V. G. BUROV Doctor of Philosophy The city of Xi'an (the capital of Shaanxi Province) is associated with the name of Emperor Qin Shi Huang and terracotta statues of warriors and horses for many not only in China, but also abroad. TERRACOTTA STATUE MUSEUM In March 1974, a group of peasants from Lintui County, digging a well one and a half kilometers from the burial site of Qin Shi Huang (years of reign-221-210 BC), unexpectedly came across the remains of terracotta statues of warriors and horses. In 1976, similar remains were found in two other locations. As a result of research by archaeologists, it was established that they belong to the period of the first Qin emperor's reign. The discovery of terracotta statues caused a sensation in the scientific community and among the general public. The relics found were included in the 10 most valuable treasures of the cultural history of China. On the site of the finds, a museum was created - three pavilions, underground galleries, in which terracotta statues are located. When you get inside, what you see makes an indelible impression. In the first, with an area of over 14 thousand square meters, there are more than 6000 soldiers and horses, they stand in battle order. In the hands of the soldiers crossbows. In the second pavilion, which covers an area of 6 thousand square meters, there are approximately 1000 terracotta figures of warriors and about 500 horses, all of which are arranged in a certain order and are designed to confirm that the main fighting force was horse-drawn carts. The third pavilion, with an area of 520 square meters, has only a few carts and 68 statues. The height of each of the statues ranges from 1.78 m to almost two meters, and the weight - from 100 to 300 kg. As the archaeologists found, the clothing and equipment of the warriors were made manually, their torsos are hollow inside, they are made of clay using special molds. It was necessary to make considerable efforts to restore the statues, and to s ... Read more

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