The results of statistical and planigraphic analysis of ceramic complexes of the Chicha-1, Zavyalovo-5 and Linevo-1 settlements are introduced into scientific circulation. Different ratios of autochthonous and foreign cultural components were found on the monuments as a whole and in individual dwellings. A certain regularity in the placement of ceramic materials inside residential structures is noted. It is shown that the ceramics of the groups identified on the monument were involved in unified production processes.
Keywords: Western Siberia, transition period from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age, ceramic complexes.
Questions of cultural attribution of monuments of the transition period from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age remain largely debatable. Since the 9th century BC, the forest-steppe of Western Siberia has been experiencing processes related to the migration of various population groups and the formation of cultures of the transition from Bronze to Iron age in a number of adjacent territories. A special feature of settlement complexes in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia are the features that indicate the joint existence of various ceramic traditions - the Irmian - Late Irmian (autochthonous) and foreign cultures: the forest-steppe, steppe and taiga circle of cultures (Molodin et al., 2008, 2009; Molodin and Mylnikova, 2011). Ornamental traditions of different cultures can be traced in one vessel, which may indicate the simultaneous coexistence of carriers of these traditions and their interaction in settlements.
This paper presents the results of studying the ceramic complexes of the basic monuments of this era: Chicha-1, Zavyalovo-5 and Linevo-1 settlements (Fig. 1).
Discussion of the results
Chicha-1 ancient settlement. It is located in Yuzhnaya Baraba, in the Zdvinsky district of the Novosibirsk region.
This work was supported by the Program of Fundamental Research carried out jointly by the organizations of the Siberian Branch ...
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