Freedom and human rights are among the most important issues that are currently being hotly debated ideologically. V. I. Lenin noted that" for every revolution, "freedom is" a slogan that is very, very important. " 1 This slogan was also written on the banner of the American Revolution of the XVIII century. However, in order to judge its nature and results, it is important to determine what it actually gave to the people, what kind of freedom and for whom it was meant, and how much revolutionary slogans and declarations were embodied in "human rights".
This issue has become particularly relevant in connection with the 200th anniversary of the American Revolution, which was accompanied by the publication of a large number of books and articles. According to P. Mayer, "Uncle Sam's birthday" was marked by an unprecedented literary "expansion"2 . In addition to research, the pages of socio - political journals included materials about the nature and impact of events in those years on the subsequent development of the United States. In these publications, a prominent place is given to the issue of democratic "freedoms" and "human rights". A course of lectures was also delivered on this subject by prominent professors, public and political figures in the United States, which was later combined in a volume entitled "The American Revolution continues" 3 . Promoting this publication, the Saturday Review magazine devoted one of its issues to the topic "America's Influence on the World, 1776-1976" .4 The famous historian G. S. Commander wrote an article about the American Revolution as an "ideal" for the rest of the world, and the equally famous political scientist E. F. Goldman called it "The American Revolution".the "dream" of humanity.
To properly assess the outcome of the American Revolution, it is important to determine what were its causes and driving forces. In American historiography itself, there are deep disagreements between representatives of various trends on this ...
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