The publishing house "Monuments of Historical Thought" published the book of Candidate of Historical Sciences O. N. Rozanov " Award systems in politics and ideology of North-East Asian countries "(Moscow, 2008, 364 p., fig., circulation of 1000 copies). For the first time in Russian and foreign historical science, the author analyzes the features of the state development of Japan, China, Korea and Mongolia through the prism of studying their award systems, which the author considers as an integral part of the political structure of the countries of the region. Pointing out the indissoluble connection of the award system with all the components of the political structure without exception - state institutions, norms of values, ideology, etc. - O. Rozanov reveals their role in mobilizing the elite strata of the nation and the broad masses to fulfill specific tasks set by the authorities in the interests of development, and often the country's survival (for example, in the case of period of wars). The work is based simultaneously on chronological and country-specific principles. Each chapter is devoted to a specific period in the development and evolution of award systems based on the example of individual specific countries in the region: the origin at the beginning of the XX century, the period of revolutions and wars of the first third of the last century, the eve of the Second World War, the war and post-war years, and, finally, the award systems of the countries of North-East Asia (NEA) at the present stage. The author shows how, with the strengthening of the central government, the interest of leading circles in the wider use of the award system in implementing state policy and, above all, in modernizing their states, strengthening military power, and developing international relations grew. At the same time, its main components - orders and medals - usually became iconic national symbols representing the identity and goals of the nation. Rich in events and sharp ... Read more

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11.07.2023 (578 days ago)
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