IMAN NASIRI (Morocco) ADIL GUEVARA* I'm nineteen years old. I go out into the street and join everyone in chanting slogans as sharp as a dagger, with which we want to destroy all the disgusting vices of our society. We don't have oil, yes, we are not as rich as the countries of the Middle East, but we young people want to work and do something for our country. And we are not allowed to participate in political life or be in power structures. And here I am shouting even louder, shouting slogans so that everyone can hear me, so that all of us young people can be heard. I'm sick of these rich sons, and I don't want to get rich just to go to private school. And I don't want to use my few acquaintances to be treated in a private clinic. I'll get my degree soon. And I'll have to look for a job. But how? I don't know who could help me. There's nothing special about me. And I don't want to go to France. Then neither here nor there will consider you their own. I would like to buy an apartment. But very expensive. We should get a car, too. But this is generally unthinkable, what kind of money... And so I want to travel! But you don't even have to dream about it. I'm just suffocating from all these impossibilities. So I fight every day. I'm going out for demonstrations. My colleagues call me Adil Guevara. Because I also want my country, Morocco, to embark on the road of progress, to be able to free itself from the ulcers that have covered our society. I want everyone to stop being hypocritical. I want everyone - both parliamentary deputies, ministers, and officials, well, everyone-to feel their responsibility, so that they can explain where all our troubles come from... I believe that the "top" think about it, think about what is best to do and how... But when will we see the changes? How much longer do we have to endure? The day before yesterday I met with my friend Hamza. He's always on the same page as me at demonstrations. He told me that he wanted to see me tonight, at ei ... Read more

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27.11.2023 (437 days ago)
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