V. G. BUROV Doctor of Philosophy Deng Xiaoping Keywords:, Memorial, Chongqing October 2009 I happened to participate in an international scientific conference on "The financial crisis and prospects for the development of world socialism", held in Chongqing. Deng Xiaoping's first years as one of the leaders of the People's Republic of China are connected with this city, where he headed the party committee of the Southwestern Region of China for three years - 1950 - 1952, and was the political commissar of the local military district. On his initiative, the city's People's Congress was built in the city - a local parliament that resembles the architecture of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. Since then, Chongqing has undergone major qualitative changes. First of all, it became the 4th city of central subordination with a population of 30 million people. Many nearby counties were added to it, now the city stretches for several tens of kilometers in length, the fact is that the terrain here is mountainous, as a result of which the blocks of city buildings are as if interspersed with the surrounding landscape. Our Chongqing colleagues were proud to introduce us to the ethnographic museum, which has a large exhibition dedicated to the history of the local territory, as well as the grandiose construction of the century - the Three Gorges hydroelectric power Station (Sanxia), located 2 hours ' drive north of the city, which is scheduled to come into operation in 2010. But the most interesting thing was waiting for us on the last day of the conference - a trip to Deng Xiaoping's homeland-in the city of Guangan, Sichuan province. Chongqing is approximately 200 km away, and the road passes through a picturesque area that is somewhat reminiscent of the North Caucasus. Until recently, the city under this name was not on the map, it was a small county. It appeared after Deng Xiaoping's death as a result of the connection of several rural settlements. Deng Xiaoping was born in the ... Read more

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