By many indicators, the global economy is fairly confident in overcoming the global crisis. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts (April 2010) that global gross domestic product (GDP) will grow by 4.2% 2010.1 As always, the causes of the crisis and a relatively quick way out of it will be discussed by experts for a long time. But few seem to deny that two factors played a major, if not decisive, role: large-scale anti-crisis measures, primarily by the United States and other leading Western countries, and the high degree of stability of a number of emerging economies, primarily China and India. Most countries in Asia and Africa experienced only a slowdown in GDP growth, while in China and India it was small. According to this indicator ($4.91 trln2), trln)in 20093. Formally, it remained on the 3rd place in the world hierarchy only because of the weakening of the dollar against the yen, in which it is customary to calculate comparative GDP indicators of different countries. Given the generally favorable prospects for US economic development in 2010, China will overtake Japan in the coming months simply by raising the dollar against the yen. What the United States and other developed countries are seeking from China - a revaluation of the yuan - could have the same effect, but Beijing is not yet ready for this. However, even without playing on the exchange rates, the PRC gives such a GDP increase, which has already made the Middle Kingdom the second economic power in the world. Against this background, some experts, including the author of the article published below, Doctor of Economic Sciences A.V. Akimov, even had a natural question: was the crisis of a global nature? The fact is that the reduction of economies (and not just their growth rates) in terms of geographical coverage has not become widespread, contrary to what most experts predicted. Due to the law of uneven economic development of countries at different stages of economic maturity and integrat ... Read more

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