On November 11-12, 2015, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the III All-Russian Conference " History of Oriental Studies: Traditions and Modernity "(IVTS). It was held within the framework of the project of the same name, which has existed at the Institute since 2012 on the basis of the Department of Postgraduate Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and since 2015 has been conducted jointly with the Center for Research on General Problems of the Modern East of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CIOPSV of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
Initially, the project was conceived as a logical continuation of the lecture course on the history of Oriental studies in Russia, offered to graduate students of the Institute of Oriental Studies 1. Gradually, it went beyond the initial scope of the school-conference and by 2015 began to cover a variety of topics and forms of work events. In total, over the past three years, more than 70 researchers from 20 research institutions have participated in its work, two collections of scientific papers have been published, 2 and a third one is being prepared for publication.
An important factor contributing to the development of the IVTS was the interest of the Russian scientific community, which increased with the holding of new conferences. Thus, the first IVTS conference (2013) was attended by 18 Orientalists from three research institutions. The second conference (2014) attracted 25 researchers from 17 research centers from all over Russia, completely changing the scope and capabilities of the project.
The trend continued by the time of the third conference. In 2015, it was attended by 40 representatives of 15 research institutions. Among them: Institute of International Relations and World History of N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University (IMOMI of N. I. Lobachevsky UNN), State Museum of Oriental Art (GMINV), Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity of RSUH (IVKA RSUH), Institute of Social Memory Research, Research University "Higher School of Economics" (National Research University Higher School of Economics), Center for Partnership of Civilizations of the MGIMO Institute of International Studies(U) Ministry OF Foreign Affairs OF THE Russian Federation (MCC) MGIMO(U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation), Faculty of International Relations of Voronezh State University (VSU), Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Islav RAS), Institute of Social, Humanitarian and Political Sciences of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov (NARFU named after M. V. Lomonosov), Asian Expert and Analytical Center of Altai State University (Alt.Moscow State Pedagogical University( MSU), Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IYAZ RAS), Chelyabinsk State University (Pers.State University), Pacific Institute of Geography (TIG FEB RAS), Institute of Oriental Studies RAS( IV RAS), Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov (ONU named after I. I. Mechnikov), Belarusian State University (BSU), Kyrgyz National University named after I. I. Mechnikov (ONU named after I. I. Mechnikov). Zhusup Balasagyn (KNU named after him. Жусупа Баласагына). Thus, about 60% of the conference participants are representatives of Moscow research centers, and 40% are guests from Russian regions and from abroad.
The conference included a plenary session (moderated by E. Yu. Vanina) and three thematic sections: "History of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies" (moderated by I. H. Minyazhetdinov, A. V. Demchenko), " History of Chinese Studies "(moderated by Yu. V. Chudodeev), "Orientalists and their works" (moderated by M. A. Pakhomova). The conference participants were offered two "round tables" devoted to classical methodology and modern problems of Oriental studies: "East and West in the light of civilizational theory" (moderator-L. B. Alaev), " Historiography of World Wars "(moderator-A.M. Khazanov).
The plenary session was opened by V. Ya. Belokrenitsky, Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who stressed that the event is taking place on the eve of a significant event - the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.-
PAKHOMOVA Maria Andreevna-Candidate of Historical Sciences, Junior Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, tyratan@mail.ru.
1 As of the end of 2012, only 3.5% of first-and second-year graduate students of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences received knowledge on the history of Oriental studies at their university (usually as part of the course "Introduction to Oriental Studies") [Pakhomova, 2013, p. 162]. This is probably a consequence of the growth in the number of universities that train Orientalists with a narrow practical focus in the 2000s, which occurred against the background of another round of strengthening relations with the countries of the East.
Istoriya vostokovedeniya 2: traditsii i sovremennost ' [History of Oriental Studies 2: Traditions and Modernity]. Moscow: IV RAS, 2014. 244 p.; Istoriya vostokovedeniya: traditions and Modernity. 2015. 276 p.
It marks the anniversary of the establishment of scientific Oriental studies in Russia and the foundation of the Institute of Oriental Studies. E. V. Molodyakova, Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, noted the rich thematic palette of reports, novelty and boldness in choosing the topics of scientific work. Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences N. G. Romanova emphasized that the history of Oriental Studies is a topical topic that constantly causes discussions in the scientific community. She shared her experience and impressions of working on the multi-year project "Unknown Pages of Russian Oriental Studies". E. Y. Vanina said that the theme of the history of Oriental studies and its methodology perfectly corresponds to the scientific needs of a young audience.
The report of S. V. Grigorieva and I. V. Ryzhov (both of the UNN Institute of Oriental Studies, Nizhny Novgorod) "Oriental Studies at Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University" was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the University (2016). The formation of Oriental studies at the Faculty of History and Philology of Gorky State University took place in the 1950s and 1960s.A more detailed and in-depth study of Oriental problems became possible by the mid - late 1970s. with the creation of the Department of History of Asian, African and Latin American countries (1980) and the publication of the works of O. A. Kolobov and SB. Senyutkina. Thanks to O. A. Kolobov, Middle Eastern studies became an independent area of the university's work. He also contributed to the development of American studies at the University, focusing on a comparative study of the formation of regional trends in the foreign policy of great powers in modern and modern times. His students-A. A. Kornilov, A. A. Sergunin, I. V. Ryzhov, Yu. A. Balashov, A. I. Lychagin. S. B. Senyutkin developed the history of relations between the Russian Empire and the states of the East.
L. R. Frangulyan's report "Historiography of the study of Coptic hagiographic cycles"was devoted to classical problems. E. Amelino and E. De Lacy O'Leary were pioneers in the publication of texts, and from a literary point of view they were first analyzed by I. Delee, who noticed similar points and identified some cycles. The range of texts in each cycle was clarified by T. Orlandi. Contributions to the study were made by E. Galtier and E. Winstedt, who investigated the family tree that developed around the martyrs Victor and Basilides. Discussion problems arose in the study of cycles-dating (the content does not allow them to be attributed to the same period) and originality. The second problem is discussed in the works of I. Delee and T. Orlandi. They (as well as the author of the report) are of the opinion about the originality of the cycles. R.-G. Koken, on the contrary, believes that it is impossible to find clear criteria to accurately determine the original language for these texts. According to the speaker, it is possible to distinguish the features of the texts that allow us to speak about the originality of the cycles. So, it is necessary to pay attention to the main character-a martyr of the Ancient Church, the absence of references to theological disputes (these points speak in favor of a late origin), the repeated resurrection of the hero, the motif of swaddling the soul, etc.
N. V. Safonova (IB RAS) presented a report "On the issue of studying the Alexandria edition of the Physiologist by domestic and foreign researchers". She noted the need to compare different versions with translations into Coptic, Armenian, and Ethiopian languages that are close to the original text, which would allow placing the Greek protograph in a broader context and clarifying its content.
A. A. Shimanskaya (GMINV) in her report "Domestic historiography of the study of Tibetan literature" noted its close connection with the development of Buddhology and focused on the issues facing modern researchers of Tibetan literature.
E. L. Komissaruk (RSUH) in her report "Essay on the historiography of Ladakh" outlined the reasons for the lack of knowledge of this region. Until the 1970s, Ladakh remained a closed border region, where foreigners were banned from entering. In her opinion, it is necessary to conduct research at the intersection of various Oriental disciplines - "for Tibetologists, Ladakh is just a" fragment " of Tibet in India, and for Indologists - a peripheral phenomenon of the Indian world."
A. V. Zhidchenko (Institute of Research. In his report "Reconstruction of the historical heritage of Nizami Ganjavi in the modern urban cultural space on the example of the latest historiographical practices in Oriental studies", he concluded that it is important to address the literary heritage of Azerbaijan when considering not only the urban space of this country. The speaker highlighted various options for preserving the historical memory of the poet.
A. Y. Krylov (Institute of Oriental Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics) in his report "From the History of Russian Linguo-Arabic Studies" considered the emergence of Russian military Oriental studies in the first half of the XIX century as a scientific and practical form of research, and spoke about the training centers for military Arabic translators in the XIX century.
The section "History of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies" is organized on a regional basis due to the significant number of registered participants (about 25% of the total number).
E. V. Smirnova (IV RLN) in the report " Arab Orientalists in Russia in the XIX-early XX century . On the issue of forming scientific and educational ties" emphasized that the attraction of Arab teachers to Russian educational centers during this period was associated with Russia's political, cultural and religious initiatives in the Middle East, which contributed to the development of domestic Arabic studies and Russia's interaction with the Arab world in the field of science and education.
A. A. Leontieva (Islav RAS) made a report "The problem of Islamization in the Bulgarian lands of the Ottoman Empire in modern Bulgarian historiography". According to the author, this problem became particularly acute at the turn of 1980-1990 as a result of discrimination against the Muslim population of Bulgaria. The key issue here is the reasons for the local population's conversion to Islam.
In his report "The Phenomenon of Hamas: Approaches in Western Historiography", A.V. Demchenko (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) examined the perception of Hamas in the Middle East, its representatives ' vision of the features of creating a "Muslim state" and the consolidating factor of confrontation in the process of forming a Palestinian statehood. Significant results have been achieved in the Islamization of everyday life, but not by the state, but by activists and officials with the tacit consent of the state. The peak number of innovations occurs in 2010, when Salafi-jihadist groups in the Gaza Strip increased, and in 2014, which is associated with the emergence of the IS group. The process is proceeding very cautiously, largely due to positions within the movement itself.
The object of G. V. Lukyanov's research (HSE) is The Journal of Libyan Studies and its place in the historiography of the history of Libya. The journal of the Center for Libyan Studies (Great Britain) is a vivid example of a specialized academic publication with a representative international editorial board. By November 2015, the magazine was discontinued. In four years of work, seven issues were published. In the genre of reviews, which is really critical, a significant place is given to the review of the Lockerbie case, international sanctions, the consequences of the events of September 11, etc.Articles by representatives of two leading research trends - Italian and American, closely related to the British, and the most important role of English-language historiography in Libyan studies are presented to the maximum. The author of the report noted the absence of publications by Russian authors on the journal's pages.
O. O. Budaev's report "Modern Historiography of Libya"continued the Libyan problems. He reviewed various schools studying modern Libya and agreed with the previous speaker, highlighting the Anglo-American and Italian schools, as well as the young Russian school, whose first comprehensive works appeared in the 1980s.
A. A. Chokaeva (IB RAS) presented an analysis of the work of American scientist Andrew Scott Cooper- " The Lords of Oil. How the US, Iran and Saudi Arabia have changed the balance of power in the Middle East," noting the pragmatic nature of Iran's foreign policy and its interest in cooperation with the West. Topic of N. A. Berenkova's speech (UNN, Nizhny Novgorod): Novgorod) - "Confessional dimension of the Middle East conflict of the XXI century in English-language literature".
A number of reports were devoted to the history and methodology of Oriental linguistics. S. A. Ragozina (RSUH) reviewed "The experience of using corpus Linguistics tools in Islamic studies", and Z. K. Aibazova (Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) "Karachay-Balkar language in the works of domestic and foreign Orientalists". A.V. Vladimirova (Higher School of Economics) examined "Methods of using corpus Linguistics tools in Islamic Studies". network analysis in Russian and foreign Oriental studies".
Section "History of Sinology".
Yu. V. Chudodeev (IB RAS) spoke about the study of China in the China Department of the IB of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He showed the general process of formation of Russian Sinology, focused on the achievements of many outstanding Sinologists, emphasized the importance of this branch of Oriental studies, noting that Soviet Sinology, the development of which in those years was controlled by the state, never became a strategic science in the USSR.
R. M. Ziganshin (IB RAS) in his report "Study of 36 stratagems in Russia" noted that in Russia the research process began with acquaintance with the translation of Haro von Senger, the introductory article to which was written by Academician V. S. Myasnikov. Later, a translation by V. V. Malyavin appeared with comments. L. S. Vasiliev, O. V. Zotov, N. I. Chuev, and A. I. Voevodin paid special attention to this topic. Chinese stratagems were also used by other researchers, whose works are not yet known to a wide audience.
L. P. Chernikova (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) made a presentation on "Russian Emigrants-Orientalists and their works on the study of China". So, in China in the first half of the XX century there were about a million Russians, concentrated mainly in the major cities and ports of China and in the zone of the China-Eastern Railway. Russian Orientalists-economists and ethnographers, geodesists and geologists, physicists and chemists-made a serious contribution to the study of the region. The author especially noted the contribution of the writer-naturalist N. A. Baykov, ethnographer D. P. Pershin, orientalist-writer L. V. Arnoldov and naturalist, archaeologist and ethnographer V. V. Ponosov.
T. A. Belova (UNN, Nizhny Novgorod State University) Novgorod) addressed the topic "The nationalistic character of Chinese patriotism: a problem statement in foreign and domestic historiography". She suggested considering the activities carried out by the Chinese authorities within the framework of the patriotic education program. The speaker pointed out the numerous interpretations of Chinese patriotism as nationalism by Western authors based on a special interpretation of historical events.
A. M. Kulikov (Institute of Chinese Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) presented to the participants of the conference "The first Russian collection on Sinology"- "Works of members of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Beijing" (1852-1866). In total, from 1852 to 1866, four volumes of Trudov were published in St. Petersburg under the auspices of the Asian Department, and in 1909-1910 in Beijing, the printing house of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission published a complete reprint of the collection without any changes. In total, the four volumes include 28 materials on economics, religion, literature, technology, and customs in China. Seven of them are translations of various Chinese works. The authors and translators were members of the 12th, 13th and 14th Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Beijing. There is no exact information about the editors and initiators of the publication in the literature. Due to the conversion of the Beijing mission from a scientific diplomatic mission to a purely missionary one, the publication of the collection was discontinued.
The section "Orientalists and their works" was devoted to the personalities and scientific heritage of Orientalists of various eras.
O. V. Zotov (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in his report "Two anniversaries of great Russian Orientalists" emphasized that in 2015-2016 there are two anniversaries of half - forgotten Russian Orientalists-150 years since the birth of Lieutenant - General A. E. Snesarev and 200 years as a privy councilor and corresponding member. V. V. Grigoriev Academy of Sciences. The author dwelled in detail on the life and scientific path of researchers and concluded that " the generals-Orientalists V. V. Grigoriev and A. E. Snesarev not only developed the Russian science of the East, not only went down in history, but also really did it. Russian Herodotus Grigoriev and Russian Sun Tzu of the XX century. Snesarevs were able to work "not with a sword, but by other means".
A. N. Aleshin (ONU, Odessa) presented the report "Mikhail Afrikanovich Terentyev-Major General of the Russian army, orientalist, writer and my great-great-grandfather". He spoke about the life and work of his ancestor and the materials that he found in the archives. A. A. Rabrodov (NARFU, Arkhangelsk) in his speech "Professor V. M. Beilis (1923-2001) as a researcher of Arabic medieval literature" reviewed the biography of the scientist, highlighted his main scientific directions. V. S. Boyko (Alt. GU, Barnaul) In his report "Russian / Soviet Informatics in the first half of the XX century: personnel, ideas, institutions", he showed the main stages of the formation of this direction of Oriental studies.
V. V. Akimchenkov (MSPU) noted the role of A. N. Bernshtam in the development of Soviet Oriental studies. He pointed out that the first generalizing works devoted to the Orientalist aspects of the scientist's activity date back to the Soviet period. Thus, even during the lifetime of A. N. Bernshtam, his name appeared on the pages of the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia" of the second edition. Brief information was also included in the third edition of the BSE, as well as in the "Soviet Historical Encyclopedia". Biographical information about A. N. Bernshtam is included in the "Brief History of the Kyrgyz and Kyrgyzstan", a short encyclopedia on the history of Kyrgyzstan and a biobibliographic reference book for doctors of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan. The 80th issue of "Brief Reports on Reports and Field Studies of the Institute for the History of Material Culture", published in 1960, was devoted to research in the field of history and archeology of the peoples of Central Asia, which A. N. Bernshtam had been dealing with for many years. Several attempts have been made to compile a list of the scientist's published works, but it still remains incomplete.
Four reports were discussed in the format of the" East and West in the light of civilizational Theory "round table.
L. B. Alaev (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) analyzed such iconic concepts as"Orientalism, Eurocentrism, Oriental Studies and civilizational values". In his opinion, the "creation" of Oriental studies by representatives of the West is an instrument of expansion, and as history has shown, it is successful. Viewing the East through the prism of the West is a modern trend that is also evident in historical research. This is largely due to the lack of development of the ratio of world and local histories. "Agreeing with E. Said that the methodology of studying non-European countries is permeated with Eurocentrism, and in this sense, Oriental studies as a complex of sciences needs to be developed.
in a rethink, the material of the Eastern countries should become an indispensable component of such sciences as political science, history, economics, as it has already become in linguistics, religious studies and a number of other sciences."
M. V. Kirchanov (VSU, Voronezh) turned to special cases of the formation of Oriental studies. In Inventing and Imagining Orient: Intellectual Histories of the Origins and Foundations of Oriental Studies in American and Brazilian Historiography, he showed how "an adventurous approach has created the foundations for scientific research" in the United States and Brazil. The author gave examples of the "popularization of Oriental themes on American soil", starting with the mention of Egypt by Mormons and ending with the "transfer of Middle Eastern geographical terms and ideas of Messianism to American soil". This practice resulted in the founding of the first American Association for Near Eastern Studies.
Two reports were devoted to two diverse subjects in the East-West and East-East formats. In her report "Theoretical approaches to studying the problem of adaptation of Muslim communities to Western European society", she reviewed the works of Soviet and Russian authors, research by Western scientists, and the work of Turkish, Arab, and Pakistani researchers. In the problem area, attention was focused on different approaches to the causes of immigration of immigrants from Muslim countries and their position in European society, to the peculiarities of the integration policy of immigrants in Western Europe and interreligious interaction in the EU countries.
The round table ended with a report by M. A. Pakhomova (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) "East-East interaction and Middle East Studies in the PRC", devoted to the formation of Middle East studies in the PRC and the use of the concept of "civilization" as a means of foreign policy in the PRC on the example of the Arab foreign policy vector. Pointing out that the periodization of the development of such research in the PRC is generally similar to the periodization of the development of foreign policy, the author noted the presence of numerous research institutions in this area, whose work deserves high praise. As for the concept and methodology of civilizations, they can be considered on the example of China's foreign policy discourse, which includes such concepts as" Arab "and" Islamic " civilization.
Reports of the round table" Historiography of world warriors " are devoted to the First and Second World Wars.
A. M. Khazanov (IB RAS) chose for the report "Historiography of the role of Russian Freemasons in the First World War". Only in 1955 was the book of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the first Provisional Government P. N. Milyukov published, which serves as proof of the existence of a group of Freemasons in the Provisional Government. N. Berberova's work, published in 1972, revealed the role of Russian Freemasons in the First World War and gave an answer to the question of why Kerensky did not conclude a separate peace treaty with Germany, as the Bolsheviks later did.
Yu. Yu. Kuzmin (NSU, Nizhny Novgorod) Novgorod) focused on "The political significance of the leveling of military castes during the First World War."
E. V. Dunaeva (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in her report "Iran during the Second World War: Historiography of the issue" noted that there are a significant number of works on this issue, including Western European literature. The works of English-speaking authors are dominated by such topics as the presence of Allied troops in Iran, the presence of Soviet troops after the end of the war, and its impact on the development of democratic movements. The impact of World War II on Iran is poorly represented in Soviet Iranian studies for political reasons. In Iran, this problem has been studied since the 1980s.Data from the archives of Great Britain, France and Germany were used, the issue of sending allied troops was considered, and the problem of paying an indemnity to Iran was considered. The opening of access to the archives of Russia and the CIS countries in the 1990s allowed us to cover this period in a new way. The author noted the works of J. Hasanli, A. B. Orishev, N. Kozhanov and A. Nikulin, as well as the chapters "The Soviet Union and Iran (1933-1945)" and "The USSR and the Kurdish question (1939-1945)" in the collective monograph "The USSR and the Countries of the East on the Eve and during the Second World War", published by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
D. A. Mileev (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) will speak on "Domestic Historiography of Japan's participation in World War II". In Russia, less attention was paid to Japan's participation in World War II than to Germany's participation. The reason is obvious - Germany was the main opponent of the Soviet Union.
The ongoing project "History of Oriental Studies: Traditions and Modernity" demonstrates the growing interest in historiography, methodology and history of Oriental studies as an integral science.
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