I. O. ABRAMOVA Candidate of Economic Sciences Africa Institute Keywords: Arab revolutions, political Islam On December 6, the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted a round table on "The Arab Spring: Dialectic of the Objective and Subjective" as part of the Academic Council meeting. The main report was delivered by the Deputy Head of the Department. Director of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor L. L. Fituni. He noted that the Arab Spring is one of the most important turning points in the recent history of the region." He considers its main results at the global level: the expansion of the international positions of political Islam; point "energy emissions" outside the region; the emergence of a new vector of confrontation "NATO-antiNATO "("West-East" in a new configuration), a further decline in the role of African countries and their organizations (Afrosoyuz). as an independent international political force; bringing new actors to the forefront (Turkey); indirectly stimulating mass movements in Western Europe and the United States, which have a different primary basis, but are inspired by the Arab example. At the regional level, the main results of the "Arab Spring" were: a sharp acceleration of socio-political processes in North Africa and the Middle East; increased regional instability; change of political regimes; strengthening the position of political Islam; deterioration of the economic situation; strengthening the positions of the monarchies of the Arabian peninsula. L. Fituni elaborated on the dialectic of subjective and objective, endogenous He also gave his own assessment of the discussion on the correlation of internal and external factors in the Arab revolutions, noting that the role of the external factor in forming objective prerequisites in each country is minimal, in forming subjective conditions is quite significant, and in ensuring the fall of regimes is decisive. L. F ... Read more

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