Stewart C. EASTON. World History since 1945. San Francisco. "Chandler Publisher Company". 1968. XXI + 1087 p. American bourgeois historiography attaches particular importance to interpreting the problems of modernity in a light that is favorable to imperialism. This, in particular, is evidenced by the appearance of a number of "world histories" of our era. 1 American bourgeois historians, lagging behind their European counterparts in developing concepts of world history (primarily due to the long-standing influence of the doctrine of "American exceptionalism"), turned to these theories after World War II, mainly to justify the claims of American imperialists to world domination. Bourgeois historiography was influenced by the transformation of socialism into a world system, the rise of the national liberation movement, and the entry of many former colonial peoples into the international arena in the post - war decades. In the face of these facts, which testify to the doom of capitalism, bourgeois historians seek to impose on humanity their own imperialist alternative to the development of the world. The book under review belongs to this type of publication. Its author is S. Easton, who switched from teaching to research at the American Historical Association and the Academy of Political Science in 1962, is known for several books that focus heavily on the post-war period .2 However, only in a peer-reviewed paper describing the events from 1945 to June 1967 (relative to the Middle East). 1 R. Z. Heilbroner. Future as History. N. Y. 1960; S. H. Zebel and S. Schwartz. Past to Present. A World History. N. Y. 1960; H. Spall. World since 1945. Toronto. 1960; A. E. R. Boak and oth. The History of Our World. Boston. 1963; G. Peck and R. Lippe. The World in Our Day. N. Y. 1967; E. Wright. The World To-Day. N.Y. 1968 and others. 2 S. C. Easton. The Western Heritage from the Earliest Times to the Present. N. Y. 1961; ejusd. The Twilight of European Colonialism. A Political Anal ... Read more

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