Back in 2003, a UNESCO report revealed that China has the largest number of students in the world-about 15 million.1 And in 2007, the Minister of Education of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Ji, said:: "The number of students in Chinese universities has reached 25 million, there has been a 5-fold increase in their number in just 9 years. Within a few years, Chinese higher education has evolved from elite to public. In many countries, this process has taken several decades. " 2 RESIDUAL SLOGAN COMMUNISM Slogans and banners with communist messages are still visible on university campuses, but in recent years they have become noticeably smaller, and they appear only before major holidays and anniversaries. In 2002-2005, slogans from the series " Hard work for the new semester!"," We will fulfill the 10th five-year plan!", etc. were even hung on bushes on the campus of the Nanfang 3 private Translation College, associated with the Sichuan Institute of Foreign Languages (tuition fee is 12 thousand yuan* per year). Sichuan Yinyaz (4.5 thousand yuan per year for English) in Chongqing and Jiayin University (Meizhou, Guangdong Province, fee-4.3 thousand yuan per year for the English department). Banners with Communist messages decorated the long balconies of the academic buildings. However, closer to the Beijing Olympics, all the calls were replaced by Olympic posters. In the old Jiayin Library named after a certain Li Qin, who even the students didn't know who she was, there were portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Deng Xiaoping at the entrance. The new library, named after the main sponsor, Hong Kong millionaire Tian Jiabin, opened in 2006, no longer has portraits of the leaders. They stayed in the old building, sealed up until better times. But the bronze statue of the sponsor, alive and well, nevertheless appeared in one of the academic buildings, also named after the businessman. This is how the "milestone shift" was clearly demonstrated, the ... Read more

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