V. E. CHAGALL Doctor of Philological Sciences E. V. KUKHAREVA Candidate of Philological Sciences The literature of the countries of the Arabian Peninsula is an organic part of modern Arabic literature, represented by writers from almost two dozen Arab countries. It is no exaggeration to say that the literature of these countries experienced a real revolution in the XX century, breaking down the forms and canons that had been established for centuries. Due to the religious and ethnic unity of Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, the common culture, national traditions, and the nature of the social changes taking place in them, one can note the relative uniformity in the development of the literatures of these Arab States, which have reached artistic maturity in just the last few decades. Since the mid-50s of the last century, due to the growth of oil production, these countries have experienced a powerful economic recovery. The processes of "Westernization", which affected many features of national identity, intensified. The traditional way of life was changing, and the lifestyle was dictated by domestic and industrial innovations, as well as powerful migration flows from various regions of the world. The formation of literature in these countries was influenced by the centuries-old Arab literary tradition, the literature of other Arab countries, primarily Egypt, Iraq and Syria, and, of course, the increasingly active penetration of Western culture in the region. However, the prose of small forms in the Gulf countries is formed in a different cultural situation than in other Arab countries, and in the course of its formation, it turns primarily not to adapting European models, as was often typical of the literature of many Arab countries, but mainly to mastering the experience of the Arab story itself and its further development. A significant role in the development of prose in the countries of the Persian Gulf region was played by the ... Read more

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