It is difficult to overestimate the relevance of O. E. Nepomnin's monograph" The History of China. XX century". (Moscow, 2011, 725 p.). This study analyzes the complex and difficult process of formation and evolution of a transitional society in this country. On the basis of a large factual material, the development of China over a hundred years is shown, and the specifics of socio-economic and political processes of this period are analyzed. The author of the monograph considers transitivity both as a process and as a long-term state of Chinese society in the context of a multi-sided synthesis of traditional and modern principles in their complex interaction.
The author's approach is characterized by independence and novelty.
This monograph significantly differs from all previous works of historians in the vision of the historical process. Usually, the history of twentieth-century China is considered primarily as a series of revolutions and uprisings (the Yihetuan Uprising*, the Xinhai Revolution, the Revolution of 1925-1927, the People's Revolution of 1947-1949, also known as the National Revolution). To the same extent, all the periods between these revolutions are considered only from the point of view of political movements (national liberation, conscious democratic, revolutionary struggle under the slogan of Soviets, etc.). This kind of "revolutionary" concept is characteristic of both Chinese and Soviet historians.
In contrast, the author of the monograph considers the history of twentieth-century China not as a series of revolutions, but as a complex social state, as a systemic phenomenon in its specific development.
Thus, the author avoids classifying the Yihetuan movement as a "rebellion". Equally, the author does not apply the term "revolution" to the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty in 1911. (Xinhai Revolution), as well as to the intensification of the struggle against imperialism and militarism in 1925-1927.
Until recently, Soviet historians considered the ...
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