Research project "Development of a new methodology for dialogue and interaction between religion and science in Russia"
Vladislav Razdyakonov
The Discourse of Science - Religion Dialogue in Modern Russia: An Institutional Dimension
Vladislav Razdyakonov - Associate Professor, Centre for the Study of Religion, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia.
"Science and religion" discourse plays a significant role in shaping the intellectual landscape of modern European thought. The article covers three topics: (1) it explores the meaning of this discourse in Imperial and Soviet Russia, (2) it overviews institutionalization of this discourse in modern Russia, and (3) it presents recommendations for its further development. These recommendations are as follows: to avoid metaphysical and epistemological discussions and concentrate on pragmatic, social and economical aspects of "science and religion" dialogue; to develop studies of genesis of the conflict narrative; to practice purely historical approach to the subject without any epistemological prejudice, whether it inclines to dialogue or conflict.
Keywords: science and religion, institutionalization, history of the Soviet Union, history of Russia, scientific apologetics.
Razdyakonov V. [Institutionalization of the dialogical direction of the discourse "science and Religion" in modern Russia]. Gosudarstvo, religiya, tserkva v Rossii i za rubezhom [State, Religion, Church in Russia and abroad]. 2015. N 1 (33). pp. 11-29.
Razd'iakonov, V. (2015) "Science and Religion Dialogical Discourse in Modern Russia (An Institutional Dimension)", Gosudarstvo, religiia. tserkov'v Rossii i za rubezhom 33 (1): 11 - 29.
page 11THE formation of the discourse "science and religion" occurs in the first half of the XIX century1. The prerequisite for its appearance was the development of the philosophical system of positivism, which drew a clear distinction between "science", "religion"and " phi ...
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