EMERGING POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC TRENDS IN NORTH AFRICA "Arab spring" Keywords:, North Africa, economic situation, "Muslim Brotherhood", multiple development scenarios "Arab Spring" has enriched the active vocabulary of Russian journalism and leaders of social movements with the fashionable terms "social elevators" and "Twitter revolutions", as well as the phrase "youth hillock". As a result of the Arab revolutions, the following ideologemes entered the academic discourse and everyday life:" political Islam"," moderate Islamists","Salafists". The economic categories - "national income", "investment", "savings", "economic growth" - are unfortunately much less frequently recalled. Meanwhile, it seems to us that it would not hurt to sum up some of the results of the "Arab Spring", relying not on the subjective-evaluative categorical pairs "freedom-non-freedom", "progress-regression", "fair-unfair", but on statistical data and facts that are not painted in propaganda colors. L. L. FITUNI Doctor of Economics V. G. SOLODOVNIKOV Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences In North Africa, the "popular revolutions" unfolded in different ways. They end up mostly the same. The year and a half that has passed since the fall of the ruling regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, and about a year since the beginning of the NATO bombing in Libya, which ended with the ritual murder under torture of Muammar Gaddafi, is a short time to make historical generalizations. However, for economists and politicians, who, unlike historians or philosophers, are more focused on operational information and analytics, it is significant. Although the socio-economic processes that blew up the Arab world are far from over, many of the predictions and illusions of a year ago have gradually begun to collapse. The real mechanisms and actual vectors of development of the situation in the sub-region were revealed. In the scientific literature, including o ... Read more

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