) - 1999. N 4. pp. 230-234.

481. Nemirovskiy A. A., Solovyeva S. S., Tomashevich O. V. Scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor V. I. Avdiev (Moscow State University, Moscow, October 16, 1999) -1999. N 4. pp. 225-229.

482. Pavlovskaya A. I., Saprykin S. Yu. International scientific Conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the " Bulletin of Ancient History "(Moscow, May 30-June 2, 1997) - 1998. N 1. pp. 320-328.

483. Rayevsky D. S. Formation of a new direction in the study of ancient cultures-1996. N 4. P. 251.

484. Decision of the Meeting of Chief Editors of Humanitarian Scientific Journals (Moscow, September 22, 1995) - 1996. N 2. pp. 243-244.

485. Sedov A.V. International Conference "On the edge of the Ecumene: South Arabian Civilization and its place in the history of the Ancient World (Sabean Meetings, 4)" (Moscow, May 17-21, 1999) - 2000. N 1. pp. 229-233.

486. Selivanova L. L. Scientific readings dedicated to the memory of S. L. Utchenko (to the 90th anniversary of his birth) - 1999. N 2. pp. 248-251.

487. Trebeleva G. V., Bezrukov A.V. VII readings in memory of V. D. Blavatsky-2000. N 3. pp. 196-199.

488. Traister M. Y. International Scientific Conference " Troy and its Treasures "(Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, November 25-28, 1996) - 1997. N 4. pp. 211-214.

489. Khodorkovskaya B. B. Readings dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of I. M. Troisky, at the Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, June 16-18, 1997) - 1998. N 1. pp. 329-331.


490. Galchenko N. V., Fedoseev N. F. Conference " 170 years of the Kerch Museum of Antiquities "(Kerch, July 25-27, 1996) - 1997. N 2. pp. 252-254.

491. Zhuravlev D. V. V International Symposium on Hellenistic Ceramics. Chania (about. Crete, Greece, April 6-13, 1997) - 1997. N 4. pp. 214-215.

492. Zhuravlev D. V. XXI RCRF International Congress on the Study of Roman Ceramics (Ephesus-Pergamum. September 27-October 4, 1998) -1999. N 2. pp. 252-255.

493. Ilyushechkin V. N., Litvinenko Yu. N. (Moscow) - XXII International Papyrological Congress (Florence, August 23-29, 1998) - 1999. N 1. pp. 228-232.

494. Karpyuk S. G. Gravenovsky seminar " Historiography of ancient Greece in the national context "(Cambridge, May 25-28, 1999) - 2000. N 1. pp. 237-238.

495. Koshelenko G. A. 150th anniversary of the French School in Athens-1997. N 1. pp. 239-241.

496. Litvinenko Yu. N. XXI International Papyrological Congress (Berlin, August 13-19, 1995) - 1996. N 2. pp. 238-242.

497. Malchugova T. G. Conference " Problems of Greek culture "(Crimea, September 16-20, 1996) - 1997. N 2. pp. 250-251. 497a. Marcone A. International Conference "Mikhail Ivanovich Rostovtsev" (Paris, May 17-19, 2000). Rostovtzeff Project-2000. N4. pp. 214-217.

498. Martemyanov A. P. Nauchnaya konferentsiya " Problemy arkheologii, drevnoi i sredne-

page 262

century history of Ukraine" (Kharkiv, March 1-3, 1995), dedicated to the formation of the Kharkiv Historical and Archaeological Society-1996. N 3. pp. 205-207. 498a. Sedov A.V. Scientific Conference " Archaeological research in Yemen: current state and prospects. (Sabean Meetings, 5)" (Naples, April 3-4, 2000) 2000, N 4. pp. 212-214.


499. Yu. V. Andreev

To the 60th anniversary of Yuri Viktorovich Andreev-1997. N 2. p. 235.

Yuri Viktorovich Andreev (1937-1998) - 1998. N 3. pp. 237-240.

500. G. W. Bailey

Sir Harold W. Bailey (1899-1996) - 1996. N 3. P. 208.

501. G. W. Bowersock

To the 60th anniversary of Glen Warren Bowersock-1996. N 3. p. 203.

Glen W. Bowersock-1999. N 4. P. 222.

502. A. D. X. Bivar

To the 70th anniversary of Andrew David Hugh Bivar-1996. N 3. p. 202.

503. T. V. Blavatsky

To the 80th anniversary of Tatyana Vasilyevna Blavatsky-1997. N 4. p. 196.

504. H. Bodewitz

To the 60th anniversary of Hendrik Bodewitz-1999. N 4. p. 221.

505. D. Boardman

To the 70th anniversary of John Boardman-1997. N 3. pp. 209-210.

506. T. V. Gamkrelidze

To the 70th anniversary of Tamaz Valeryanovich Gamkrelidze-1999. N 4. P. 216.

507. G. G. Giorgadze

To the 70th anniversary of Grigory Grigoryevich Giorgadze-1997. N3. P. 208.

508. E. S. Golubtsova

Elena Sergeevna Golubtsova (1921-1998) -1999. N 1. P. 236.

509. I. M. Diakonov

Pavlovskaya A. I. I. M. Dyakonov and "Vestnik drevnoi istorii" - 2000. N 2. pp. 11-17.

Yakobson V. A. Igor Mikhailovich Diakonov (Scientific biography) - 2000. N 2. pp. 5-10.

510. M. A. Dandamaev

To the 70th anniversary of Muhammad Abdulkadyrovich Dandamayev-1998. N 3. p. 231.

511. A. I. Zaitsev

To the 70th anniversary of Alexander Iosifovich Zaitsev -1996. N 2. P. 245.

Alexander Iosifovich Zaitsev (1926-2000) - 2000. N 3. pp. 205-207.

512. V. V. Ivanov

To the 70th anniversary of Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov-1999. N 4. P. 217.

513. A. P. Kazhdan

Lyubarsky Ya. N. Alexander Petrovich Kazhdan (1922-1997) - 1997. N 4. pp. 216-217.

514. P. Kalmaier

Kleis V. Peter Kalmaier (1930-1995) - 1996. N 3. P. 209.

515. G. S. Knabe

To the 80th anniversary of George Stepanovich Knabe-2000. N 4. pp. 200-201.

516. A. A. Korolev

Sideltsev A. A. Andrey Aleksandrovich Korolev (1944-1999) - 1999. N 4. 235.

517. K. Lamberg-Karlowski

To the 60th anniversary of K. Lamberg-Karlowski-1997. N 3. p. 211.

518. B. A. Litvinsky

To the 75th anniversary of Boris Anatolyevich Litvinsky-1998. N 3. pp. 229-230.

519. J. Leclan

To the 80th anniversary of Academician Jean Leclan-2000. N 3. pp. 189-190.

520. F. G. B. Millar

To the 60th anniversary of Fergus G. B. Millar-1997. N 2. p. 236.

Fergus G. B. Millar-1999. N 4. P. 223.

521. R. M. Munchaev

To the 70th anniversary of Rauf Magomedovich Munchaev-1998. N 3. pp. 232-234.

522. A. I. Nemirovsky

To the 80th anniversary of Alexander Iosifovich Nemirovsky-1999. N 4. P. 218.

523. Kl. Nikole

To the 70th anniversary of Claude Nicolet-2000. N 4. pp. 202-203.

524. The city of Nyoli

To the 60th anniversary of Gherardo Nioli-1997. N 4. pp. 198-199.

525. I. R. Pichikyan

Vinogradov Yu. G. Igor Rubenovich Pichikyan (1940-1997) - 1998. N 2. Pp. 208-209.

526. E. Porada

Pittman X. In memory of Edith Porada-1997. N 1. pp. 93-97.

Harper P. O. In memory of Edith Porada-1997. N 1. pp. 91-93.

527. N. M. Postovskaya

N. M. Postovskaya (1917-1997) - 1997. N 3. pp. 216-218.

528. I. V. Pyankov

To the 60th anniversary of Igor Vasilyevich Pyankov-1996. N 3. P. 204.

529. A. M. Remennikov

To the 80th anniversary of Alexey Mikhailovich Remennikov-1999. N2. P. 246.

530. A. S. Rusyaeva

To the 60th anniversary of Anna Stanislavovna Rusyaeva-1997. N 2. p. 237.

531. T. N. Savelyeva

Tatyana Nikolaevna Savelyeva (1916-1999) - 2000. N 3. pp. 203-204.

532. V. I. Sarianidi

page 263

To the 70th anniversary of Viktor Ivanovich Sarianidi-1999. N 4. pp. 219-220.

533. G. H. Sargsyan

To the 70th anniversary of Gagik Khorenovich Sargsyan-1997. N 1. p. 238.

534. I. S. Sventsitskaya

To the 70th anniversary of Irina Sergeevna Sventsitskaya-1999. N 2. p. 245.

535. V. M. Smirin

To the 70th anniversary of Viktor Moiseyevich Smirin-1998. N 4. p. 218.

536. E. I. Solomonik

To the 80th anniversary of Ella Isaakovna Solomonik-1997. N 4. p. 197.

537. B. A. Stavisky

Yatsenko S. A. To the 70th anniversary of Boris Yakovlevich Stavisky-1996. N 4. P. 250.

538. A. A. Tahoe-Godi

To the 75th anniversary of Asa Alibekovna Takho-Godi-1998. N 2. P. 202.

539. I. M. Troisky

Grinbaum N. S. I. M. Troisky i problemy mikenologii [Troisky and Problems of Mycenology], 1997, No. 2, pp. 242-244.

Yarkho V. N. On the 100th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Moiseevich Troisky-1997. N 2. pp. 238-242.

Yarkho V. N. Professor Iosif Moiseevich Troisky in his letters (To the 100th anniversary of his birth) - 1997. N 4. pp. 200-210.

540. E. S. Edwards

Golovina V. A. I. E. S. Edwards (1909-1996) - 1997. N 3. P. 219.

541. Emar metro station

Maurice Aymard-1999. N 4. P. 224.

542. V. N. Yarkho

To the 80th anniversary of Viktor Noyevich Yarkho-2000. N 1. P. 227-228.


543. Pyankov I. V. To the publication of the first volume of the second edition of the " History of the Tajik people "(Letter to the editor) - 2000. N 1. 238-239.


544. Indexes to the "Bulletin of Ancient History" for 1991-1995-1996. N 1. pp. 231-251.

page 264

permanent address of the article:



Abdullaev K. A. 140,141

Abramzon M. G. 270, 271, 335. 336, 337, 418

Avdeev A. G. 315

Avilova L. I. 48

Alekseev A. Yu. 338

Alpatkina T. G. 465

Amirov Sh. N. 49

Andreev Yu. V. 18,186,187,339

Andreeva M. V. 422

Andrukh S. I. 412

Antonets E. V. 272

Antonova E. V. 50, 142,177

Antonova I. A. 353

Arsenyeva T. M. 340

Artog F. 188

Aruz Joan 143

Afanasyeva V. K. 51

Afinogenov D. E. 28, 30, 322, 323, 325,326,341

Baglay V. A. 179

Bader A. N. 152, 153,207,208

Balabina V. I. 1

Balakhvantsev A. S. 273

Barker City 274

Barton G. P. 275

Baskakova T. A. 36.72

Bowersock 276

Bayun L. S. 95, 96

Bezrukov A.V. 487

Belikov A. P. 189,277

Belova G. A. 73, 466

Berezkin Yu. E. 37, 180

Betger B. 340

Bivar A. D. H. 117, 190

Bolelov S. B. 467

Bolshakov A. O. 74, 75

Bongard-Levin G. M. 2, 444, 445, 446, 447,448

Bonn K. 448

Borovskaya N. F. 52

Braund D. 278

Bruyako I. V. 342

Bukharin M. D. 112,125,126,135,136,191,192,243

Vainberg B. I. 144

Vankova A. B. 76, 327,328

Vdovichenko A.V. 102

Vigasin A. A. 127, 128, 129, 130, 137

Vinogradov A. K. 77

Vinogradov Yu. A. 343, 419

Vinogradov Yu. G. 340, 344, 345, 361, 420, 449, 468, 525

Vishnevskaya O. A. 145

Vulikh N. V. 316

Gabelko O. L. 97, 193

Gabuev T. A. 423

Gavrilin K. N. 279

Gavrilyuk N. A. 403

Gadzhiev M. S. 424

Gaibov V. A. 152, 153,207,208

Galanina L. K. 413

Galchenko N. V. 490

Gasparov M. L. 317

Gvozdeva T. B. 469, 470

V. A. Germanov 459

Gilembe J. P. 280

Golovina V. A. 92, 471, 540

Golubtsova E. S. 472

Gorlov Yu. V. 336, 337

Goryacheva V. D. 146

Grantovsky E. A. 404

Grene F. 147

Greenbaum N. S. 244, 539

Grishin A. Yu. 194, 245

Dandamaev M. A. 53, 68,69, 70, 103, 122

Dandamaeva M. M. 54, 55, 71, 195, 196, 246

Devashter M. 450

Dementieva V. V. 281, 282

Jones K. 283

Dudarev S. L. 405

Diakonov I. M. 3, 38, 39, 56

Dyachkov S. V. 384

Dyuzheva O. P. 78

Dyukov Yu. L. 346

Duhring Kaspers E. 148

Emelyanov V. V. 57

Ermolova I. E. 347

Zhamkochyan A. S. 329

Zhuravlev D. V. 434, 435, 491, 492

Zawadski p 411

Zavoikin A. A. 348

Zaitsev Yu. P. 349, 350

Zaitseva N. G. 361

* The index includes authors of articles, reviewers, translators, compilers of scientific comments.

page 265

A. V. Zaporozhchenko 4

Zubarev V. G. 351

Zubar V. M. 352, 353, 354, 355, 356

Ivanchik A. I. 79, 123, 197, 362, 406

Ilyashenko S. M. 357

Ilyushechkin V. N. 493

Easton D. F. 98, 436

Kakovkin A. Ya. 80,81,82,83,198,199,200,474

Kaneva I. T. 58

Kantorovich A. R. 414

Cañetta M. 451

Karev Yu. V. 149

S. G. Karpyuk 201, 202, 203, 247, 284, 285, 358, 471, 494

Kaurov E. N. 475

Kachalkin A. A. 248

Klochkov I. S. 150, 151

Gag V. 514

Knabe G. S. 286

Kogan L. E. 43

Kozyreva N. V. 59, 60, 61

Kollon d. 40, 64

Kolobov A.V. 287

Kolosova O. G. 288, 476

Kolosovskaya Yu. K. 289

Kononenko E. I. 62, 63

Koptev A.V. 290

Kormysheva E. E. 84

Coulson W. D. E. 204, 205

Kofanov L. L. 291, 292, 477

Koshelenko G. A. 152, 153, 207, 208, 249, 250, 251

Krol A. A. 85

Kryzhitsky S. D. 359, 360

Kryukov A. S. 293, 294

Ksenofontova I. V. 361, 437

Kuzishchin V. I. 362

Kuznetsov V. D. 363

Kuzmina E. E. 5, 6, 41, 42, 154, 155, 156, 157

Kulyabina N. V. 287

Kurilov M. E. 206

Kurtik G. E. 65

V. V. Lavrov 364

Ladynin I. A. 470

Lazarov L. 7

Lantsov S. B. 365

Lasi M. 209

Lelyukhin D. N. 131

Lintott E. 295

Litvinenko Yu. N.. 86, 87, 88, 93,210,211, 212,252, 446, 448, 452, 468, 493, 496

Litvinsky B. A. 50, 138, 158, 159, 160, 213, 453

Lordkipanidze O. D. 425

Lyubarsky Ya. N. 513

Lyapustina E. V. 296, 315, 461

Mayorova N. G. 19, 20, 21

Makarov I. A. 31, 184, 214, 215, 253, 366

Mcging B. 367

McDowell D. W. 66

Malchugova T. G. 497

Marinovich L. P. 216, 254, 255, 256, 257, 477a

Marcone A. 448, 497a

Martemyanov A. P. 498

Marchenko K. K. 419

Maslennikov A. A. 335, 368, 369

Matusova E. D. 217, 330

Makhlayuk A.V. 297, 298, 318, 478, 479

Makhortykh S. V. 407

Mayak I. L. 299

Mayatsky M. A. 218

Medvedskaya I. N. 104

Mellink J. 99

Melnichuk A. F. 287

Meshkeris V. A. 161

Militarev A. Yu. 43

Millar F. 454

Mkrtychev T. K. 162, 467, 480

Molev E. L. 398

Molchanov A. A. 219, 258

Mosse Kl. 220

Murav'ev A.V. 331, 333

Muravyov S. N. 433

Mallory JP 8

Neverov O. Ya. 300

Nemirovskiy A. A. 67, 481

Nefedkin A. K. 259

Nikolaenko G. M. 370

Nikonorov V. P. 124

Nikulina N. M. 100, 221

Novichenkova I. G. 371

Norman K. R. 132

Nosenko E. E. 105

Orel V. 106, 222

Ostroverkhov A. S. 372

Ots d. 107

Ots J. 107

Otto B. 223

Pavlovskaya A. I. 9, 224, 458, 509

Parker V. 408

Parzinger G. 409

Perevalov S. M. 426, 427

Peregudova S. Ya. 146

Perlov B. I. 438

Pilipko V. N. 163

Pittman X. 526

Pichikyan I. R. 164, 165

Plas D. van der 10

Pogrebova M. N. 404, 410, 428

Podosinov A.V. 225, 301, 399

Polosmak N. V. 166

Prusakov D. B. 89, 90

Pugachenkova G. A. 459

Puzdrovsky A. E. 373

Pyankov I. V. 46, 167, 543

page 266

Raevsky D. S. 11, 404, 410,483

Rapoport Yu. A. 145

Renfrew K. 12

Rogov E. Ya. 374, 419

Rode P. J. 22, 226

Rossetti L. 13

Rostovtsev M. I. 455, 456, 457

Rtveladze E. V. 168

Rung E. V. 227

Rusyaeva A. S. 376, 377, 400

Savelya O. Ya. 354, 378

Sallares R. 14

Salle J.-F. 108, 139, 319

Samozvantsev A.M. 133

Samoylenko T. I. 30, 323

Saprykin S. Yu. 302, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 482

Sarianidi V. I. 109, 169, 170, 171

Sarnovsky T. 354, 355, 378

Sventsitskaya I. S. 44, 113, 228, 303, 317, 334, 386

Sedov A.V. 114, 480, 485, 498a

Selivanova L. L. 486

Semina K. A. 229

Serditykh Z. V. 178

Sideltsev A. A. 516

Sims-Williams N. 172

Blue F. 304

Skrzhinskaya M. V. 230, 439

Skripkin A. S. 421

Smekalova T. N. 346

Smirin V. M. 305, 306, 317

Smorchkov A.M. 307

Smyshlyaev A. L. 308, 309, 310, 476

Solntseva G. A. 440

Solovyova S. S. 481

Solomatin M. D. 320

Solomonik E. I. 387

Dream of N. A. 356

Sorokina N. P. 388

Sorochan S. B. 443

Stavisky B. Ya. 173

Starodub-Sharr K. A. 110

Steblin-Kamensky I. M. 26, 35, 116

Stepantsov S. A. 332

Surikov I. E. 231, 232, 233, 234, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264,389

Tikhvinskiy S. L. 23

Tokmakov V. N. 311

Tomashevich O. V. 84, 481

Trebeleva G. V. 487

Traister M. Yu. 47, 111, 235, 236, 265, 390, 391, 416, 441,488

Trofimova M. K. 34, 324

Tunkina I. V. 447

Utchenko S. L. 15

Fedoseev N. F. 392, 401-402, 490

Ferrari Zh. - L. 237, 312

Fikhman I. F. 94, 321

Von Gall X. 393

Frankfort A.-P. 174

Frenchman S. A. 115

Frolov S. 106,222

Frolov E. D. 238, 417

Frolova N. A. 336, 337, 394, 395

Funk B. 460

Harper P. O. 526

Khodzhash S. I. 429

Khodza E. N. 239, 442

Khodorkovskaya B. B. 489

Hrshanowski L. 435

Tsereteli K. G. 430

Tsetskhladze G. R. 431, 432

Tsirkin Yu. B. 313

Tsymbursky V. L. 101, 240, 314

Chegodaev M. A. 84

Cheremisin D. V. 4

Shabaga I. Y. 33, 269

Schwarzband p. 24

Shevchenko A.V. 396

Cher Ya. A. 16

Sherkovat.A. 91, 466

Shnirelman V. A. 17

Shokhin V. K. 134

Yunts E. G. 29, 183

Yaylenko V. P. 397

Yakobson V. A. 3, 39, 509

Yankovskaya N. B. 45

Yarkho V. N.. 25, 27, 32, 181, 182, 185, 241, 242, 266, 267, 268, 539

Yatsenko I. K. 410

Yatsenko S. A. 175, 176, 537

page 267

permanent address of the article:


Vigasin A. L. (Moscow) - "The Periple of the Eritrean Sea" and the political map of India-3

Curtis J. (London) - Amu Darya treasure on the way to the British Museum-14


Hertzman E. V. (Saint Petersburg) - Liturgical music of the community of therapists-31

Matusova E. D. (Moscow) - Philo of Alexandria and Greek doxography-40

Muravyov A.V. (Moscow) - The place of suffering of Saints Manuel, Savel and Ismail-53

A. I. Pavlovskaya (Moscow) - Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria and his Diocese-60

Sventsitskaya I. S. (Moscow) - New approaches to the emergence of Christianity-works of J. D. Crossan-88


In memory of Yuri Germanovich Vinogradov

From the editorial board and editorial board of Vestnik drevnoi Istorii-98

Yu. G. Vinogradov-Euboean visit to Phanagoria-103

List of scientific works by Yu. G. Vinogradov - 104

Buiskikh A.V., Zolotarev M. I. (Simferopol) - Urban development plan of Tauric Chersonesus - 111

Zubar V. M. (Kiev) - On the final stage of Olbia's history (Third quarter of the third - first half of the fourth century) - 132

Ivanchik A. I. (Moscow) - The foundation of Sinope. Legends and history in the ancient tradition-139

Nazarov V. V. (Kiev) - The Sanctuary of Aphrodite in Borysthenes-154

Kryzhitsky S. D. (Kiev) - Temple of Aphrodite in Berezan. Reconstruction - 165

Makarov I. A. (Moscow) - From the epigraphy of the Northern Black Sea region-175

Maslennikov A. A. (Moscow) - The "Royal" Chorus of the Bosporus at the turn of the V-IV centuries BC (On the question of localization) - 178

Saprykin S. Yu. (Moscow) - Unpublished epitaph from Gorgippia-190

Traister M. Yu. (Moscow) - Portrait of the Parthian king from the Sarmatian burial in the Azov region-195

E. N. Khodza (Saint Petersburg) - Statuettes of actors of ancient and middle comedy in the Hermitage collection-206

Karpyuk S. G. (Moscow) - Habicht Hr. Athens. Istoriya goroda v hellenisticheskuyu epokhu [History of the city in the Hellenistic era].

To a teacher, colleague, or friend

Rusyaeva A. S. (Kiev) - Scientific aspects of Yu. G. Vinogradov's epistolary art - 217

Shelov-Kovedyaev F. V. (Moscow) - Praise to the teacher-227

Tolstikov V. P. (Moscow) - A parting word about a friend-230

page 268


Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Vasily Ivanovich Abaev-232

To the 70th anniversary of Vasily Ivanovich Kuzishchin-234


Flavius Arrian. Disposition against the Alans. Introductory article, translated from ancient Greek and comments by S. M. Perevalov (Vladikavkaz) - 236

Oleg Dmitrievich Berlev (1933-2000) - 244

Systematic index of the journal "Bulletin of Ancient History" for 1996-2000-247

page 269

permanent address of the article:


A.A. Vigasin (Moscow) - Periplus Maris Erythraei: Political Situation in India - 3

G. Curtis (London) -The Treasure of the Oxos on its Way to the British Museum - 14


E.V. Gerzman (St.-Petersburg) - Liturgical Music of the Community of ... - 31

Ye.D. Matusova (Moscow) - Philo of Alexandria and Greek Doxography - 40

A.V. Muravyov (Moscow) - Martyres sub Juliano Apostata I: the Real Place of the Martyrdom of Saint Manuel, Sabel and Ismael - 53

A.I. Pavlovskaya (Moscow) - Athanasius of Alexandria and His Eparchy - 60

I.S. Sventsitskaya (Moscow) - A New Approach to the Origin of Christianity: Works by J.D. Crossan - 88


In Memoriam Yurii Germanovich Vinogradov

Late Professor Yu.G. Vinogradov. By the Editorial Staff of VDI - 98

Vinogradov - Yu.G. An Euboean Visiting Phanagoria - 103

Publications of Yu.G. Vinogradov - 104

A.V. Buiskikh, M.I. Zolotaryov (Simferopol) - The City Plan of Chersonesus - 111

V.М. Zuhar' (Kiev) - On the Latest Period of the Ancient History of Olbia (The 3rd Quarter of the 3rd c. - the 1 st Quarter of the 4th c) - 132

A.I. Ivantchik (Moscow) - The Foundation of Sinope. Legends and History in the Classical Tradition - 139

V.V. Nazarov (Kiev) - The Sanctuary of Aphrodite in Berezan - 154

S.D. Kryzhitsky (Kiev) - The Temple of Aphrodite on the Berezan Peninsula. A Reconstruction - 165

I.A. Makarov (Moscow) - Notes on two North Black Sea Coast Inscriptions - 175

A.A. Maslennikov (Moscow) - King's Chora of the Bosporus in Late 5th - Early 4th с. ВС (On the Localization) - 178

S.Yu. Saprykin (Moscow) - An Unpublished Epitaph from Gorgippia - 190

M.Yu. Treister (Moscow) - A Portrait of a Parthian King from a Sarmatian Grave Near Azov - 195

Ye.N. Khodza (St.-Petersburg) - Figurines of Old and New Comedy Actors in the Hermitage Collection - 206

S. G. Karpyuk (Moscow) - Нabiсht Chr. Ellinisticheskie Afiny. Translated in Russian by Yu.G. Vinogradov. Moscow, 1999 - 214

Master, Colleage, Friend

A.S. Roussiajeva (Kiev) - Scholarly Aspects of Yu.G. Vinogradov's Epistolary Work - 217

F.V. Shelov-Kovediajev (Moscow) - Laudatio Magistri - 227

V.P. Tolstikov (Moscow) - Farewell to a Friend - 230

page 270


The 100th Birthday V.I. Abaev - 232

The 70th Birthday V.I. Kuzishchin - 234


Flavii Arriani. Acies contra Alanos. Introduction, Translation and Commentaries by S.M. Perevalov (Vladikavkaz) - 236

Oleg Dmitrievich Bertey (1933-2000) - 244

Index to "Vestnik Drevnej Istorii" 1996-2000 - 247


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SYSTEMATIC INDEX OF THE JOURNAL "VESTNIK DREVNOI ISTORII" FOR 1996-2000. // Tokyo: Japan (ELIB.JP). Updated: 17.06.2024. URL: (date of access: 07.02.2025).


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Nikamura Nagasaki
Nagasaki, Japan
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17.06.2024 (234 days ago)
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