TOP PROBLEM CHINA, INDIA AND THE U.S.: THE CORRELATION OF FORCES IS CHANGING by F.N.Yurlov, Dr.Sc. (History) Keywords: global crisis, India, China, USA In times of global economic and financial crisis relations between India, China and USA are of paramount importance, especially given the recession in Europe and a sluggish economy in USA and Japan. Despite the crisis, India and China are experiencing high rates of economic growth. However, they are not isolated from the global economy, and each country has its own response to its manifestation. POLICY. ECONOMY TALIBAN'S INFORMATION WAR: WASHINGTON TOOK UP A DEFENSE POSITION by N.A.Tsvetkova, PhD (History), St. Petersburg State University. Part 1 Keywords: Afghanistan, information warfare, public diplomacy, the U.S., Pakistan In connection with the withdrawal of coalition troops from Afghanistan in 2014, the efforts in the humanitarian and socio-economic sectors to ensure stability and sustainable development of the country in the so-called transition period are becoming more and more important. A special role is played by the information component. Hailed by B.Obama in December 2009, a new strategy in Afghanistan includes implementation of a set of measures against the spread of ideology promoted by the Taliban movement and Al-Qaeda. XXI CENTURY PROJECT, OR RADIO TELESCOPE MEASURING A SQUARE KILOMETER by Yu.A.Voinov Keywords: Australia, South Africa, next-generation radio telescope, SKA Fierce competition is going on between Australia and New Zealand on the one hand, and a group of Southern Africa states led by the Republic of South Africa, on the other hand, for the right to become a place for the implementation of a unique research project - the construction of a giant radio telescope, which should consist of an array of different types of antennas installed at various large venues. It should eventually exceed all existing world counterparts. It is assumed that such super telescopes will help scientists to answer ... Read more

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Tokyo, Japan
12.01.2024 (197 days ago)
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