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Printing was, as is well known ,one of the necessary prerequisites for bourgeois development. 1 However, broad circles of readers are not always aware of the trials that both those who published and those who were published often went through at that time.
Japan Online · 6 days ago 0 27

Aggravation of national relations in a number of Western European countries in the 60-70s of the XX century. it helped to increase the interest of foreign science in the history of small nations and peoples that are now part of multinational capitalist sta
Japan Online · 6 days ago 0 23

Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1983. 256 p. The founders of scientific communism were the first to reveal the interdependence of the British labour movement and the national liberation movement in Ireland. They noted that the suppression of national liberation forces
Japan Online · 6 days ago 0 25

НЕ обезболивайте, не отключайте меня от меня Светлана Алексиевич работает сейчас над новой книгой. На сей раз автор "Чернобыльской молитвы" и "Цинковых мальчиков" пишет о любви. Как и предыдущие книги писательницы, "Чудный олень вечной охоты" - это художес
Japan Online · 8 days ago 0 15

Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1981. 374 p. Although the book by G. P. Kuropyatnik, a senior researcher at the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, is devoted to a relatively small period in the history of Russi
Japan Online · 8 days ago 0 25

To the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory During the Great Patriotic War, the Northern Sea Route was an important transport communication through which military and national economic transportation was carried out. There are two groups of messages ident
Japan Online · 8 days ago 0 17

In the history of the British trade union movement, an important place is occupied by the struggle of trade unions against the Taff court decision and its consequences. This aspect of the history of the Taff affair has not been the subject of much study. I
Japan Online · 8 days ago 0 26

American bourgeois historians, when studying the colonial period of US history, usually emphasize the "exclusivity" and "democracy" of the development of the English colonies in North America. The situation in the English colony of New York, which until 16
Japan Online · 8 days ago 0 17

The study of the 28-year period of English history-from the restoration of the "legitimate" Stuart monarchy in 1660 to the "glorious revolution" of 1688-1689-is of undoubted scientific and theoretical interest. The study of various problems of restoration
Japan Online · 8 days ago 0 16

Published in 1836. In Sovremennik, John Tanner, a review of the book by an American who was abducted as a child by Indians and lived among them for 30 years, A. S. Pushkin described American bourgeois democracy: "For some time now, the North American State
Japan Online · 9 days ago 0 29
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