Libmonster ID: JP-1483

From June 29 to July 2, 2010, St. Petersburg hosted the IV International Scientific Conference "Problems of Literatures of the Far East", organized by the Faculty of Oriental Studies of St. Petersburg State University together with the Faculty of Chinese Philology of Fudan University (China).

About 70 people took part in its work. 25 speakers were from various, mostly provincial, universities in China (except for two-from Beijing Normal University and Beijing University of Language and Culture), as well as 2 representatives from Hong Kong; a large group was from Fudan University (Shanghai). 35 speakers were Russian, mostly teachers of higher education, including 5 from Buryatia and one from Vladivostok, 15 participants represented academic institutions (Institute of Oriental Studies, IDV, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, BAN and Institute of World Literature). 5 came from Ukraine and one from Tashkent. Scientists from the USA, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Brunei, and Thailand also participated in the conference.

The conference was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of St. Petersburg.GU E. I. Zelenev, Head of the Chinese delegation Chen Shangjing, acad. V. S. Myasnikov and Consul of the People's Republic of China in St. Petersburg. Peng Xuegang. Chen Shangjin noted the enormous influence of Russian literature on more than one generation of Chinese intellectuals. He welcomed the continuation (after a 20 - to 30-year break) of cultural and scientific exchange between the two countries and called for stimulating new research in Russian and Chinese science. The study and translation of literary works make a great contribution to this process. V. S. Myasnikov noted the achievements of recent years in academic and university science, which resulted in a beautifully compiled edition of the heritage of V. M. Alekseev, a 6-volume encyclopedia of "Spiritual Culture of China", such books as "Three Teachings in the Culture of China" by A. G. Storozhuk and the publication of Chinese poetry in translations by L. N. Menshikov.

Panel No. 1 of this conference was dedicated to the memory of a prominent writer of the Southern Song era, Lu Yu. Speakers spoke about his contribution to Chinese literature. So, Xiao Ruifeng (Zhejiang technologist. un-t, China) noted the subtle images of his poetry, their combination. G. Roger (Lund University, Sweden) made a presentation on the role of personal experiences in literary diaries of the Southern Song period. un-t, China) - text studies of the works of Lu Yu. B. G. Doronin (SPb.GU) said that Lu Yu is known in Russia thanks to E. A. Serebryakov, who devoted his entire life to translating and studying the work of this figure. Most often, he stressed, great cultural figures appear during periods of change. The Southern Song Dynasty is estimated in dynastic histories as a time of decline, decomposition of Chinese statehood-the traditional scheme of dynastic crisis. But historical science has reached new frontiers in the last decade, and Chinese historians are trying to critically assess the traditional version of the country's historical past and make necessary adjustments to it. Now, as part of the active development of problems of the history of the X-XIII centuries and their reinterpretation, the Southern Song period is given a special place; this era is considered as an independent period of Chinese history, which is important not only for the designated time, but also for the entire subsequent development of China. Wang Xiaowen (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom) highlighted Lu Yu Shui's poems of the period. Zhang / / (Shenyang University, China) spoke about the role of Liang Qichao in the history of a new round of recognition of Lu poetry Yu. S. A. Toroptsev made an extremely lyrical message entitled " A trip to Shu in the XII and XXI centuries. welcome to the 8th century", richly illustrated with slides.

Panel No. 2 "The Flourishing of literatures in the Tang era and the openness of culture" began its work with a report by A. G. Storozhuk (St. Petersburg.GU) "The Four Outstanding Ones and the public role of the Tang poet" as a continuation of the ongoing attempts to convincingly explain the phenomenon of the surge in Tang literature, when during the 300 years of the House of Li's rule, an incredible number of talented writers were created, many of whom gained fame as the greatest literary luminaries. Li Hao (Northwestern University, China) spoke about the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries during the Tang period. R. V. Berezkin (University of Pennsylvania, USA) focused on Bo Juyi's autobiography "The Life of a Gentleman who liked to drink and compose poetry", which created the ideal of a kind of Otto-

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defrauding of a retired official. The Tang poet Chu Guangxi, who also retired from the world, was described by Dai Weihua (South Chinese). un-t, China). New information about Gao Shi's early life and family, based on the recently discovered epitaphs of Gao Chongwen and Gao Yi, is provided in a report by Qiu Luming (Fudan University), and his colleague Tang Wen spoke about the sentimental moods of Early Chinese poetry. Three colleagues from Buryat State University presented their thoughts on the genre of "Gongzi" (D. D. Masalimova), on the collection "Quan Tang shi", which represents the main categories and laws of the theory of Chinese poetry (R. R. Khiltunova), and on the textual design of the Chinese school of "secret teaching" - the second period of the spread of esoteric Buddhism in China (L. L. Vetluzhskaya).

Panel No. 3 "Social shifts of the Tang and Song Eras and changes in Song and Yuan literature" Chen Shangjun (Fudan University, China) made a report "Progress in conditions of deprivation-review of" Notes on Quan Song ci "for the fortieth anniversary of Wang Zhongwen", and his colleague at the University Zhu Gan - "About the' Second Young Lady' - reading Su Shi's 'Three Letters to Hu Renxu'.

Panel No. 4 "New issues of studying classical Chinese literature in the context of globalization and informatization". Luo Shijin (Suzhou University, China) focused on the construction of literary semiology in the study of Chinese classical literature. Zhang Jinyao (Fudan University) gave some comments on the section" Literature " contained in the collection "Yang Shi Jia Xun". Zeng Xianbo (Chinese Youth University of Politics) research) gave new definitions and explanations of "Jindian". Li Chunqing (Peking University) Huang Zhouyue (Beijing University of Language and Culture)spoke about introspection of two main methods in studying the theory of ancient Chinese literature. - on the interaction of "shiven" and "nuven" steels as one of the methods of criticism of the "shiven" style in the XIV-XVI centuries by Ya. V. Sheker (Kiev National University). university named after him. Taras Shevchenko, Ukraine) noted how the Taoist tenets of Zhuangzi were reflected in the work of the Song poet Li Qingzhao, M. V. Cherevko (Wuhan University, China) spoke about the poet of the Northern Song Dynasty-Ouyang Xiu. N. V. Smirnov (Petrozavodsk State University). un-t) shared her experience of introducing the audience to authentic Chinese realities when studying the history and culture of China, including the Tang era, using highly qualified translations of Chinese poetry.

The topic of B. L. Riftin's speech (IMLI RAS) is Yangliuqing-Northern Center of Folk Paintings. I. I. Semenenko (MSU) focused on the theory of eloquence in "Mengzi". A. A. Solovyova (RSUH) spoke about the most capacious category of "gui" in the Chinese tradition, which has many meanings and correlates with various spheres of culture. To a greater or lesser extent, it is used by the vast majority of Chinese humanities: philosophy, psychology, religious studies, cultural studies, philology, and, of course, ethnography and folklore studies. In the message " Orientalism-occidentalism. The return of Gustav Mahler's "Song of the Earth" to the Chinese cultural space " by T. I. Vinogradova (BAN) spoke about G. Mahler's symphony-cantata based on poems by Tang poets, but did not attract the attention of sinologists, as well as about Daniel Wu's collaboration in the search for original Chinese poetic texts based on paraphrases and his attempts overcome the differences between monosyllabic Chinese and polysyllabic German. The Chinese version, the report said, strips Mahler's work of its universalism, reducing everything to a dialogue of cultures, which Mahler himself did not actually conduct. Mayatsky (St. Petersburg State University) spoke about the problems of creating a scientific biography of the Yuan playwright Gao Zecheng. T. A. Pan (Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences) found out the features of the Manchu/Chinese versions of the Ode to Mukden Qianlong. E. I. Mitkina (St. Petersburg State University) reported on the second peak of interest (the first-immediately after the poet's death) in the work of one of the most famous poets of the XVIII century - Huang Jingren.

Panel No. 5 "Ways of development of Chinese literature in the XX-XXI centuries". E. G. Murashevich (Kiev National University) university named after him. Taras Shevchenko) spoke about the revolution in the style and content of verse on the example of symbolism of Dai Wangshu (1905-1950), and S. S. Nasimov (Tashkent Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan)-about the development of Chinese literature in the early XX century on the example of Ding Lin's work. On the Stanislavsky system in Chinese drama of the mid-20th century reported by O. S. Vorobey (Kiev National Bank). un-t). Representatives of the Buryat University M. Yu. Dondokova spoke about "traditionalism" in modern Chinese poetry, and N. V. Protasova - about the peculiarities of Chinese poetry of the late XX century-the acclaimed "foggy poetry", which by its non-triviality brought fresh breath to the poetic world and was called " poetry of the cult-

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ry", or "creativity of the intelligentsia". Chen Qianhua (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China) made a report on the subjectivity of reflection and visual series in early republican China on the example of Zhou Shoujuan's story "A Beautiful Friend". A. A. Rodionov (St. Petersburg State University) spoke about Lao She's cooperation with the magazine "Wenyi Yuekan".- t Geneva, Switzerland) described the impression of a Chinese symbolist watching an expressionist production in a Russian theater in the 1920s, defined by him as a"Jewish nightmare".

E. A. Zavidovskaya (Spb.GU) in the report "The prose of Taiwanese women writers: the search for a homeland and ethnic self-determination" highlighted the work of writers of the generation that took part in the anti-Japanese war, and then was forced to move to Taiwan. Despite the fact that in the new conditions their liberal views were in conflict with the regime of Chiang Kai-shek, which relied on a system of strict censorship, the writers, unlike their male colleagues, paid more attention in their work not to the painful experiences of emigration, but to finding new opportunities and trying to realize the ideals of the May 4 Movement. Taiwan first became a forced temporary refuge for them, and then a second homeland. XX century prose no longer labeled as deliberately frivolous and apolitical (in contrast to the 1960s - 1980s, when they themselves rated it as "literature for young ladies"), now writers freely turn to topics related to politics. S. V. Nikolskaya (MSU) studied modern urban prose. Urban prose reflects everyday life in all its diversity; for a foreign reader, it serves as a reliable source of regional knowledge. S. G. V. V. Tsybikova (Buryat State University) spoke about the" cultural revolution " in modern Chinese prose. He was characterized by an eclectic, mosaic-like orientation, a playful style, and a parodic reinterpretation of traditions; his creative method is based on the postmodern trends of the 1980s, which enriched both the art world of Hai Tzu and Chinese literature in general.

Panel No. 6 "Oriental literatures in Russia and Russian literature in the Far East and Southeast Asia: problems of translation, perception and mutual influence; the role of comparative Literature in modern Oriental studies". Dong Xiao (Nanjing University, China) spoke about the fate of Russian literature in China. The Chinese became familiar with Russian literature at the end of the Qing Dynasty, but it had the most significant impact on Chinese writers only after the May 4 Movement. The development of modern Chinese literature is closely linked to the borrowing of "useful things" from foreign literature, and Russian literature, with its originality, has been one of the most important driving forces in this process, the author claims. After 1949, Russian and Soviet literature became the only role model for Chinese writers. After the end of the "cultural revolution", the author writes, the irony of fate is that the once "poisonous grass" has now again become a "healing decoction", a loyal friend and teacher for the Chinese. But with the development of Chinese literature of the new period, the attachment of Chinese writers and readers to Soviet literature gradually weakens, the speaker states. Xie Zhaoxin (Anhui ped. un-t, China) spoke about the influence of Russian and Soviet literature on the work of Jiang Guangzi. Zhu Hengfu (Shanghai University, China) reported on the spread of Russian plays in China since the 19th century. and mastering the theory of dramatic creativity and acting skills of the Stanislavsky system. Wang Ruqing (Tianjin ped. un-t, China) drew certain analogies of the works of E. Shentao and A. P. Chekhov. Z. V. Stanchits (University of California, Davis, USA) traced the similarities between post-socialist nostalgia and the emergence of kitsch in Russia and China. V. TS Golovachev (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) emphasized that Oriental motifs, traditions and customs - the rite of marriage of the tsar, the substitution of the heir and the "death" of the tsarevna - are also characteristic of A. S. Pushkin's fairy tales.

Panel No. 7 "Literature of the Far East and Southeast Asian Countries: past and present" S. V. Banit (St. Petersburg State University) analyzed modern women's prose in Indonesia. The increasing role of women in society was reflected not only in the texts of works and artistic images, but also in the literary process itself: the rapid development of so-called women's literature began. Women writers are often accused of having a negative impact on the morale of society. They dared to reveal to the reader life in all its complexity, which means not only beautiful, but also scary, rude, and unsightly. E. V. Romanova (St. Petersburg) spoke about the symbolic meaning of the names of characters in the poetic drama of the Indonesian poet and politician Rustam Efendi (b. 1903). So, a work that calls on compatriots to-

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Vennikov to speak out against colonial oppression, named after the girl, most likely derived from the Indonesian word "freedom". V. R. Atnashev (North-Western Academic State University). E. Y. Knorozova (BAN) spoke about the Vietnamese Golden Turtle Kim Kun in the Far Eastern cultural tradition. Scientists from the University. Chulalongkorn (Thailand) was represented by Suchitra Chongstitwantana, "Love of Nature and Enlightenment", and Sitaporn Natalang, "Analysis of the Perception (relationship) of Rice and Religion in Asia".

M. V. Toropygina (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) traced the formation of the legend "Komachi's skull" about one of the heroines of Japanese literature - the poetess Ono-no Komachi. G. Peshkova (Sofia University named after St. Kliment Ohridsky, Bulgaria) spoke about the perception of the city in a Japanese folk tale. L. Yu. Khronopulo (St. Petersburg State University) She analyzed the image of the heroine of Japanese prose at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries by Yu. V. Ivanov (Far Eastern State University) on the example of one of the stories belonging to the" literature of the atomic catastrophe", but bypassed by criticism, and showed how the theme of vital value is formed as the only important one for the residents of the irradiated city. Yu. V. Osadcha (Kyiv National University) Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine) reported on the first treatise "The Essence of Prose" (1885-1886) by the reformist writer Tsubouchi See, which analyzed the poetics of plot prose. She noted that classical studies in the field of belles lettres in medieval Japan traditionally did not consider plot prose as an object of theorizing. D. A. Kupko (Kiev University "World of the East", Ukraine) devoted her report to comparing the constants and differences in the image of the military in small prose by Masuji Ibuse and Olesya Gonchar. Both authors are well-known both at home and abroad, both - participants of the Second World War. The difference between the analyzed characters is quite natural, since they are elements of different literary systems - Ukrainian social realism and anti-war Japanese prose of the second half of the XX century.

G. A. Amanova (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) spoke about Korean romantic poetry of the 1920s - 1930s, and I. V. Choi (St. Petersburg State University) - about Korean prose of the same period. The formation and surge of literary creativity in the country during this period were prepared by the entire historical and political situation in the country. Yu. V. Moskalenko (Far Eastern State University) dedicated her performance to the lyrics of Chon Sangben (born in 1930), whose work is gaining more and more popularity from year to year.

E. A. Sinetskaya (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) shared her opinion on how invaluable sources for studying the history of feminism in China were the Chinese literary works of the first third of the last century, and first of all the novels and novellas of Mao Tung. A. A. Sokolov (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) told about the first acquaintance of Russians with Vietnam (then Indochina) and the first poetic responses to the exoticism of this country. R. G. Shapiro (RSUH) reported on the first results of field research of Chinese puppet theater in Malaysia. The report by Min Shen (Un-t Brunei Darussalam, Brunei) examined the cultural phenomenon of Chinese-language literature in Southeast Asia: the struggle between Chinese ethnic identification and the process of entering international society. The topic of the report by A. A. Guriev (St. Petersburg State University) is Chinese names in Korean traditional poetry (on the example of the anthology "Namhun taepaen-ga"). Yin Yunzhen (Jilin University, China) spoke about the Tang style in the poems of the Goryeo poet Kim Kugyong, and Wu Xiangshun (Central University of Nationalities, China) - about the literature of Chinese Koreans in the past and present.

P. L. Grokhovsky (St. Petersburg State University) made a presentation on the study of modern Tibetan literature in the Tibetan autonomous administrative entities (since the early 1980s) and among the Tibetan diaspora outside the PRC (primarily in India since the early 1990s). M. P. Petrova (St. Petersburg State University) highlighted the topic of the city in the Mongolian poetry of the beginning of the XXI century by R. V. Ivlev (St. Petersburg med. un-t) spoke about the perception of the history of Mongolia by Mongolian writers. He spoke about komulation in a Mongolian folk tale.

The conference included a presentation of S. A. Toroptsev's book "A Comprehensive Biography of Li Bo", as well as publications of the IDV RAS, which were presented by B. G. Doronin, who is now the director of the St. Petersburg branch of the IDV.

The special session was dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Professor L. Z. Eidlin. I. S. Smirnov from the RSUH made a report about him as a wonderful person and literary critic, and B. L. Riftin, N. A. Speshnee, and V. V. Rybin also made their memoirs.

By the opening of the conference, 3 volumes of materials by 102 authors were published in Russian, English and Chinese.

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E. A. SINETSKAYA, PROBLEMS OF LITERATURE IN THE FAR EAST // Tokyo: Japan (ELIB.JP). Updated: 06.12.2024. URL: (date of access: 19.01.2025).

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