Candidate of Historical Sciences
"I am a supporter of the Republic, I respect the history of France, but I don't want it to hide its shortcomings."
Patrick Lozes
Patrick Lozes is a French citizen, born in Porto-Novo (Dahomey, since 1975 - Republic of Benin) in 1965. His father, Gabriel Lozes, was Minister of Health and then Minister of Foreign Affairs of Benin. In 1979, the family moved to France. Patrick grew up in the suburbs of Paris. Since childhood, he was fond of medicine, received a diploma in pharmacy, then studied at a commercial school, worked in pharmacological laboratories. In the late 1980s, he began to show an interest in politics, and in 1988 he began working with Francois Bayrou, then head of the Union for French Democracy (SPD) party.
In 2003, Lozes founded the Cercle d'action pour la diversite (CAPDIV) Group, which aimed to fight discrimination, and in 2005 he created the Representative Council of Associations of" Blacks " in France and was elected its president.
In 2007, he published his first book, "We, the Blacks of France "(Nous, les Noirs de France. Paris: Ed. Danger public). A year later, he was elected to the Administrative Board of the American National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC), where he heads the French branch of the organization.
In 2009, he published his second book, Les Noirs sontils des Francais a part entiere (Blacks, Are They Completely French?). Paris: Ed. Larousse). P. Lozes plays a key role in the development of public policies to combat racism and discrimination in France. In his reports at the government level and in public speeches, he repeatedly stated the need to collect so-called "ethnic statistics", which, according to the leaders of the PSACHF, will help solve the problems of "blacks".
In an interview, Patrick Lozes*, President of the Conseil representatif des associations noires de France (CRAN), talks about who the"blacks" in France are, whose interests are represented by his Council, and why he ...
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