K. V. MESHCHERINA, Post-Graduate Student, Institute Of Africa, Russian Academy Of Sciences
Keywords: new Libya, parliamentary elections, "somalization", tribalism, terrorism, Libyan prisons
Today, democratic principles of building a society are declaratively recognized by the overwhelming majority of countries. Elections are held almost everywhere, and attempts are being made to implement the principles of multiparty system, separation of powers, and civil liberties.
However, most experts admit that forecasts regarding the approaching "fourth wave of democratization"1, which will affect both the Arab and Muslim world, are rather hasty. Attempts to build "new democracies" - both as an idea and as a political practice - in the modern world have proved to be more complex and contradictory than expected.
February 17 is another anniversary of the beginning of the Libyan revolution, which led to the overthrow of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 with the help of NATO military intervention. Over the past two years, after the colonel's departure, the country has tried to embark on a path of political transformation. In July 2012, the first parliamentary elections in decades were held - the General National Congress (GNC), designed to develop the constitutional foundations of the new statehood.
The transition to democratic processes in the country has not yet been crowned with success. Libya is what can hardly be called a single State. The country is blind to the" zones of influence " of numerous tribal unions that control oil fields, from time to time participate in tribal feuds and carry out reprisals against former Gaddafists. According to some experts, the Libyan conflict has entered a new phase of activity - the country is now called the new Somalia, and the political process going on in it is the "Somalization" of Libya.2
At the end of October 2011 The UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. 2016 on the end of the international operation in Libya, em ...
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