Libmonster ID: JP-1475

On March 25-27, 2015, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the XLV All-Russian Scientific Conference "Society and the State in China", organized by the China Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The conference was attended by 101 people, mostly from Moscow: employees and postgraduates of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (32 people), Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (10), IMEMO RAS (1), Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1); RSUH (6), ISAA MSU (3), Higher Education Institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (2), Higher School of Economics (1), MIIGAUK (U) (1), MAI (1), NIIVI VA General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1), OTSAD MP ROC (1), but there were also representatives of other cities: St. Petersburg: IVR RAS (2), Libraries of the Academy of Sciences (1), Gos. Hermitage (1); St. Petersburg State University (4), Russian State University of Justice (2), St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University (1), Nevsky University of Language and Culture (1); Nizhny Novgorod: UNN (2); Volgograd: VSPU (2); Kazan: K (P)FU (1); Azov Region: ATI DTU (1); Yekaterinburg: UrFU (4); Novosibirsk: NSU (1); Omsk: OmSU (1); Krasnoyarsk: SibFU (1); Blagoveshchensk: AmSU (2); Vladivostok: IAE FEB RAS (2). Among the participants were representatives of foreign countries - Riga University (Latvia) and Xiamen University (China), an employee of the Chinese Embassy was present. Several independent researchers also made presentations. For the conference, as always, a collection of articles of the same name was published, 1 in which articles of many speakers were also published.

Traditionally, the conference opened with a welcoming speech by the Chairman of the organizing Committee A. I. Kobzev (IB RAS). New books published by the China Department of the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences over the past year2 were presented.

Some of the reports were devoted to the history of Ancient China. M. E. Kuznetsova-Fetisova (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) spoke about information from written sources concerning the Shang capital (located in the Yinxu area, near the modern village of Xiaotun near Anyang, prov. Henan): Unfortunately, this information is extremely contradictory and is many times inferior to the data of archaeological excavations. f-t MSU) analyzed the contexts

DMITRIEV Sergey Viktorovich-Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail

1 Society and the state in China. Vol. XLV. Part 1. Scientific notes of the Department of China. Issue No. 17. Moscow: IV RAS, 2015. 718 p. 45 pp. By the end of 2015, part 2 is expected, which will also include some articles of the conference participants that were not included in the first volume.

2 Golovachev V. TS., Molodyakov V. E. Taiwan in the era of Japanese rule: sources and research in Russian. Analiticheskiy obzor [Analytical review], Moscow: IV RAS, 2014, 120 p.; Canons of Confucianism and the School of Names: "The Great Teaching" ("Da-xue") and "Sage Deng Xi" ("Deng Si-tzu") / Comp. Book 1: "Da-xue" - "The Great Teaching" of the Holy Wise for schoolboys, scientists and masters, or the Fate of the Confucian Canon in China, in the West and in Russia / Series "Confucian Canon in Russian translation", Moscow: IV RAS, 2014. 320 2. Spirin V. S. "Deng Si-tzu" as a logical and epistemological work. Translation and Research Moscow: IV RAS, 2014. 328 p.; Kobzev A. I., Eremeev V. E. Traditional science in China. T. I. Metodologicheskie nauki: protologika, numerologiya i matematika [Methodological sciences: protology, numerology and mathematics]. Book 1. General sections, Moscow: MIPT, 2014, 210 p.; Society and State in China. Vol. XLIV. Part 2. Scientific notes of the Department of China. Issue 15. Moscow: IV RAS, 2014. 900 p.; Russian Sinology-oral history. Collection of interviews with leading Russian Sinologists of the XX-XXI centuries / Edited by V. Ts Golovachev, Vol. 1. Moscow: IV RAS-Kraft+, 2014, 496 p.; Chudodeev Yu. V. Soviet trainee in China. Diary entries about an internship at Fudan University (Shanghai) in 1985-1986 Moscow: IV RAS, 2014. 345 p.

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It turns out that this sign, which denotes, among other things, the Shang Dynasty itself, often appears in very difficult to explain meanings not only as part of proper names, but also, for example, as part of the names of polities hostile to the Shang. So far, it is rather difficult to explain these results, but their very presence undoubtedly suggests that, apparently, not everything in our ideas about Shang is correct.

M. Yu. Ulyanov (ISAA MSU) read the report "The concept of "cultural environment" and some features of historical writing of the Chunqiu period (771-453 BC)", devoted to the features of information transfer between individual destinies, reflected in the chronicle monuments of this time. V. V. Bashkeev (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) made a report on the study of political struggle at the initial stage of the history of the Western Han (202-87 BC): a close study of written sources, including using quantitative methods, allows us to take a fresh look at many problems of this key period of the empire's formation. D. E. Borisov (NSU) made a report on some features of studying the last stage of the history of the Eastern (Late)Han Han: this period is surprisingly unpopular in Russian and world historiography, and, curiously enough, many authors still often cite in their works information taken not from historical sources, but from the famous medieval novel "The Three Kingdoms".

S. I. Blumchen (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) spoke about the history of transmission and transformation of the most important mythological plot about the flood suppressors Gong and the Great Yu in the Western Zhou era; according to the author, this motif is connected with the formation of the Zhou cult of Heaven.N. Yu. Ageev (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) presented a report on four versions of the birth of the Great Yu, which, in particular, reflected a number of trends characteristic of the perception of myths in the Han era. N. Yu. Ageev (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) spoke about some problems of studying the I Ching, or rather the authenticity of the commentary to this canon by Tzu Xia and zhuan. V. M. Yakovlev (Moscow) spoke about the so-called Voynich manuscript, the exact origin and meaning of many parts of which are still unknown, and discussed related issues. It is possible that the "circular scheme" of the manuscript is worth looking for echoes of the influence of the I Ching. R. M. Ziganshin (IB RAS) shared his thoughts on the concepts of weakness, softness and compliance in the Tao-te ching treatise. The report of O. A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya (St. Petersburg State University) was devoted to the peculiarities of citationShi Jing in the texts of the Confucian Quatrain (Si Shu).

Many speakers made presentations on the problems of the Middle Ages. E. A. Ki (State Hermitage Museum) spoke about the texts of the brush of the Korean Buddhist mentor and commentator Wonhe (617-686). A.D. Zelnitsky (St. Petersburg.GU) made a report on the institution established in 741. The School of Reverence for the Hidden ( Chun-xuan xue), where future officials studied ancient Taoist texts; apparently, the purpose of this school was not so much to develop Taoism as to create on its basis a new state ideology that does not have too much in common with the Taoist tradition as such. the report concerns the authorship of a well-known commentary on the Confucian Tetralogy (Si Shu ping, "Analysis of the Tetralogy"); there is reason to believe that it was written not by Li Zhi (1527-1602), but by another author, and attributed to a famous philosopher in order to ensure the commentary's success with readers. in neo-Confucian literature.

V. V. Tishin (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) gave an overview report on the interpretation of the history of the Turkic Khaganate in Chinese historiography. D. V. Vozchikov (UrFU) traced the history of constructing the image of the Sung dignitary Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283), who in the memory of descendants went from a relatively little-known Sung loyalist to a national hero of the national scale.chenxiang ci  in Beijing combines two different aspects of his veneration - traditional temple and modern museum and memorial. E. F. Bayalieva (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) made a report on monetary circulation in the Yuan Empire according to the interesting, but so far very little studied code of Zhi-zheng tiaoge  ("Articles on the rules [compiled in the Russian Academy of Sciences]"). years of rule under the motto "Zhi-zheng"). The production, distribution, and disposal of paper money was strictly regulated for both headquarters and local offices.

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A number of reports related to the history and culture of modern times, the anthropology of the peoples of traditional China. M. E. Neglinskaya (IB RAS) spoke about some subjects of Qing art, in which one can see parallels with the vanitas motif popular in Europe: the links between Western and modern Chinese art are much stronger than is commonly thought. N. K. Semyonova (IB RAS) made a report on people's associations in imperial China. Yu. G. Lemeshko (Am.Ms. GU) gave a presentation on the syncretic cult of the Seven Patron Mothers, which is well documented in the popular popular print media of Nianhua and is still popular in southern China and especially in Taiwan. O. V. Dyakova (IAE FEB RAS) made a report on the population of Primorye in the XVI-XVII centuries. Yu. A. Gracheva (IDV RAS) spoke about the virtually unknown history of the Yunnan Nasi people according to Chinese written sources and their own legends. V. C. Golovachev (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) presented a report on the problems of the traditional way of life in the family against the background of the grandiose changes that China experienced in the XX century: he analyzed Yun Zhang's novel "Wild Swans". The connection of modernity with the "old China" was also traced by A. S. Trunova (Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences): Her message focused on the influence of the classic novel "Dream in the Red Chamber"on contemporary Chinese essay writing. T. E. Budaeva (IB RAS) spoke about the Kunshan kunqu opera ,  the oldest extant variety of Chinese traditional (Peking) opera, whose origins date back to the Yuan era.

The report of V. A. Perminova (IB RAS) was devoted to the stages of political integration of the Japanese colony of Taiwan into the empire: the metropolitan government thought not only about the economic and military exploitation of the island, but also about the gradual transformation of its inhabitants into patriots of Japan, full - fledged subjects of the emperor-and in many ways they succeeded.

Traditionally, much attention was paid to the problems of modern China, politics and economy. V. Ya.Portyakov (IDV RAS) considered the current trends and prospects of the Chinese economy, the possibilities of transforming the model of economic growth. The report of L. A. Afonina (IDV RAS) was devoted to the main stages of the history of religious policy in the PRC, which went from attempts to completely ban religious organizations to the formation of their own, Chinese versions of world religions. Yu. P. Pomelova (UNN) made a report on the national policy of the PRC and models of integration of national minorities into the system of national identity. V. Zotov (Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) spoke about the challenges that the PRC and the entire Central Asian region face. The legacy of the East Turkestan Republic 1944-1949. Ya. V. Leksyutina (St. Petersburg State University) highlighted the main policy of the Chinese leadership in the field of Internet regulation: in no country in the world is the number of Internet users measured in such grandiose numbers and, it seems, nowhere has the state built such a complex and extensive system for surveillance and control in the Network; however, its effectiveness is not appreciated by everyone. German (Ur.FU) spoke about the approaches of the Chinese leadership to ensuring the stability of the state. Presentations by A. I. Salitsky (IMEMO RAS) on environmental challenges facing modern China, and T. A. Tushnova (IV RAS) on strategies for the development of Chinese nuclear power.

Many speakers noted China's place in the modern system of international relations: O. A. Timofeev (AmSU) spoke about the economy and geopolitics in relations between China and the United States, O. A. Bodrova ( UNN) - about the" humanitarian strengthening " of the PRC in foreign policy, I. V. Ulyanova (UrFU) - about an important tool of the PRC's foreign policy - the Chinese the diaspora of Southeast Asian countries. D. V. Mosyakov (Institute of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Academy of Sciences) also presented China's policy in Southeast Asia. N. A. Zamaraeva (Institute of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Academy of Sciences) made a report on "China, Pakistan and the National Reconciliation process in Afghanistan". M. A. Pakhomova (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) spoke about the main trends in China's policy towards the Arab East during the years when Hu Jintao was in power.

A significant part of the reports was devoted to the problems of Russian-Chinese relations in the historical perspective. I. P. Karezina (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) spoke about the diplomatic functions performed by the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Beijing: from its establishment in the early 18th century to the appearance of diplomatic missions in China in the mid-19th century. Russia was the only country that had a permanent representative office in the capital of the Qing Empire; however, this advantage was practically not used by Russia. A vivid illustration of this situation was the participation of the head of the Mission in the Tianjin negotiations of 1858

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Palladium Kafarov (1817-1878), which was dedicated to the message of A.M. Kulikov (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences): probably the best specialist on China that the Russian government had at its disposal at that time was involved in the negotiations almost exclusively as a translator. Ya. L. Sologub (Russian State University of Justice) spoke about the" unequal treaties " that China concluded with Russia and other powers - her message was devoted to lease agreements for part of Chinese territory, which were a popular way of alienating one or another tasty morsel from China. Despite the name, China did not receive any payment from the" tenants " and could not even influence the transfer of leased land from one country to another.

V. V. Larin (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) spoke about the state of little-known monuments in Shahe and Shenyang dedicated to Russian soldiers who died on Chinese soil during the Russo-Japanese War. S. F. Chepelev (OmSU) analyzed the main stages of changes in the legal status of Russian subjects in China, starting with the Treaty of Kyakhta in 1721 and ending with the construction of the CER and formation of a system of exclusion zones - territories with a special legal status. E. N. Zememtseva (NIIVI of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) examined the difficult situation of Russian emigrants in China in the 1920s, when they found themselves without citizenship and rights guaranteed to them by previously concluded Russian-Chinese treaties. Unlike in Europe, in China, Russian emigrants could hardly expect to receive "Nansen" passports and did not expect assistance from the League of Nations; from the second half of the 1920s, they had to take Soviet or Chinese citizenship. On the history of Russian emigration by L. R. Usmanov (RSUH), her report deals with the relations of the Japanese military mission in Manchuria with the Turkic-Tatar community. L. P. Chernikova (IB RAS) spoke about Ukrainian societies and their role in the life of Russian emigration. Smirnov (UrFU) spoke about Russian scout organizations in China. V. G. Datsyshen (SibFU) reported on the stay of Chinese prisoners of war captured during the conflict on the CER in a camp near Chita in 1929; archival documents allow us to trace in some detail the life of Chinese soldiers and their social origin. Perception of China in the USSR - topic of the report by M. A. Guleva (St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University). un-t), where the cartoons of the magazine "Crocodile" related to Chinese events were analyzed. G. B. Dudchenko (Nevsky University of Language and Culture) and A. F. Chernova (UNN) spoke about the current problems of Pidgin, which is the language used by Russian and Chinese traders in the border area, and spoke about special economic zones as an element of partnership between Russia and China.

A number of reports were devoted to the history of science. I. A. Zakharenko(MIIGAIK (U)) noted the contribution of Russian Sinologists to the geographical study and mapping of China. V. M. Alpatov (INR RAS) spoke about N. I. Konrad's article "On the Chinese Language" and the reasons for this failure. T. N. Vinogradova (BAN) made a report on the history of the development of Latin writing for the Chinese language according to the data of the card file of Academician V. M. Alekseev. S. V. Dmitriev A. M. Kobzev (IB RAS) reminded the audience about the life of Bidiya Dandaron (1914-1974), an Oriental scholar and Buddhist mentor, who was convicted three times for his faith and died in a prison camp during the relatively mild Brezhnev era. "3.

Reports were read with obvious public interest, many topics caused a lively response from the audience and a lively discussion, which the moderators had to stop with great regret so that all the speakers had time to speak. In general, there is no doubt that the conference "Society and the State in China", despite its advanced age, retains its weight and popularity among a wide range of Sinologists, including the new generation.

3 For more information, see: Society and the State in China. Vol. XLIV. Part 2. Scientific notes of the Department of China. Issue 15. Moscow: IV RAS, 2014, pp. 462-615.

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