Libmonster ID: JP-1563

On June 13-15, 1984, Chita hosted the second scientific symposium on " Political exile in Siberia in the late 17th and early 20th centuries. Sources and Historiography" (the first one was held in Novosibirsk in 1982), organized by the Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Scientific Council on the History of Siberia problem, the Chita Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Chita Pedagogical Institute named after N. G. Chernyshevsky. The symposium was attended by historians from Moscow, Leningrad, Irkutsk, Kolomna, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Chita, Yakutsk and other cities of the country, party activists, employees of archives, museums, and public organizations.

The plenary session was attended by the Secretary of the Chita Regional Committee of the CPSU V. N. Ushakov "Chita region in the XI five-year plan and prospects for its development", L. M. Goryushkin and A. Yu. Dergachev (Novosibirsk) "Modern Anglo-American bourgeois historians on political exile in Siberia in the XIX-early XX centuries", V. A. Dyakov"Judicial and investigative materials of Soviet archives as a source on the history of Polish exile in the pre-Reform period", E. L. Rudnitskaya " Political exile in Siberia in the publications of the Free Russian Printing House of A. I. Herzen and N. P. Ogarev (On setting the theme)", V. P. Zinoviev (Tomsk) "Influence of political exile on the labor movement in Siberia" and V. V. Polyakova (Sevastopol) "Education of workers based on revolutionary traditions".

The main place in the work of the symposium was occupied by the issues of source studies. In the reports of T. M. Bazhenova (Sverdlovsk), S. V. Kodan (Chita), O. P. Podosenov (Krasnoyarsk), the legislation on political exile was characterized, its features were noted in comparison with the laws on general exile, related to the colonization policy of tsarism and determining the organization of supervision of political exiles.

T. A. Bochanova (Novosibirsk) reported on previously unknown records of administrative institutions of Western Siberia, which are of scientific interest for studying the life and activities of the Decembrists, the evolution of their worldview. O. N. Vilkov and N. K. Chernyshev (both from Novosibirsk) gave speeches describing the works of the Decembrists as a historical source on the history of Siberia. These sources make it possible to identify the contribution of exiled revolutionaries to the study and development of Siberian cities, to trace the stages of their development of a program for the transformation of the region, their connections with Siberians, in particular with the socio-political circle of the Krasnoyarsk intelligentsia.

One of the most important sources is the epistolary legacy of the Decembrists. V. N. Bolotskikh (Novosibirsk) made a report on the letters of the Yalutorovskaya colony of political exiles, Yu. L. Troitsky (Novosibirsk) - on the role of correspondence in the life of exiled Decembrists, its place in the epistolary culture of the past R. I. Tsupri (Chita) on the basis of studying the letters revealed the range of exiled people's activities the Decembrists and their reading interests. It was noted that the preserved correspondence was far from being fully put into scientific circulation, and it was hoped that the editorial board of the scientific series "Polyarnaya Zvezda", created to prepare the publication of the complete collection of letters of the Decembrists, would fill this gap. S. V. Mironenko reported on the forthcoming new publication of the "Alphabet of the Decembrists" and its significance as a source of information about the exiled Decembrists.

M. V. Konstantinov (Chita) and R. I. Tsuprik presented the results of an archaeological study of the Decembrist necropolis in Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky. Guided by correspondence, archaeologists confirmed or clarified the burial sites of the children of the Decembrists (O. Muravyeva, I. Fonvizin, A. Ivashev). Excavations of the supposed burial place of the Decembrist soldier M. A. Shutov, who served hard labor in the Petrovsky Factory, did not yield any results. The name of the Decembrist will be immortalized on a memorial stele at the entrance to the cemetery. A. G. Patronova (Chita) revealed the significance of the memoirs of political exiles for the history of the artel they created in the Kary penal colony, about the relationship of political prisoners with each other, with the prison administration, etc.

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L. P. Sosnovskaya (Irkutsk), P. Z. Kuruskanov ( Omsk)-in their reports "The Siberian Press as a source for studying the journalistic activities of exiled Social Democrats (1910 - February 1917)" and "Political exile in the leaflets of social-democratic organizations in Siberia (1901 - February 1917)" showed the possibilities of the Social-Democratic periodicals and leaflets, which contain a wealth of material about the work of the exiled Bolsheviks, their position, their relations with the central organs of the party, and their influence on the revolutionary movement in Siberia, are being used more widely.

In his report "Mass sources on the history of Siberian political exile (1905 - 1917)", E. Sh. Khaziakhmetov (Omsk) drew attention to comparative-historical and quantitative methods in processing statistical and mass sources of the late XIX-early XX centuries (reports, personal lists of exiles, judicial and investigative cases, questionnaire surveys, etc.A.D. Margolis (Leningrad) focused on the characteristics of one of the types of mass sources on the history of political penal servitude in Russia - XIX century - statistics of exiles. The reports of Z. I. Peregudova, B. S. Popkov (Tobolsk) and P. S. Troev (Yakutsk) were devoted to the characterization of documents on political exile in Siberia stored in state archives, as well as to the improvement of the scientific and reference apparatus of archival institutions. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR D. K. Sivtsev (Yakutsk) spoke about the state of museum business in Yakutia.

Speakers focused on the history of Polish political exile in Siberia. V. A. Dyakov devoted a report to the composition, specifics and prospects of studying the forensic and investigative documentation of Russian, Polish and Austrian institutions about exiled Poles in the first half of the XIX century. These materials are still poorly used and little published. Meanwhile, they contain information about the social composition of exiles, their ideological and political appearance; they allow us to trace the legal and administrative design of repressive measures, identify places where sentences are served, and so on.

The same problem occurs when accessing memories. In his report on them, B. S. Shostakovich (Irkutsk) showed the ways to identify and systematize Polish memoirs, the need for their publication. A. S. Nagaev (Kolomna) reported on the identified archival documents that allow us to highlight the conspiracy of 1832-1833 - the so - called Omsk case, which until recently was only briefly mentioned in the historical literature. Interesting materials about the contribution of the exiled K. Savichevsky to the development of musical culture and economic life in Transbaikalia in the middle of the XIX century were discovered by M. A. Bel o Krys (Ulan-Ude). The analysis of a complex of archival and published sources about exiled Polish revolutionaries in Siberia in the late XIX-early XX centuries was given by L. K. Ostrovsky (Novosibirsk).

L. M. Goryushkin and A. Yu. Dergachev, describing the views on political exile in Russia of modern bourgeois historians D. Armstrong, A. Wood, E. Kirby, K. Manning, D. Walkin, and others, criticized their erroneous research methods and conclusions (contrasting political exile in tsarist Russia and other capitalist countries, justifying the punitive policy of the autocracy,etc.). denial of the revolutionary activities of the exiles in Siberia, etc.).

N. P. Matkhanova (Novosibirsk), V. I. Porokhov (Volgograd), and T. A. Pertseva (Shelekhov) noted a number of unresolved and controversial historiographical and source studies issues concerning the evolution of the views of the Decembrists A. V. Poggio, I. D. Yakushkin, and M. S. Lunin in the penal settlement period of life, and their role in the liberation movement of Russia.-50s of the XIX century. V. N. Mikhailova (Kemerovo) in her report "Petrashevtsy in Siberia in modern Soviet historiography" highlighted poorly studied issues about the forms of struggle of Petrashevtsy in conditions of hard labor and exile, their relations with the Decembrists, Siberians and exiled Poles.

E. L. Rudnitskaya considered the problem of ideological continuity of the Free Press with the internal Russian revolutionary Movement in historiographical and source studies terms, showed the role of Free Printing in covering the history of political exile in Siberia, developing the revolutionary concept of the Decembrist movement, Raznochintsy and Polish exiles, and exposing the punitive system of tsarism. L. G. Sukhotina (Tomsk), using the example of the Red Cross circle established in 1881 by the Tomsk colony of exiles and representing a department of Narodnaya Volya, revealed the importance of studying the links of exiled narodniks with revolutionary organizations in the center of the country.

The role of the society of political convicts and exiled settlers (in particular, the Nerchinsk and Yakut communities) in the preparation of works on the Siberian narodnik exile was discussed in the report of L. A. Ushakova (Novosibirsk). Z. V. Moshkina (Chita) presented a historiographical review of the Nerchinsk penal servitude and a description of sources about it. M. G. Sesyunina (Tomsk) presented the report " The Case of Siberian Separatism (Historiography and sources)"; M. V. Shilovsky (Novosibirsk) reviewed the historiography of relations between Siberian oblasts and political exiles (narodniks, Social Democrats, etc.) in the last quarter of the XIX - early XX century.

The historiography of political exile in Siberia at the proletarian stage of the liberation movement is reflected in the report of V. P. Zinoviev, who assessed the degree of study of the influence of V. I. Lenin and his associates on the social-democratic movement in Siberia. The speaker drew attention to the study of the participation of exiles

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in the strike, trade union, and cooperative movements of Siberian workers. Speeches by V. I. Terentyev and A. A. Kaminsky (both Shushenskoye) were devoted to the revolutionary struggle of the Social Democrats and the activities of Socialist-Revolutionary organizations in Siberia.

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR M. D. Sergeev (Irkutsk) reported on the implementation of the decision of the Novosibirsk Symposium to prepare a series of popular science works on the history of political exile in Siberia.

During the symposium, an extended meeting of the editorial board of the collection of documents " Siberian Political Exile. Nerchinsk penal servitude (1825-1917)".

At the final plenary session, the results of the symposium were summed up, recommendations were made: to strengthen the study of the West Siberian exile of social Democrats, Petrashevites and other participants in the liberation movement (members of the Society of Military Friends, the Orenburg Circle of the Decembrist type, Sungurovites, etc.), figures of the national liberation struggle; to expand archival research; to attract more specialists in related branches of science. The symposium argued for the expediency of publishing documents on the history of political exile (primarily materials on the relationship of exiles with V. I. Lenin, the Central Committee of the RSDLP, and the labor movement), publishing popular science books and pamphlets about revolutionaries. It is recommended to pay more attention to the historiography of political exile, criticism of the works of modern bourgeois authors.

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G. A. Bochanova, L. M. Goryushkin, POLITICAL EXILE IN SIBERIA AT THE END OF THE XVIII-BEGINNING OF THE XX CENTURY. SOURCES AND HISTORIOGRAPHY // Tokyo: Japan (ELIB.JP). Updated: 29.01.2025. URL: (date of access: 10.02.2025).

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