Soviet historians and economists have written considerable literature on the problem of electrification in the USSR. A review of this literature was made in 1969 by I. M. Nekrasova [1]. However, it did not specifically consider documentary publications. Meanwhile, they are one of the most effective incentives for scientific research, in particular on this problem, and an effective means of promoting the ideas and experience of electrification. V. I. Lenin personally took care of publishing the materials of the GOELRO and the generalizing work of the "Commission" - the report to the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets "Plan of electrification of the RSFSR" 2 .
Lenin's concept of electrification, grounded in his numerous works, forms the methodological basis for the study of the topic. The theoretical and political importance of this concept led to the publication of V. I. Lenin's works in the form of special thematic collections. In the 1930s, the collection "V. I. Lenin on Electrification"3 was published three times . The collection of 1936 is the most complete in terms of the number of documents, structure and state of the scientific reference apparatus. The thematic publication of V. I. Lenin's documents on electrification theoretically armed researchers and stimulated generalization of electrification experience.
In the concrete historical aspect, the publication of documents and materials on this problem was started in 1939 by the magazine "Red Archive". Here, for the first time, a collection of documents "On the History of Electrification of the RSFSR"4 , which covered the activities of state institutions - the Electrical Engineering Department of the Supreme Economic Council, the Department of Electrical Construction (Elektrostroy) of the Supreme Economic Council and the Scientific Advisory Body of the Central Electrical Council (CES), which led the work on electrification in 1918-1919. The scientific value of this collection is that it highlights the initial ...
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