The article provides a forecast for the development of energy in the Eastern countries, which is based on the calculation of the countries ' primary energy needs, since it depends on the volume of purchased energy resources and the associated amounts of funds flowing into the energy sector. This calculation was based on the methodology of the International Energy Agency, which is based on a comparison of two main predictive indicators - the energy intensity of GDP and primary energy consumption per capita. Based on the calculations made, it was concluded that the energy sector of the East will remain carbon-based in the foreseeable future; the region, while remaining the leading producer of primary energy, will become its largest consumer; the dependence of both net importers and net exporters on foreign markets will increase; to ensure the expected macroeconomic indicators, the energy sector of most Eastern countries will need technological re-equipment, which will require attracting large investments. Keywords: energy intensity of GDP, energy production per capita, energy demand, energy supply, investment in energy, final energy consumption, energy balance. ENERGY DEVELOPMENT FORECAST FOR THE ASIAN AND AFRICAN NATIONS TO 2050 This article attempts to forecast energy development in the East - the main driving force of the world economy in the immediate future. The forecast is based on an estimate of the Eastern countries primary energy needs, which determine the volume of energy resources to be purchased and the amount of funds to be channeled into the energy sector. Methods used by the author were drawn up by the International Energy Agency on the basis of comparison between two principal indicators - energy intensity of the GDP and per capita energy consumption. A result of these calculations are the following conclusions: energy in the East will retain its carbon-based nature in the near future; the region, remaining the leading producer of primary energy, will ... Read more

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Full version: https://elibrary.org.uk/m/articles/view/EASTERN-ENERGY-DEVELOPMENT-FORECAST-UP-TO-2050
Japan Online · 51 days ago 0 31
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04.12.2024 (51 days ago)
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