MEETING DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF NELSON MANDELA AT THE INSTITUTE OF AFRICA OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES On December 5, 2013, Nelson Mandela - the greatest political figure of modern times, the first black president of the Republic of South Africa, an outstanding human rights activist, a passionate opponent of apartheid, who for decades stubbornly defended his beliefs and forever left a memory of himself not only in Africa, but also in the United States-died in Johannesburg at the age of 95. peoples of the whole world. A meeting held at the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences on December 18 was dedicated to the memory of Nelson Mandela, which was attended by prominent African scientists, ambassadors of several African countries, diplomats, journalists, and members of the public. Opening the meeting, Academician A. M. Vasiliev, Director of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said that Nelson Mandela is certainly one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. His achievements go beyond his great contribution to the fight against racial inequality and the significant progress made by the Republic of South Africa during the presidency of Mandela (1994-1999). It is important to emphasize that he demonstrated great personal qualities, first of all-great dignity as a leader and as a person, and he put the interests of his people much higher than personal ambitions. He effectively prevented a possible civil war in South Africa, showing by personal example that the interests of the country and its people (and he considered all South Africans, regardless of skin color, to be his people) can and should prevail over a sense of revenge for humiliations and insults inflicted in the past. He suffered the most difficult trials - he suffered a 27-year prison sentence. After returning to active political activity, he was elected President of South Africa. At the end of his speech, A. M. Vasiliev said that the Institute of Africa emp ... Read more

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