Candidate of Historical Sciences
Keywords: interethnic relations, interethnic conflicts, labor migration
China is one of the largest multinational countries in the world. In the early 1950s, the total number of non-Han nationalities was still very roughly estimated. In addition to the Han Chinese themselves, according to some estimates, there were more than 60 Han people in the country, according to others - more than 70 non - Han nationalities. Later, the official list of the country's peoples was established, which included 55 (with Han - 56) names of non-Han nationalities.
The Chinese Communist Party's approach to the national problem has repeatedly changed. Thus, before the formation of the PRC, the slogan of self-determination of nations (up to secession) was defended, which was due to the desire to attract non-Han peoples to the side of the revolution. For example, this slogan was widely used in 1947, during the formation of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region1. At the same time, it was assumed that the national-state
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The structure of China will be federal.
On the eve of the formation of the PRC, the slogan of self-determination of nations was removed. The CCP was fundamentally opposed not only to" broad autonomy " (gaodu zizhi), but also to any hint of the statehood of national autonomy areas within the framework of a single PRC. This was the position of the CCP at the time of the founding of the PRC, and it remains so today. This is due to the fear of a split in the country and possible attempts by some peoples to take advantage of the higher status of autonomy to secede from China. 2 On this occasion, Deng Xiaoping remarked: "Mao Zedong showed wisdom when he rejected all national autonomous republics"3. At present, the Chinese leadership strictly follows the line of preserving and strengthening the country's territorial integrity, does not accept any interference in internal affairs from outside, a ...
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