Keywords: Algeria, USSR/Russia, bilateral relations In April 2012, the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences held a solemn meeting of the Academic Council dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the declaration of independence of Algeria and the establishment of friendly relations and Russian-Algerian diplomatic relations. The meeting was opened by the Director of the Institute, Academician A.M. Vasiliev. He stressed the huge role of the victory of the Algerian people in the struggle for independence in the collapse of the colonial system as a whole, as well as the importance of long-term and fruitful Russian-Algerian cooperation for both peoples and solving regional and sometimes global problems. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Mikhail Bogdanov addressed the meeting participants with a welcoming speech. He noted that Russia and Algeria are linked by strategic partnership relations: Algeria was the first country in the Arab world and Africa to sign such a Declaration in April 2001. Since then, three Russian-Algerian summits have been held-in 2006, 2008 and 2010, in addition to meetings of the leaders of the two countries at various international venues , including within the framework of the UN and the Group of Eight. Regular contacts have been established at the level of foreign ministers and heads of other ministries and departments. Cooperation with our Algerian friends, Mikhail Bogdanov stressed, is particularly important now, when the Middle East and North Africa region is undergoing a period of tectonic shifts, which, in fact, determine the future contours of not only the region, but also the world as a whole. "At such turning points in history," he said," it is important for us to regularly 'check our clocks' with reliable, time - tested partners. " Mikhail Bogdanov noted the closeness or coincidence of the positions of the two countries on key issues of our time, including the need to coordinate efforts in mult ... Read more

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