A. A. NEDUVA, MD (Israel) Emigration Keywords: nostalgia, depression, memories of the motherland, adaptation to new living conditions The word "nostalgia" comes from the Greek words: nostos - homecoming and algess-pain, homesickness. Almost all modern dictionaries also record another meaning-longing for the past. The widespread spread of nostalgia among the population is facilitated by grandiose changes, breakdowns, and rapid lifestyle changes caused, on the one hand, by mass migration of the population, and on the other - by the collapse and changes in one of the world's superpowers, the former Soviet Union. The present is dull; Everything is instantaneous, everything will pass; What passes will be sweet. A. S. Pushkin. Dedication to A. E. Wolf " If life deceives you..." The beginning of the study of the phenomenon of nostalgia was laid in the XVII century by the Swiss psychiatrist Johann Hofer (he proposed the term itself). His research was continued in the XVIII-XIX centuries by the works of many authors, the results of which were summarized in his fundamental work "Nostalgia and Crimes" by the famous philosopher, psychologist and psychiatrist Karl Jaspers1. In the XX and early XXI centuries. people started talking about nostalgia in connection with the mass migration of people from different countries. The phenomenon of nostalgia is described in detail and colorfully in fiction, displayed in movies, etc. I. Severyanin, A. N. Tolstoy, I. Bunin, E. M. Remarque, A. Galich, I. Brodsky and many other writers devoted their works to nostalgia. But there are few serious scientific studies of this phenomenon, they are fragmented, which completely does not correspond to its mass character. When studying the mental state of emigrants, the overwhelming majority of authors (G. U. Soldatova 2, N. G. Neznanov 3, N. V. Tarabrina 4, T. Barankin 5, V. Goldenberg 6, etc.) focused on the manifestations of stress and depression. Meanwhile, people who have arrived i ... Read more

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