An. A. GROMYKO Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Keywords: poverty, hunger, globalization, UN Charter, global conflict, multiculturalism The unsightly facet of globalization is the poverty and hunger that accompany humanity. Poverty is widespread not only in developing countries, usually the poorest, but also in developed countries, even rich ones, where it would seem that it should not exist. The entire second half of the twentieth century was spent trying to overcome poverty and hunger, to put an end to the situation when hundreds of millions of people are not able to provide themselves with a decent existence. These goals have not been achieved, and the "poor billion" has every chance to remain so for many years to come. About the attitude towards the poor, even in rich countries, including in England, the English scientist W. Hutton frankly said: "Instead of helping the poor, society found it easier to revile, ridicule and even fear them. This reduces feelings of guilt and responsibility for the fate of others. After all, we tell ourselves, the poor have a choice. They can succeed if they want to. They don't deserve help, because they drink, smoke, loaf, and often resort to violence... Britain has a tradition of looking at the poor as a different race... " and it doesn't deserve any help1. Neocolonial Britain feels the same way about poor countries. All of the 1970s and 1980s were marked by expectations that the fall of colonialism would bring prosperity, if not abundance, to developing countries. That didn't happen. The world community is steadily divided into rich and poor countries, and the "development gap" has taken on gigantic proportions; such recognition has become a kind of "classic". I will quote in this regard the statement:"...most Earthlings live in poverty and deprivation, the scale of which is difficult for residents of rich countries to even imagine. How could such an absurd and morally unbearable situation arise?" This was ... Read more

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