Collection of articles " Black and White in world history and culture "(Proceedings of the regional scientific conference. Yaroslavl, 2014. 131 p.) prepared and published by the Laboratory of African Studies and Oriental Studies of the Department of General History of Yaroslavl State University named after P. G. Demidov. The collection includes articles and reports of scientists, postgraduates and students of various humanities disciplines, but united by a common theme that raises a number of problems for researchers of regional, world, intellectual, cultural, gender, social, political history, as well as cultural studies, ethnology, and psychology. At the same time, most of the articles contain a historical context; their subjects are mainly related to issues and subjects of social anthropology. The problems raised by the authors lie in the bosom of interdisciplinary, historical-cultural and historical-literary studies. There is no need to recount in detail the content of this well-founded collective research, which seems, at first glance, genre eclectic. But only at first glance, because already in the preface to the work, prepared by T. M. Gavristova, it is explained that the content of the collection is built in strict accordance with the attitude to "black" and "white" as "an established dichotomy, the images of which are present in history and culture from ancient times" (p. 7). The preface emphasizes that the perception of black and white was not something unchangeable in time and space, it evolved, changing, in turn, not only moral norms and aesthetic standards, but also legal systems (p. 8). The first part of the collection is mainly concerned with the problem of presentation and interpretation of "black" and "white" in history and culture. In a certain sense, this part, which includes the articles by T. M. Gavristova "Joe and Peggy Appiah: a study in black and white", N. S. Naidenova "Chronotope in African migrant prose" and others, can be attributed to th ... Read more

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28.10.2023 (407 days ago)
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