The mechanism of regulating migration processes between our countries needs to be improved. Some positive steps have been taken in this direction recently. With the active participation of the Federal Migration Service of Russia (FMS), a number of documents were prepared that allow for more effective regulation of labor migration issues. In October 2008, during the visit of Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Thiet to Russia, three agreements were signed in the field of migration between our countries. The agreement on temporary employment of Vietnamese citizens in Russia and Russian citizens in Vietnam for the first time clearly regulates the issues of attracting labor migrants, guarantees their rights and freedoms. In addition, a protocol to the agreement was signed, which allows regulating the status of Vietnamese migrants who remained in Russia after the collapse of the USSR and did not have an official status for a long time. The protocol sets out three conditions under which Vietnamese citizens who arrived to work in the USSR under the agreement of April 2, 1981, can continue their work in Russia. They need to obtain a work permit in Russia (and the protocol stipulates a simplified procedure for obtaining a permit), register for migration in accordance with Russian legislation, and register at the embassy or consulate of Vietnam. You must also have a valid national passport and meet these conditions within six months of the entry into force of this document. In our opinion, this agreement will finally settle the status of many Vietnamese people, remove them from the informal economy, reduce opportunities for corruption, and allow people to feel safer in Russia. The second document is an agreement on cooperation in combating illegal migration. It expresses the intention of Russia and Vietnam to implement measures to prevent illegal migration. The fact is that part of the migration from Vietnam is illegal. In this regard, it is important that Russia managed to conv ... Read more

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Tokyo, Japan
06.06.2024 (245 days ago)
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