N. A. ASHIROVA Postgraduate student of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Federation Keywords: China, Russia, partnership, new world order 1After the collapse of the Soviet Union, relations between Beijing and Moscow experienced a period of uncertainty. Young "democrats" looked with some distrust at China, where the Communists remained in power, and Beijing - at the new Russia. So, the then Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Yu. Baturin even said that neither the Russian Federation nor the United States of America would benefit from China becoming the dominant power in Asia. However, this condition did not last long. A realistic approach prevailed in both capitals. Moscow came to the conclusion that rapprochement with China is in the interests of the Russian Federation, especially against the background of NATO's expansion to the east. So, the then Russian Defense Minister P. Grachev said that "if NATO goes to the east, we will also go to the east," alluding to China. During the 1990s, the estrangement began to be overcome, and both sides sought to return to constructive cooperation. Gradually, controversial issues found their solution. It was important that the two countries ' points of view coincided on many international issues, which, in particular, was reflected in their actions at the UN and in the Security Council. Russia and China helped prevent the escalation of the crisis on the Korean peninsula and opposed the escalation of aggression in Yugoslavia. Chinese leaders agreed with the two principles of the new bilateral relations proposed by Russian President Boris Yeltsin in 1994: first, these relations should be constructive and partner-like in nature; second, they should be inter-State relations built on a long-term basis and focused on the century ahead. Chinese leaders accepted these principles because Russia's proposals fully served the interests of both sides and were in line with the strategic thinking of Chinese leaders. R ... Read more

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