V. S. PARSADANOVA. Soviet-Polish and Soviet-Rumanian Relations on the Eve of the Second World War (September 1938-Sept ember 1939)
Throughout the late 1930s the Soviet Union spared no effort to prevent a new world war through a system of collective rebuff to the fascist aggressor. In March, 1939 the royal Rumania abandoned its vassilations between the German-Italian and the British-French blocs to become a satellite of Hitler Germany. The Polish ruling elite, together with Fascist Germany took part, in September, 1938, in the partition of Czechoslovakia. Following the Munich deal Poland found itself isolated on the international scene. In March, 1939 the country re-orientated itself, though somewhat inconsistently, towards the British-French bloc. In spring and summer 1939 the USSR repeatedly offered Poland a union against fascist aggression. Mutual guarantees to Poland and Rumania were a standing USSR's proposal at the talks with Britain and France. The rejection by the Polish government of all Soviet proposals and the anti-Soviet stand of Poland and Rumania contributed to the failure of the talks.
V. K. KISELYOV. Partisan Struggle Against Fascist Special Agencies in Byelorussia
The author draws on a wide range of documents to characterise the fascist occupationist agencies which through provocations, espionage and terror sought to undermine the struggle of Byelorussian partisans. He provides a detailed analysis of the complicated situation in which the partisan counter-espionage bodies found themselves in their struggle against numerous fascist special agencies and their agents and shows that all the attempts to sap the partisan movement failed. As the partisan movement unfolded in Byelorussia a highly efficient system of counter- espionage bodies was created which embraced all levels of partisan formations.
A. I. ALEXEYEV. G. V. MELEKHOV. The Discovery and the Early Stages of Development of the Amur and Maritime Areas by Russians
The article demonstrates the logical nature of these areas joining Russia which is seen as an outcome of the economic development by the Russians of the Trans-Baikalia and southern Yakutia and of the activity of the Kasak detachments led by Vasily Poyarkov and Erofey Khabarov between 1643 and 1653. The Kasaks travelled three times along the Amur, they were the first to explore, map and describe the region. The article rebuffs the current attempts by Chinese historiography to distort the history of the discovery by the Russians of the Amur and Maritime areas and their joining Russia.
V. I. RUTENBURG. Early Bourgeois Revolutions
The early bourgeois revolutions in Germany, the Netherlands and England were spearheaded against the feudal state of things. The radical change, however, was brought about by the French revolution. The revolution in the Netherlands, the first victorious bourgeois revolution, has ushered in the capitalist era, and was of an all-European significance. The traditional Soviet view holds that it is the English bourgeois revolution that has opened the bourgeois epoch. A more precise periodisation of the modern history is indispensable for a more precise definition of the socioeconomic and political features of the capitalist and feudal structures, the author argues.
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"Problems of History", N. 3, 1984
Articles: V. S. Parsadanova , Soviet-Polish and Soviet-Rumanian Relations on the Eve of the Second World War; V. K. Kiselyov . Partisan Struggle Against Fascist Special Agencies in Byelorussia, A. I. Alexeyev, G. V. Melekhov . The Discovery and the Early Stages of Development of the Amur and Maritime Areas by Russians. Controversial Problems: V. I. Rutenburg, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Early Bourgeois Revolutions. Historical Essays: V. A. Dyakov . Realistic Traditions in Russian and Soviet Historical Belles-Lettres; A. I. Nemirovsky , The Enigma of the Etruscans. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys; E. I. Kamentseva . "Auxiliary Historical Disciplines"; V. G. Baev . Study of the History of Parliamentarism and Political Parties in the FRG. Reviews ; The Construction of Socialism in the USSR and Collapse of Opportunism; V. A. Shishkin. "The Period of Recognition" and the Soviet Fereign Economic Policy (1924 - 1928); V. I. Startsev. Collapse of the Kerensky Regime; Akaky Surguladze. Progressive Results of Georgia's Joining Russia; The First Serbian Uprising of 1804 - 1813 and Russia. Book Two. 1808 - 1813; R. G. Bogdanov. The USA: Military Machine and Politics; The Emergence of Soviet Oriental Studies; J. Charlot. Le gaullism d'opposition (1946 - 1958). Histoire de gaullism. (Paris). International Ties of Soviet Historians. Facts, Events, Peоple. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals, New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
de la revue "Questions d'histoire",N 3, 1984
Articles: V. S. Parsadanova . Les relations soviéto-polonaises et sovieto- roumaines a la veille de la Seconde Guerre mondiale; V. K. Kissélev . La lutte des partisans contre l'activité subversive des services spéciaux fascistes en Biélorussie; A. I. Alexeév, G. V. Mélikhov . La découverte et la domestication primitive du bassin de l'Amour et du Primorie par les Russes. Discussions: V. I. Routenbourg , membre correspondent de l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S. Les hautes révolutions bourgeoises. Apercus historiques: V. A. Diakov . Les traditions realistes des belles lettres historiques russes et sovietiques; A. I. Nemiroyski. Une enigme etrusque. La science historique en U.R.S.S. et а l?etranger. Revues : E. I. Kamenetskaïa. Les " disciplines historiques auxiliaires "; V. G. Baïev. L'etude de l'histoire du parlementarisme et des partis politiques en R.F.A. Comptes rendus; L'edification du socialisme en U.R.S.S. et l'echec de l?opportunisme ; V; A. Chichkine. Les "reconnaissances en chaine" et la politique economique exterieure de l'U.R.S.S. ( 1924 - 1928) ; V. I. Startsev. L'echec de la kerenchtchjna ; Akaki Sourgouladze. Les consequences progressistes du rattachement de la Georgie a la Russie; La premiere insurrection serbe de 1804 - 1813 et la Russie. Livre deuxieme. 1808 - 1813; R. G. Bogdanov. Les Etats-Unis : la machine de guerre et la politique ; La gestation des etudes orientales en U.R.S.S.; J. Charlot. Le gaullisme d'opposition ( 1946 - 1958). Histoire de gaullisme (Paris). Les liens internationaux des historiens sovietiques. Faits. Evenements. .Hommes. Articles dans les revues historiques sovietiques et etrangeres. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et a l'etranger.
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revista "Cuestiones de historia"N3, 1984
Articulos: V. S. Parsadánova . Relaciones sovietico-polacas у sovietico- rumanas en vispera de la Segunda Guerra Mundial ; V. K. Kiseliov . Lucha de los guerrilleros contra la actividad subversive de los servicios especiales fascistas en Bielorrusia; A. I. Alexéev, G. V. Mélijov . El descubrimiento у el potenciamiento primario de la region del Amur у el Primorie por los rusos. Problemas de discusion : V. I. Rutenburg, miembro correspondiente de la AC de la URSS. Primeras revoluciones burguesas. Ensayos historicоs: V. A. Diakov . Tradiciones realistas de las bellas letras historicas rusas у soviet-cas; A. I. Nemirovski . El enigma etrusco. Сienсia historica en la URSS у en el exterior: Resúmenes: E. I. Kámentseva . "Disciplinas historicas auxiliares"; V. G. Báev . Estudio de la historia del parlamentarismo у los partidos politicos en la RFA. Reseñas: Edificacion del socialismo en la URSS у fracaso del oportunismo; V. A. Shishkin. El "periodo de reconocimientos" у la politica economica exterior de la URSS (1924 - 1928); V. I. Startsev. Frustration de Kerenski у su politica; Akaki Surguladze. Consecuencias progresistas de la incorporation de Georgia a Rusia; La primera insurreccion servia de 1804 - 1813 у Rusia. Libro segundo. 1808 - 1813; R. G. Bogdanov. EE.UU.: el aparato militar у la politica; Proceso de formacion de los estudios orientales sovieticos; J. Charlot. Le gaullisme d'opposition (1946 - 1958). Histoire de ' gaullisme. (Paris). Relасiоnes internacionales de los historiadores sovieticos. Hechos. Acontecimientos. Personas. Articulos en las revistas historicas sovieticas у extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS у en el exterior.
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