Sensory form management: optimization, maximization, and efficiency. Celebration in Kalvaria Patslavska
The article describes pilgrimage to Kalwaria Pacławska - a Roman Catholic sanctuary in South-Eastern Poland on a Day of Assumption of Virgin Mary. The main emphasis is made upon the sensual relationship of the believers with the sacred and special forms mediating this relationship. The author examines how pilgrimage is organized by special lay guides possessing authority to plan the entire event and lead the groups of pilgrims. Their efforts are focused upon increasing the effect of sensual forms of the sacred. This goal is achieved through optimization of ritual, when some elements are omitted to make space for others. Consequently, not all religious gestures are performed with the same reverence. Such creative changes in the ritual are, however, legitimized within the habitus that rules religious attitudes of the faithful. Keywords: Roman Catholicism, religious habitus, sensational forms, Kalwaria Pacławska, pilgrimage. This article presents the results of field research on contemporary Catholic religiosity conducted at the Franciscan Sanctuary in Calvaria The research was conducted under a grant from the National Science Center of Poland N UMO-2013/11 / B / HS3 / 01443. K. Baranecka-Olszewska Management of sensory forms: optimization, maximization and efficiency. State, religion, and the Church in Russia and Abroad. 2016. N 3. pp. 148-171. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Kamila (2016) "Managing Sensational Forms: Optimization, Maximization and Efficacy. The Great Fair in Kalwaria Pacławska", Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 34(3): 148-171. page 148Patslavska is located in the south-east of Poland, a few kilometers from the border with Ukraine. It is one of the first calvarias1 in Poland, founded in the 17th century. Currently, it consists of forty-one chapels located on two hills opposite each other, which are separated by the Var River - the "Kalvari Cedar Tree". The nature of most of the religious practices that take place there corresponds to the d ... Read more

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Sensory form management: optimization, maximization, and efficiency. Celebration in Kalvaria Patslavska

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