DIPLOMATIC BOYCOTT DOESN'T STOP TAIWAN FROM TRADING WITH THE WORLD An economical car that runs not on gasoline, but on electricity, is a longed-for dream of designers in many countries. Dmitry Belov is bringing this dream closer, but, alas, not in Russia, but abroad - in Taiwan. And imagine, even if I was far away from my homeland, in a foreign language environment: everyone around me speaks Chinese, and feels quite comfortable. - There are conditions for doing what you love here. The equipment, though not the latest, is good. My colleagues are very friendly. The Industrial Technology Research Institute (on the outskirts of Taipei) is organized so that if you need instruments from another laboratory, you can access them. And, most importantly, it's not a problem to find people who are interested in your work and are willing to finance it. Even if the project does not promise a quick profit, - says Dmitry. At the academic institute in Chernogolovka, where Dmitry used to research conducting polymers, no one wanted to allocate funds for his work. And there was no modern equipment. So he accepted an offer from the Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan seven years ago, and he doesn't regret it at all. Dmitry likes everything in Taiwan, even the climate, in my opinion, is quite humid and hot. The people are friendly, but there is practically no theft. He rides around the city and to work on a motorcycle. "Sometimes, when you get home, you forget to take the key out of the ignition," says Belov. "In the morning, you find out that someone did it for you and put the key under your helmet." SHELTER FOR FOREIGN SCIENTISTS The fact that Taiwan, an island with a population of 23 million and devoid of any mineral resources, became one of the "Asian tigers" a decade and a half ago is not news. And today it continues to show good growth rates, especially in exports. Here's just one example:: in terms of foreign trade, this small country ranks 16th in the world. However ... Read more

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