I. V. KOTENKO International Center of the Roerichs International Center of the Roerichs Keywords:, conference "110 years since the birth of Yu. N. Roerich" In October 2012, the International Scientific and Public Conference "110 years since the birth of Yuri Roerich"was held in Moscow at the International Center of the Roerichs (ICR). It was organized by the ICR with the support of the UN Information Center in Moscow. The event was co-organized by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Tsiolkovsky Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, the Vavilov Institute for the History of Natural Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the International Association of Peace Foundations, the International League for the Protection of Culture, the Roerich Charitable Foundation, and Master Bank. On the eve of this international forum, an exhibition of N. K. Roerich's paintings from private collections was opened. The anniversary conference attracted a lot of attention of the scientific community. The event brought together well-known scientists from many countries of the world. More than 400 representatives from various regions of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Estonia, Mongolia, India, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Italy, and France took part in the conference. More than 30 scientific reports and presentations were made. Among the speakers were students and collaborators of Yu. N. Roerich-Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E. P. Chelyshev, V. S. Dylykova-Parfionovich, Chairman of the Estonian Roerich Society K. A. Molchanova. Orientalists from different countries refer to the scientific works of Yu. N. Roerich. He became for them not only an example of an outstanding scientist, but also a moral guide. In honor of the anniversary, a hall dedicated to Yuri Roerich was opened in the Roerich Museum. The ICR has released a complete edition of his book "On the Trails of Central Asia", based on archival materials. page 57 The ou ... Read more

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