COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE ATTITUDE OF TANZANIAN AND ZAMBIAN STUDENTS TO THEIR COMPATRIOTS OF EUROPEAN AND SOUTH ASIAN ORIGIN Tanzania Keywords:, Zambia, tolerance, nation, students, diaspora Unlike Tanzania, Zambia, like most post-colonial African States, does not have an "objective" - at least partially pre-colonial-basis of national unity. None of the local cultures is able to play this role; the integration of the very different peoples of modern Zambia, often previously unconnected (or loosely connected, or in conflict), began only during the colonial period and thanks to colonialism. Thus, the historical and cultural basis for the formation of the Zambian nation cannot be anything other than the colonial socio-cultural heritage, including the English language. Some Zambians have noted in interviews that the people of Zambia "have similar cultures and traditions", "speak similar languages" , etc., but, of course, none of them could claim that they belong to the same autochthonous culture in the sense in which Tanzanians of different ethnic origins consider themselves to the native Swahili culture. There is no doubt that it is the existence of Swahili culture in Tanzania and the absence of a similar one in Zambia that caused the difference described earlier in the percentage of respondents in the two countries who are convinced of the existence of a single national culture and believe that there are only separate ethnic cultures, despite the attempts of the Zambian state, since the 1990s, to present multilingualism (and, consequently, multiculturalism) not as an obstacle, but as a factor contributing to nation building 1. Moreover, in terms of nation-building prospects, Zambia has at least one other constraint compared to Tanzania. In pre-colonial times, Tanganyika (mainland Tanzania), with the exception of the Kingdom of Shambaa (Shambhala), did not develop centralized expansionist political entities that, in a post-colonial independent state, could have becom ... Read more

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