THE RUSSIAN "OIL LANDING FORCE" IS INCREASINGLY LANDING ON THE ENERGY FIELD OF THIS ARAB STATE E. O. KASAEV MGIMO (U) student of the Russian Foreign Ministry Key words: Iraq, oil, Russian business, LUKOIL Overseas, Gazprom Neft, Bashneft, Rosneft After the overthrow of the regime of Saddam Hussein, four rounds of bidding for the licensing of national mineral resources were held in Iraq. According to the results of past auctions, international companies have obtained the right to conduct service work in the development of commercially discovered and potential fields. The main players in this constellation of foreign concerns remain Asian and Western participants. Nevertheless, Russian companies managed to win back their place in the sun and get the opportunity to participate in major projects in Iraq. What have domestic oil companies achieved and what position do they intend to take in the Iraqi oil market in the future? Speaking about the investments of Russian companies in the oil industry of Iraq, as well as the prospects for participation in various projects for the development of black gold deposits, it should be emphasized that an important achievement in the bilateral political and economic dialogue was the working visit of Iraqi Prime Minister N. al-Maliki to Moscow (October 2012). Speaking with Russian leaders Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev, Maliki noted the significant progress that has been made in various areas of bilateral cooperation and, above all, in such key areas for both countries as oil, gas, and investment.1 During his visit, the Iraqi Prime Minister also delivered a keynote address at the Russian Foreign Ministry's mansion and took part in the 5th session of the round table "Russia and Iraq: Strategic Cooperation in the 21st Century, a New Vector", held under the auspices of the Russian Foreign Ministry and with the participation of the Business Council for Cooperation with Iraq. Representatives of the Iraqi delegation emphasized that 10 new ... Read more

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