Curriculum vitae: Religious and Social life in Russian regions
Review on: Religious and social life of Russian regions. T. I. / Scientific editorship of S. Filatov, Moscow: Letny sad Publ., 2014, 620 p . Religious and social life of the Russian regions, vol. II. / Nauch. edited by S. Filatov, St. Petersburg: Summer Garden Publ., 2016, 512 p. Introduction In March 2016, the second volume of the Russian-English project "Religious and Social Life of Russian Regions"was published. This publication is the eleventh book published jointly by representatives of the Russian academic community and the Keston Institute as part of the basic research "Encyclopedia of Contemporary Religious Life in Russia". During their collaboration, which began in 1997, the international authors 'collective has published such publications as:" Religion and Society. Essays on the modern religious life of Russia "(Moscow; SPb., 2002), " Modern religious Life of Russia. Experience of systematic description" (Vol. I-IV, 2003-2006)," Atlas of Modern Religious Life in Russia "(Vol. I-III, 2005-2009)," Religion and Russian Diversity "(Moscow; SPb., 2012)," Religious and Social Life of Russian regions " (Vol. I, 2014). However, if in the noughties the tasks of the collective's work were reduced to "introducing the reader to those in the religious life of our country that are little or not known at all" 1, and the publications were more focused on providing information and reference information about religious organizations (full names, number of members, leadership, addresses, contacts, etc.). etc.). Then the publications of the tenth years set as their goal the presentation of historical- 1. Atlas of Modern Religious Life in Russia, vol. 1, ed. by M. Burdo and S. Filatov, St. Petersburg: Letny Sad Publ., 2005, p. 7. page 251analytical information, namely, a description of the main trends in the religious and social life of the Russian regions. According to the project participants, the shift of emphasis from informational to analytical activities is primarily due ... Read more

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Curriculum vitae: Religious and Social life in Russian regions

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