The beginning of this century was marked by an intensification of the global rivalry of the world's leading Powers for the sources of resources necessary for the successful development of their economies and strengthening their positions on the world stage. On the African continent, as in the rest of the world, we are talking about a clash of interests between traditional and new players, representing, respectively, the "old" and "young" centers of economic power in the world. To the first, L. L. Fituni, author of the book " Africa. Resource Wars of the XXI century" (Moscow, Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012, 248 p), refers primarily to the United States and EU countries. The second group includes new emerging "effective" international actors-China, India, Brazil, but also South Korea, Turkey, etc. The intensity of the" fight for Africa " causes analysts a persistent sense of deja vu - a repeat of the situation a century ago. It is clear that competition for access to markets and resources has continued unabated throughout the past century. However, for most of it, it was in the shadow of a planetary confrontation - a rivalry between two global socio-political systems. As a result, it was perceived at least as one of the side directions of the competition between the two systems. With the disappearance of the Soviet Union, the content of world rivalry seems to have returned to the starting point of the historical zigzag that occurred after the First World War. The countries of the world resumed the struggle for resources for their development, and this struggle was expressed in the redistribution of spheres of influence, attempts by some to open up new markets (both sales and purchases), and not to let new applicants go where, in the opinion of the actors already entrenched there, competitors have no place. L. L. Fituni's monograph shows that in today's polycentric world, less developed regions have once again become the scene of acute con ... Read more

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12.01.2024 (330 days ago)
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